the Quarters:


Temeschburg Fabrikstadt Elisabetstadt Josefstadt Mehala Fratelia Freidorf
Friedorf Photos - 2005
September 2005, Jody McKim

We made a visit to the Freidorf Catholic Church and met the current Priest since 1989, Johann 'Hans' Dirschl, who was willing to assist us in anyway.  We inquired about families and he readily pulled out the church registry.  He showed us around the church and allowed us to take photos.  To the right you will see the cover of a book Priest Dirschl wrote himself.  Below are a few photos I took of the church and around the street.

church sign  entrance doors entrance to priest courtyard  back of church
courtyard  flower garden  alter balcony
alter stairwell to balcony & bell stairwell to balcony & bell the church bell 
very old cross, over a hundred years old  organ view from the balcony view from the balcony 
steeple top  steeple priest house priest house entrance 
priest house - side  priest room storage street view
building on property  old school  local transportation  
VII Freidorf Home
The Hungarian Property Tax 1828 Land Census Germans - No. 42 - Freydorf from book #5, Temes - LDS film no: 0623128-0623137 Extractions - by Mrs. Martha Remer Connor
151 Passenger Records at Ellis Island
Photos - 2005
Johnny Weissmüller "Tarzan" Article from the  1983 Volkskalender Neue Banater Zeitung by Ludwig Klein - now translated.

Temeschburg / Temeswar Coordinator: Jody McKim Pharr, GA, USA

© 2003-2012 Jody McKim Pharr, unless otherwise noted.  
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Last Updated: February 29, 2012