A Remembrance of the Past; Building for the Future." ~ Eve Eckert Koehler

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors

The Collected Works of Diana Lambing
Major Contributor, Translator, Editor & Mentor
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!

Diana Lambing, our resident Brit in the DVHH community, has been a part of the project since the beginning and she is priceless.  She's a go-getter with a great sense of humor.

Being fluent in English and German, Diana has translated an enormous amount of cultural and historical items for the DVHH.  Just look at all the translations she has done for us!  She initiated the original DVHH "Stories Worth Reading" section and since our collection of stories has blossomed tremendously and had to be spread out according to topic! 

Besides being a resource contributor and mentor, Diana served on the original DVHH Administration Team and is an active participant on the DVHH Mail List.  Diana is a valuable asset corresponding with our DS friends in Germany.

Diana, has been very generous with her time and contributions to the DVHH, which generations to come will appreciate.  Thank you Lady Diana! 

Literary Translation Collection

150 bestbewährte Backrezepte (150 Proven Baking Recipes) prior to 1945 (Diana was 1 of 2 translators for the entire book).

The First German Settlers in the Banat Community of Bogarosch

"The End of the German Banat Villages" Anton Zollner Series

Farewell to Stefan Stader 1923-2003

Deported to the Bărăgan 1951-1956, by Walther Konschitzky, Peter-Dietmar Leber & Walter Wolf

Images taken by Baragan deportees

Stefan Jäger Art - Misc. Paintings [Captions translated by Diana Lambing]

Compulsory Relocation to the Baragan by Franz Josef Beisser

Deportation to the Baragan - 50 years on

Baragan Book Image

Deportation to the Soviet Union

Journey into the Unknown

Life in our new Heimat by Helene Schuch

Our Resettlement in Germany by Helen Schuch

School Days in the 1940's & 1950's by Helen Schuch

My Escape From Romania by Herwig Stefan

Celebrating St. Nicholas Day in the convent

A Christmas Fairytale

New Year's Eve

October Snow (Poem)

Mercydorf Heimatbuch - Table of Contents

A History of Alexanderhausen by Franz Kühn

Last of the German Village, Alexanderhausen by Anton Zollner

Giving birth in Alexanderhausen by Waltraud Wilhelm

Birth and Baptism in Alexanderhausen by Elisabeth Sauer

Banat Animals

Crochet - Dollies made by Mari Pitzer-Cojocaru from Uihei-Neusiedel

The Typical Donauschwaben House

Donauschwaben Recipes & Related Photographs

Musician Photographs Contribution

The Origin of the Village Name of IECEA (Jetscha) by Norbert Neidenbach

"A potted history of the Village of Gross Jetscha" by Norbert Neidenbach

The Last of the German Village "Gross Jetscha" by Anton Zollner

The Beast of Apatin, as told by Luga-Nazl

Various Mercydorf Family Data

Immigrations & Travel

Revisiting the Banat, an account of our trip, May 16-24, 2004

  Editor: Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender of 1924

DVHH Administrative Positions & Volunteer Roles

Member of the original DVHH Administration Team

Village Coordinator for ...

Banat Lookups Guide

Interview with Diana

Diana is the Village Coordinator for villages ...

[Published at by Jody McKim Pharr]

Heritage » Collections » Lambing

Last Updated: 18 Aug 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!