Batschka Village List
Village List researched, compiled and published 2008 at by Jody McKim.
Last updated:
24 Jan 2021
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The Batschka [German] (Backa: Serbo-Croatian, Bácska: Hungarian) is now divided between Hungary and Yugoslavia (the western part of Vojvodina in Serbia), boundaries being: north of Császártöltés, Hungary, East of the Theiß rivers, south and west of the Danube River and centers to Novi-Sad, Zombor. Between the rivers Danube and Theiß with the cities Abthausen / Apatin, Neusatz / Novi Sad, and Ulmenau /
Batschka villages, websites, contacts, books, lookup guides and more! Indexed by German variant, Hungarian, Other and then Official:
A |
Abthausen (German) see:
Apatin |
Ada (Hungarian) Adda Ada, Serbia (Official)
A town and municipality in Serbia. It is situated near the river Tisa in Vojvodina province. Although the town is geographically located in Bačka, it is part of the North Banat District. |
(German) Óbecse / Obecse
(Hungarian) Stari Becej (Other) Becej, Serbia (Official)

(German) Alt-Keer (German) Ó-Kér / Ókér /
Okér (Hungarian)
Stari Ker
/ Ker (Older Serbian variant)
Bačka Dobra
(Older Serbian variant)
Pasicevo, Serbia (Older Serbian variant) Zmajevo, Serbia (Official)
Situated in the Vrbas municipality, in the South Bačka District, Vojvodina province.
DVHH Lookup Guide: Eve Brown - Altker, Batschka 1849-1944 Stegh, Peter.
Monument in Altker, photo taken by Andrea Ballreich
Auf Diesem Plac war von 1827. Bis 1944. Jahre Friedhop der Deutschen Evangelischen A.B. Kirchengemeinde in Zmajevo. I took these photos in September 2005. They show the entrance of the former German cemetery in Altker (today Zmajevo) in the Batschka. The text is: At this place was the German Evangelical cemetery from 1827 until 1944.
I don't know exactly when it was erected but it is the most dignified German cemetery in the Batschka I have ever seen. It is situated in a nature reserved area and a man watches everyone who visits the place. When we were there he asked us where we were from. And when I said that some of my ancestors are in that cemetery he got tears in the eyes and showed us all around.

Alt-Morawitza (German)
Bácskossuthfalva /
Bacskossuthfalva (Hungarian)
Stara Moravica, Serbia (Official) |
Alt-Palanka (German)
Ópalánka /
Opalanka (Hungarian) Stara Palanka, Serbia (Official) |
Altschowe (German)
SEE: Schowe (German) |

