Romania experienced the heaviest
flooding in 50 yrs
and over half of Romania Banat is
under water, 2005.
25 April 2005,
Jody McKim Pharr

needed! (circa 2005)
Agony and Resurrection The Easter holidays caught the Banat under water
A sad Easter,
with people that found themselves, within a few hours, without hope
for a life and without a roof over the head.
God wanted that the Timis county be
covered by water on the holiday. For thousands of people, the word
“home” now meant nothing. (caption translated by Nick
Tullius) |
From: "Nick
Tullius" <
Flood affected communities in Romania
receive relief aid
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 15:09:25 -0400
Source: World Vision
Source Data: 05/02/2005
ROMANIA - By Violeta Moisa & Andrea
Swinburne-Jones - World Vision has sent
relief supplies to communities impacted by
the worst flooding in 35 years in north-west
Romania. More than 3,500 people from 7
counties have been displaced by the floods.
A truck carrying 7 tons of relief supplies
arrived in Foeni village, about 200
kilometers north-west of Bucharest yesterday
afternoon. The
village is in Timis county, one of the most
Around 5,000 homes have been damaged in 145
villages and towns, according to the
national Defense Supreme Council. Bridges
and dykes have been destroyed making many
roads impassable. Drinking water, telephone
and electricity supplies have been cut in
some areas.
Villagers were impressed to see the truck
laden with food, water, clothes and blankets
arriving in the flooded area. "We have
received so much, we can now give to
others," said villagers in Foeni.
"Around 5,000 homes have been damaged in 145
villages and towns"
World Vision is concentrating its efforts on
the Foeni and Uuivar communes, following a
survey of affected areas and discussions
with the local authorities. These
communities can only be reached by
helicopter or heavy tractors. Many villagers
have been moved to safer areas by army
The houses are collapsing before our eyes. I
am in a village completely drowned
underwater. I can only stay on a small
island. People are
World Vision's Relief Team Leader, Eugen
Borlea said "I have never seen anything like
this before. The houses are collapsing
before our eyes. I am in a village
completely drowned underwater. I can only
stay on a small island. People are desperate
and wait for help. Little has been done for
them so far."
With funds raised by a national telethon,
World Vision plans to also reconstruct
houses and schools in affected areas. USAID,
the relief arm of the United States
government also pledged money to assist with
food, water and hygiene kits.
Due to constant rains and broken dykes,
water levels continue to rise, threatening
to expand to other counties and even cover
the entire
north-west part of the country. Heavy rains
are forecast across the country.
Relief intervention is planned for other
areas if the situation worsens.
An initial assessment shows most urgent
needs are water, food, disinfectants,
latrines, water pumps and filters, and tents
for displaced families.
Damage costs have
reached $27 million with the figure expected
to rise.
Contact: Violeta Moisa, Communications
Coordinator, +40-744-38-38-77
First published on April 29, 2005, 12:10.
Last updated on May 2, 2005, 09:58
For clarification:
Please note the old village names
recommended for DVHH sites (and familiar to
some of us Listers):
Uivar=>Uiwar (Neuburg an der Bega)
Foieni=>Fény (Hungarian; no German name
Happy Mother's Day,
Nick Tullius
Subject: Timis County -
badly affected by flooding
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 06:53:10
Hundreds of people evacuated due to floods
Heavy flooding hit the west of the country,
forcing an international airport to remain
closed for a second night and leading to the
evacuation of hundreds of people,
authorities said yesterday. Military
officers used rubber boats to evacuate
people from their homes in the villages of
Gataia and Denta after the River Barzava
burst its banks. The waters flooded 600
houses and forced the evacuation of hundreds
of people, said Colonel Mihai Benga of the
emergency services.
Some residents began returning home
yesterday as the waters subsided, said Major
Mircea Mica, a senior emergency worker in
the region.
Flooding blocked several roads near the city
of Timisoara, some 500 kilometers west of
The Traian Viua airport in Timisoara was
closed for a second night after heavy rain
flooded lights on the runway and lights used
to guide planes. Flights are being diverted
to the nearby western city of Arad.
