Village of


in Banat


Village News

15 Aug 2008 - Franz Klein, longtime president and honorary president of Association of Banat Swabians in Austria, author, and homeland researcher, passed away this morning.  Franz Klein, a native of Billed, wrote the defining book on his native village "Billed, Chronik einer Heidegemeinde im Banat in Quellen und Dokumenten 1765 - 1980" (Vienna 1980) "Chronicle of a low-land village in the Banat in sources and documents 1765 - 1980".  He was in his 89th year of life.  May he rest in peace.

The majority of the Billeder Schwabians settled in the Karlsruhe, Germany area. The head office for the Billeder HOG is in Karlsruhe, Germany, and is known as an active club. The HOG has published Ortssippenbücher, which consits of three (3) volumes. The books provides all the data for Billed from 1765-2000.

Besides having published the Ortssipenbücher, the HOG also publishes a "Billeder Heimatblatt, annually. It covers stories from the past and present with old and new photos. They still carry on their old traditions from the Banat, celebrating Kirchweih and having their regular dances.

On April 27, 2002, at 6:20 A.M.- Four young brave men from Billed, currently living in Karlsruhe, Reinhard Jung; Alfred Herbst; Hans Herbst and Werner Gilde. They planed a heavy task ahead of them. They traveled from Karlsruhe to Billed, Banat, Romania. The trip was not made by automobile but by bicycles. They were asked why the trip, - they responded, for the sport, it's been 280 years since the village of Billed was established. They delivered a special message from the mayor of Karlsruhe to the mayor of Temeswar and the mayor of Billed for it's special occasion.  In memory of the 200 birth of the Banater poet Nikolaus Lenau. Also in memory of the 150 birth of the famous Banater writer, Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn.

It took the four gentleman ten (10) days to travel from Karlsruhe to Temeswar and Billed. They documented their daily traveling distances and activities. They posted a daily photo and at the end several more photos are posted from their journey. To view a daily report of their journey, once page is open, place mouse on icons on left side, then click individual dates.

Village Coordinator

I was born in Knees (Satchinez) Banat, Roman. I experienced hard times after
WW-II, but with some luck, after eight years separation from our parents, we were united again in 1950. Since I have some background experience from the Banat, I took the task to volunteer as Village Coordinator for Billed. I would be pleased to discuss with you concerning the Donauschwaben.

"Did you know, the word "NO", never existed in a Schwob's dictionary."

The story of my escape from Romania: "Remember Where You Came From"







© 2006-2012 Alex Leeb, unless otherwise noted. - Report broken links

Today is January 18, 2012
Last updated:
Wednesday January 18, 2012

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