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Bogarosch, Bogarisch
Bogáros (Hungarian)
Bulgãrus, Romania (Official)
lies 20 km NNE of Hatzfeld (Jimbolia)
The Postal Code is 1956 and the village has its
own railroad station, ‘Bulgarus’.
The population of the village in 1910
was 2,636 of which 93.4% were German1930 there were 2,350 inhabitants (92.6%
German)1977 the population was 2,549
Bogarosch Ortsplan 1944 / Village plan of
1944 drawn by Dipl.-Ing. Paul and Christine Bitte.
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Note: The house numbers nearest to the streets
are the numbers used in 1952; the numbers on the inside are those used in 1769 when
the village was first settled
- Huttweide = Communal pastureland
- Weingärten = Vineyards
- Zigeunersiedlung = Gypsy Encampment
- Kaule = Waterhole
- Sportplatz = Sports Field
- Mühle = Mill
- Bahnhof = Railway Station