Name Variations
Wolfsburg (German)
Kúla (Hungarian)
Alsó-Kula (Other)
Felsö-Kula (Other)
Turm (Other)
Kula, Serbia (Official)
Town Information
Town Seal
The town of Kula is located in the autonomous province of Vojvodina in Serbia, which is part of the former Yugoslavia. Today, Kula is not only a town but also a municipality in the West Bačka District of Serbia. In recent years, the town of Kula has had a population of more than 20,000. The municipality of Kula has had a population of more than 40,000.
Of the six Donauschwaben regions (Banat, Batschka, Hungarian Highlands, Sathmar, Syrmira & Slavonia, and Swabian Turkey), Kula is in the Donauschwaben region of Batschka.
"Kula" is a Turkish word and means something like "Tower". During the Ottoman reign (1526 - 1699), there was no settlement called Kula, and definite references to a tower or fortress are not known. It could be likely that wandering shepherds from the Balkan countries first used the name for a place for which you could look far into the distance.
The Habsburg authorities wrote several times using the name "Kuhlau", so this name may also be used in German. For a short time, the official name of the town was "Bácskula".
Reference Books
Kula und seine Deutschen
Herausgegeben von Franz Blantz im Auftrag des "Heimatausschusses Kula"
"Kula and Her Germans"
Edited by Franz Blantz on behalf of the Kula Home Committee
© 1976 by hw-verlag Christof Hase, Peter Wranesch, 7302 Ostfildern-3.
Alle Rechte, einschließlich derjenigen des auszugsweisen
Abdruckes und der fotomechanischen Wiedergabe vorbehalten.
Satzherstellung: typokeller, Freudenstadt.
Reproduktionen: Elmar Weiler, Stuggart.
Druck: Druckerei Wolfgang Höhn, Stuttgart.
Printed in Germany.
Die Mitglieder der Heimatausschusses Kula (The Members of the Kula Home Committee)
- Blantz, Franz
- Burgermeister, Josef
- Heim, Josef jun.
- Horn, Franz jun.
- Keller, Franz
- Klär, Adam
- Mandl, Barbara
- Pauli, Georg
- Schmidt, Georg
- Schramm, Josef, Dr.
- Weber, Karl
- Weckerle, Jakob
- Zimmermann, Matthias
Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrei St. Georg
Kula in der Batschka 1771-1943 mit den Filialen
Kirchdorf am Inn 2007
Paul Scherer und Josef Fridrich
Schriftenreihe zur donauschwäbischen Herkunftsforschung
Band 136, 1
Deutsche Ortssippenbücher
Band B 410, 1
Herausgeber: Heimatortsgemeinschaft (HOG) Kula in der Batschka,
Arbeitskreis donauschwäbisher Familienforscher (ALdFF),
Zentralstelle fur Personen- und Familiengeschichte (Institut für Genealogie)
Bezugsanschrift: HOG Kula e.V., Matthias Klingwarth, Simbacher Straße 12, D-84375 Kirchdorf
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