Alt-Siwatz (German)
Ószivácz /
Oszivacz (Hungarian) Siewatz (Other) Siwatz (Other)
Sovacz (Other)
Szivácz /
Szivacz (Other)
Stari Sivac, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Daniela M. O'Connor -
Ortsippenbuch Siwatz 1786-1944 by Hans Kunz
Bär . Dinges . Reuter . Vollweiter - "Siwatz ein donauschwäbisches Dorf in der Batschka" -
Apatin, Serbia (Official) Abthausen (German) Upathin (Other)
Apathin (Other)
Nagyárki /
Nagyark, Hungary (Hungarian)
Apáti /
Apati (Other)
DVHH Apatin Coordinators:
Beth Tolfree & Boris Masic (Correspond with Boris in German only please).
DVHH Village Site:
Apatin books by Josef P. Schwend - DVHH Lookups Guide:
Beth Tolfree
Apatin Familienbuch 1700-1945
Apatin Taufregister (all births), includes Heiratsregister (marriages 1751-1825)
Apatin Sterberegister
(deaths from 1750-1988)
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Beth Tolfree
Schwend's CD-Rom with
chronological listings of marriages (1751-1950) and births from 1750-1842 and 1895-1945. (It helps if the person has a time period within which I can begin to look.)
Familienbuch Apatin 1750-1825 by Jakob Schuy
Familienbuch Apatin in der Batschka 1750-1825. Jakob Schuy, AKdFF, Kaiserlautern, Germany. 2006. 901pp.
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Beth Tolfree
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judy Ottinger
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Beth Tolfree
Apatiner Heimatbuch
by Josef V. Senz (I can read the lists of names of Early Colonists of Apatin and of Apatiners who died in lagers. The text is in German so I cannot read his history of the community.)
Paul Abraham - An Operetta Composer:
He was born in Apatin (Abthausen) 02 Nov 1892. (His birth-house is situated in the main street in Abthausen and it stands just around the corner of the Post st. and Ulica Srpskih Vladara St. Vojvodjanska Bank is just opposite of the house). Paul Abraham died in Hamburg 07 May 1960. More complete info:
My Trip to Apatin 2004
- Beth Tolfree
PODOLSKI & SEILER Families of APATIN - Family of Beth Tolfree (An original DVHH PARTNER Family Page, Grandfathered in 17 Jul 2012)
Apatin, Batschsentivan, Karawukawo - Family of
Angelika Steckley (An original DVHH PARTNER Family Page, Grandfathered in 17 Jul 2012)
Private Homepage: Hans Quintus, born in Apatin - -Broken Link Jun 2012
Private Homepage:
Ancestors of Christopher Shaw - Apatin & Filipowa |
B |
Bácsföldvár /
(Hungarian) Backo Gradiste, Serbia (Official) |
Batsch Monoschtor (German)
Monostorszeg (Hungarian)
Batschki Monoschtor (Other)
Manoschter (Other)
Monostor (Other)
Nagy-Monostor (Other)
Bodrogmonoster (Other)
Backi Monostor, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Batsch Monoschtor Coordinator:
Vesna Ibrahimovic; will be providing information for
Batsch Monoschtor at
her Zombor site:
Batschka Topola (German)
Bereg (German)
Bács-Topolya /
Bacs-Topolya (Hungarian)
Topolya (Other)
Béreg /
Bereg (Hungarian)
Breg (Other)
Batschki Breg (Other)
Beryeg (Other)
Backa Topola (Official)
Backi Breg, Serbia (Official) |
Batsch (German)
Bács / Bacs (Hungarian) Bac, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Dennis Bauer -
Batsch Familienbuch in der Batschka 1830-1943
Batsch. Stefan Blaskowitz. Pannonia-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 1965. 115 Pgs. History of the town of Batsch.
H.O.G. Web Site: - Klaus Kempf, Ottobrunn, Deutschland
From Batsch to Trenton - The Trip to America in 1913 by the Lorenz Helleis Family. Dennis J. Bauer. Levittown, PA (Self published). 2004.
Stefan Blaskowitz. Pannonia-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany. 1965. 115 Pgs. History of the town of Batsch.
Familienbuch Batsch in der Batschka 1830-1943. Heimatortsgemeinschaft Batsch, Klaus Kempf, Falkenstrasse 5, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany. 2005. 1458 pp.
Private Homepage: Bauer from Palanka & Helleis from Batsch
Batschalmasch (German)
Almasch (German)
Heimerskirchen (German)
Hagymasegyha (Hungarian)
Almás (Other)
Hajmás (Other)
Halmás (Other)
Aljmaš & Bačaljmaš
Bácsalmás, Hungary (Official)
is a small town in southern Hungary in the region of Bácska (Bács-Kiskun County) close to the border with the Vojvodina region of Serbia.
Anton Hippich:
Ortssippenbuch der Deutschen in Batschalmasch (Bácsalmás), Volume I-IV, Backnang 1996, 1999, reference: Anton Hippich, Buchenhain 62, 71364 Winnenden.
Bácsalmás Batschalmasch Almasch Heimerskirchen Heimatbuch Donauschwaben Batschka, 1990.
Tafferner, Anton [Red.] und Heimatausschuss [Hrsg]: Bacsalmas (Batschalmasch): eine deutsche Marktgemeinde in Ungarn. München: Heimatausschuss, 1965. |
Bacs Bodrog (Hungarian)
Batschka, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide/(Family Connections)
Alice Spande
- Searching family connections using Ortssippenbucher and Familienbucher for...Abthausen/Apatin, Bacsalmas, Batschsentivan, Bukin, Csavoly, Filipowa, Gakowa, Gara, Hodschag,
Katschmar/Katymar, Kruschiwl, Kernei, Kolut, Nemesnadudvar, Neudorf (Novo Selo), Parabutsch, Stanischitsch, Tschatali (Csatalja), Tscheb, Tschonopel, Weprowatz, and other miscellaneous villages outside the Batschka. |
Batsch-Sentiwan (German)
Priglewitz (German)
(German) BacsSentiwan
(German) Bácsszentiván /
Bacsszentivan (Hungarian)
Szentiván /
Szentivan (Hungarian)
Úrszentiván /
Urszentivan (Hungarian)
Priglevica Sveti Ivan (Other) |
SzentIvan (Other)
Sveti Ivan (Other)
Sentiwan (Other)
Priglevica (Other)
Preigevica Sveti (Other)
Sankt Johann an der Schanze (Other)
Batschsentiwan (Other)
Prigrevica Sveti Ivan, Serbia (Official) |
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DVHH Lookups Guide: Hans Kopp - (Self-Help)
Batschsentiwan Settlers List
1764 to 1768
By Dr. Anton Tafferner “Heimatbuch Batschsentiwan”
DVHH Lookups Guide: Hans Kopp - (Self-Help)
Batschsentiwan Settlers Street Directory -
by year, name and house number listed by street name. By
Dr. Anton Tafferner “Heimatbuch Batschsentiwan”
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Paul Stagl
- Ortssippenbuch (1763 - 1827) Schuy & Scherer
Hemp Industry in Batschsentiwan, The ”White Gold" of the Batschka
Ortssippenbuch Batschsentiwan 1763-1827.
Jakob Schuy & Paul Scherer. Passavia Druckerei GmbH, 8390 Passau, Germany. 1992. Pgs. 565.
Apatin, Batschsentivan, Karawukawo - Family of
Angelika Steckley (An original DVHH PARTNER Family Page, Grandfathered in 17 Jul 2012)
Resource Contributor:
Hans Kopp Files

