
Danube Swabian Community
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead

Villages Helping Hands

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors


Landsmannschaft Banater Schwaben e.V. Heimattag, Ulm 

29 May 2004

2004 Reunion Itinerary
Typical 2004 Reunion Itinerary

Sources: Alex Leeb, Nick Tullius, Richard Jäger [VP from the Society of Banater Swabians]
Publication by Jody McKim, 2004.

Group divisions contributed by Alex Leeb

BANATER DONAUSCHWABEN TREFFEN 2004 Banater-Donauschwaben Reunion held in Ulm May 29-30th [Saturday/Sunday]

Meeting in the Halls 1-4  [Sunday May 30th]

What's in store for 2004 ...  

The meeting of the Banat Swabians will be May 29-30th [Sat/Sun] in ULM (DONAUHALLE-Donauhalls). Over 10,000 people from the Banat will be there. In 5 Halls there will be tables set up for the Banat villages, whereas you can meet others from your village.

2004 Program

Saturday May 29th

If you are in Ulm on Saturday, at the "Ulmer Fußgängerzone" (that's the pedestrian mall near the "Dom" cathedral) there is an open-air show of Banat Swabian folklore groups and brass bands - it is very impressive, including the march to the Rathaus (city hall).

Sunday May 30th

  • 9:30 am Sunday: Holly Mass in the Donauhalle. 
    The festive mass with an original Swabian choir is considered the opening event (intended) for

  • This year, in the foyer there will be an exhibition about Banat churches in the 18th century, and about the Deutsches Staatstheater Temeswar.

  • Political meeting 

  • Meeting in the Halls 1-4

  • 2:30 pm Folklore and traditional music

  • Entrance hall will exhibition the churches in
    Banat and the theater in Banat. 

  • The Donauschwaben Central Museum in Ulm, invites all the Donauschwaben to visit the museum, on Sunday May 30, 2004, admission is FREE.

  • Bookstands will have books about Banat history, maps (the large and beautiful "Banat" wall map), prints of paintings by Stefan Jäger, CDs, etc.

  • Childcare will be provided in a small hall by Kindergarten teachers, for the whole day.

Five halls are utilized to accommodate the Banater village tables.  Some villages may have more than one adjoining tables, depending on the size of the village.  Hall maps are posted in many areas of the complex.

The Banat villages are divided into four groups. These groups may be in a different Hall each reunion.
View Groups

If you never attended a Donauschwaben Treffen, it is recommended, that you take in all the cultural activities.  Take along your camera, and/or something that records sound.

Meeting Halls - View Groups

Halls 1-4  [Sunday May 30th, 2004]

Five halls are utilized to accommodate the Banater villages.  Some villages may have more than one adjoining tables, depending on the size of the village.  Hall maps are posted in many areas of the complex.

The following Banat villages are divided into four groups
These groups may be in a different Hall each reunion.

The following villages will meet in:

HALL - 1

HALL - 2

Altkischoda/ Girok  Bruckenau  Deutschbentschek  Deutschsanktmichael 
Fratelia  Freidorf  Giroda  Giseladorf/Penjowa 
Giulwess/Iwanda/ Rudna/Jahrmarkt/ Ueberland  Johannisfeld  Josefsdorf  Kalatscha 
Kleinbetschkerek  Kowatschi  Mercydorf  Neubeschenowa 
Orzydorf  Paratz  Rekasch  Sackelhausen 
Sanktandres  Schag  Temeschburg  Tschene 
Uiwar  Ulmbach       

Other tables: Banater Youth, Nikolaus-Lenau-School, Notre-Dame-School.

HALL - 3

Aliosch  Arad  Bad Busiasch  Bakowa 
Baumgarten-Sentlein  Bergsaudoerfe  Bethausen  Blumenthal 
Darowa  Deutschpereg  Ebendodrf  Eichenthal 
Engelsbrunn  Fisch  Glogowatz  Guttenbrunn 
Hellburg/ Galscha  Kerelusch  Kleinsanktnikolaus  Koenigshof 
Kreuzstaetten  Lippa  Lugosch  Neuarad 
Neudorf  Neupanat  Nitzkydorf  Otlaka 
Pankota  Paulisch  Saderlach  Sanktanna 
Sanktmartin- Matscha  Schimand  Schoendorf  Segenthau 
Semlak  Traunau  Wetschenhausen  Wiesenhaid 

HALL - 4

Alt-und Neu-Moldowa  Altsadowa  Birda  Bresondorf 
Butin  Denta  Detta  Deutsch-Bokschan 
Deutsch-Stamora  Dolaz/ Gier/ Tolwad  Ferdinandsberg  Fodohausen 
Franzdorf  Frauenwiese  Gataja  Gilad 
Grossscham  Karansebesch  Kleinomor  Kleinschemlak 
Klopodia  Koenigsgnad/ Tirol  Liebling  Lindenfeld 
Morwatz  Orschowa  Perkos  Reschitz 
Schebel  Steierdorf-Anina  Tschakowa  Tschawosch 
Waldau  Weidenthal  Wojteg  Wolfsberg 

Other Tables

USA  KANADA  Oesterreich(Austria) 
France  Romania Firma UMT Temeschburg 
Klassentreffen  Russia & Baragnheimkehrer    

HALL - 5
Kinderhalle - Children's hall.

Last Updated: 26 Oct 2020

DVHH.org ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!