Timis County in the southwest part of the
country has been badly affected by flooding,
with dozens of houses and hundreds of
hectares of land flooded this week.
In the nearby county of Caras-Severin,
hundreds of houses were flooded and several
roads inundated. Rail links in the region
were also disrupted, a statement said.
The damages at national level of the
inundation surpass 100 billion lei (about
2.7 million euros). The hardest hit counties
were Arad, Caras-Severin, Mehedinti and
Timis, where the rainfall recorded 120
liters per square meter.
Jody McKim
Serbia Floods Apr 16, 2005
SERBIA FLOODS - photo's - these towns
are under water...
4 aerial view photos - showing the flooded
village of Jasa Tomic, some 80 km (50 miles)
northeast of Belgrade, Tuesday April 26,
2005. Thousands of residents were evacuated
in Romania and Serbia as heavy rain caused
major flooding that also affected parts of
Hungary and Slovakia.
Jody McKim
floods have caused millions of dollars worth of damages in
Romania. From 1992 to 2000, the flood impact estimated by ANAR was a total of:
118 human
casualties 138,423 houses/holdings affected or destroyed in the six years for which data are available, 43,945 lost
animals 13,591 km of road negatively impacted by floods.
The estimated
damage for this period was 1.4 million dollars, or an
average of about USD 120 M annually. After 2000, a number of
floods caused a further multimillion worth of damage. The
preparation of special intervention units to preserve the
viability of hydro-technical structures is a priority for
This vulnerability
to floods is due to several factors, including: read
(Dead link, noted 2014)
Local Districts of Timis Affected by the Floods
as of April 2005 |
Locality (Official) |
German/other known
name |
No. of damages |
Buildings affected |
Belint |
Hungarian: Belence |
Berecute |
5 |
Birda |
All |
Brestea |
10 |
Chizatau |
14 |
Costeiu |
Nou |
13 |
4 |
Criciova |
Hungarian: Kricso, Kricsova
Cruceni |
75 |
114 |
Denta |
Denta |
9 |
14 |
Deta |
Detta |
Fardea |
Foeni |
German (none found) |
146 |
237 |
Gad |
Fodorhausen Hungarian: Fodorháza |
Gataja Hungarian: Gatalja |
56 |
381 |
Gavojdia |
German: Gavoschdia Hungarian:
Gavosdia |
Ghizela |
Hungarian: Gizela, Gizellafalva
Giulvăz |
Djulwes, Gilwas
Hungarian: Torontálgyulvesz
variants: Djulves, Giulwesz
Gruni |
1 |
Icloda |
Iohanisfeld, Ionel |
Johannisfeld Hungarian: Jánosföld
201 |
228 |
Jamu Mare |
German: Großscham, Freudenthal
Hungarian: Nagyzsám |
Lugosch Hungarian: Lugos |
45 |
Manastire |
9 |
41 |
Manastiur |
141 |
Margina |
Opatita |
Otelec |
Ótelek |
170 |
290 |
Peciul Nou
German: Ulmbach, Neupetsch, Neu-Wien
Hungarian: Ujbécs
variants: Ujpetsch, Ulbetsch, Ujpécs |
Remetea Lunca |
5 |
Rovinita Mare |
Omor |
1 |
70 |
Rudna |
All same |
1 |
4 |
Sacosul Turcesc
German: Türkisch Sakosch
Hungarian: Törökszakos |
Sculea |
37 |
117 |
Semlacu Mare |
German: Großschemlak
Hungarian: Nagysemlak, Mezosomlyo
10 |
Semlacu Mic |
German: Kleinschemlak
Hungarian: Kis Semlak |
12 |
Singeorge |
7 |
129 |
Sinmartinul Maghiar |
1 |
8 |
Uiwar (Neuburg an der Bega) |
at DVHH.org 2005 by
Jody McKim Pharr