Daß auch in Batsch-Sentiwan Fasching gefeiert wurde, zeigt diese Bild. Hier wird am Aschermittwoch Bacchus begraben.
(E: Batsch-Sentiwan celebrated carnival, at Ash Wednesday Bacchus.)
1965 Donau-Schwaben Kalender; Publisher: Donauschwäbischer Heimatverlag Aalen/Württemberg. Contributed by Jody McKim |
Heimatbuch Batschsentiwan
Damaged St. John the Baptist Church
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09

With the roof gone, trees are growing inside the church
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09

The destroyed interior
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09
Salvaged monument from the destroyed German cemetery
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09

Memorial plague erected in 2006 for the destroyed German cemetery
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09

Communal gravesite for the German remains that could be found in destroyed cemetery
Photo by Beth Tolfree, Aug 09
Bezdany (Hungarian) Besdan
(Other) Bezdan /
Bezdan-fok, Serbia (Official)
Bezdans official homepage |
Batschborschod (Other)
Borsod-Szent-Lőrincz (Other)
/ Bacsborsod, Hungary (Official)
Bogjani (German)
Bogyán / Bogyan (Hungarian)
Boian (Other)
Bodjani, Serbia (Official)
Brestowatz (German)
Batsch-Brestowatz (German)
(German) Bresztovác
Szilberek (Hungarian)
Szilvas (Other) Brestovac (Official)
/ Backi Brestovac, Serbia (Official)
Batschka -
Bács Bodrog County -
West Bačka District Vojvodina - N District of Serbia; situated in the Odžaci (Hodschag) municipality
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DVHH Batsch-Brestowatz Coordinator:
Anton Petschner
Szilvás / Szilvas (Other) I've not found a substantiating reference of this variant being associated with Brestowatz in Batschka. Note: there is a Szilvás in Swabian Turkey, Baranya County.
Genealogical Records at the FHL
are recorded in the Village name: Bresztovacz. Roman Catholic Church records for Bácsbresztovác also called Szilberek, Hungary, now Backi Brestovac, Yugoslavia: Birth, Marriage and Death for years 1826-1895; microfilm no.: 605892; 639099; 639100; 639101; 639102. The 1828 Census: FHL microfilm no. 622963.
Village Books:
Affolder, Anton. Brestowatz in der Batschka. 1971, Freilassing, Pannonia Verlag. 236 pages.
Schmidt, Paul, Matthias Leinweber.
Ortssippenbuch Brestowatz in der Batschka
(Backi Brestovac, Szilberek, Ulmenau). 1988, Stein bei Pforzheim, Heimatausschuß Batsch-Brestowatz . 433 pages.
Werni, Stefan, Paul Schmidt. Ortssippenbuch Brestowatz in der Batschka. (Backi Brestovac, Szilberek, Ulmenau) 1986, Frankfurt, Heimatausschuß Batsch-Brestowatz. 664 pages (2 volumes).
Schmidt, Paul. Licht und Schatten. (Backi Brestovac, Silberek, Ulmeneau) 2006, 278 pages.
BRESTOWATZ in Memoriam-The Corpus Christi Monument in Sindelfingen, Germany, Das Korpus Christi Denkmal in Sindelfingen
Neighboring Villages/Towns:
Doroslo-Stapar, Milititsch, Hodschag,
Batschsentiwan, Filipowa
Sebastian Leicht - born Batschka Brestowatz
Private Homepage:
Mary Ann Fischer's "The People of Backi Brestovac"
Rootsweb SEARCH PAGE for over 30,000 individuals who lived in Brestowatz, Filipowa, Miletitsch, Hodschag, Weprowatz, Parabutsch & Sentiwan.
34771 entries as of Apr 30, 2013.
Private Homepage:
Jakob Werner & Barbara-Maria Didio from Filipowa, Brestowacz
Private Homepage:
Family of Peter Wacker from Hodschag, Batsch-Brestowatz
Private Homepage:
Genealogy of the Petschner & Seiler Families of Weprowatz & Brestowatz
Bukin (German)
Bácssulja /
Bacssulja (Hungarian)
Dunabökény /
Dunabokény, Yugoslavia (Hungarian) Buczi (Hungarian)
Buki (Hungarian)
Mladenovo, Serbia (Official)
Ortssippenbuch Bukin in der Batschka 1749-1945 by Jacob Schuy, Volumes I & II
Tribute to a Dedicated DVHH Volunteer, Maxine Schwellinger Jones
DVHH Memoir:
New Years Day By Adam Martini
DVHH Memoir:
On Becoming a Woodworker
by Adam Martini
Travel Memoir:
My Big Adventure: America - 1956
by Adam Martini
Bildband Bukin, 1749-1945.
Ein deutsches Dorf in der Batschka. Andreas Pfuhl. Perlinger Druck GmbH, 93437 Furth im Wald, Germany. 2002. 550 Pgs.
Ortssippenbuch Bukin in der Batschka 1749-1945. Band 1 & 2. Jakob Schuy. WB-Druck GmbH & Co., Buchproduktions KG, Rieden/Allgau, Germany. 1999. 1454 Pgs.
Resource Contributor:
Adam Martin & Hans Martini |
Bulkes (German)
Bulkesz (Hungarian)
Bulkeszi (Other)
Bulkess (Other)
Buljkes (Other)
Keszi (Other)
Maglíc, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Bulkes Coordinator 2004-2016:
Heinrich Stephan (Deceased)
B. October 31, 1928, Bulkes & died on 18 May 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany at 88 years old. His personal Bulkes Flight Memories
DVHH Village Site:
DVHH Memoir:
Danube Swabian Easter Customs Lebzelter And the Easter Customs for the People of the Village of Bulkes by Heinrich Hoffmann
Bulkes & World War II
[Bulkes Heimatbuch]
- The Story of One Young Survivor
[Bulkes Heimatbuch]
[Bulkes Heimatbuch]
Passau to Novi Sad 2004
- Heinrich Hoffmann |
C |
Csurog (Hungarian)
Curug, Serbia (Official)
A village in the municipality of Žabalj, in the South Bačka District of Serbia. It is situated in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.
Csurog: Till the Last Hungarian - "In the fall of 1941, Serbian partisans surprised, ambushed, disarmed and undressed the Hungarian police patrol from Csurog in a corn field. The two bound men were impaled on a nearby farm." (need new link)
D |
Dávod / Davod, Hungary (Official)
Located in Bács-Kiskun county, Hungary.
South of Baja, SW of Gara.
Dornau (German)
Dernye (Hungarian)
Déronya /
Deronya (Hungarian) Deronja (Other) Dernja (Other)
Deronje, Serbia (Official) |
(German) Doroszló /
Doroszlo (Hungarian) Doroslau (Other)
Doroszlo (Official)
Doroszlovo, Serbia (Official)
Die deutschen Familien in Doroslo und Stapar 1753 - 1895, by Peter Distl, Jockgrim 2007. (Heimatbuch) |
E |
Eugenwall (German)
Mackensenhorst (German)
Magazin (German)
Altfutok (German)
Ófutak /
Ofutak (Hungarian) Alt-Futok (Other) Alt-Futak (Other)
Futog (Other)
Ratkai (Other)
Futok (Other)
Ó-Futak /
O-Futak (Other)
Futak (Other)
Stari Futog, Serbia (Official) |
F |
Feketitsch (German)
Schwarzberg (German)
Feketehegy (Hungarian)
Bácsfeketehegy /
Bacsfeketehegy (Hungarian)
Feketehegyház (Hungarian) Crno Brdo (Other) Feketic, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Feketitsch Coordinators:
Brad Schwebler
DVHH Village Site:
DVHH Lookups Guide: Reiner P. Pister
- Familienbuch der Deutschen von Feketitsch in der Batschka by Brigitte & Gunther Wolf.
DVHH Memoir:
Customs on Festival Days Springtime & Easter - from the book "The Germans of the Community of Feketic / Feketitsch"
by Dr. Viktor Pratscher
Resource Contributor:
Brad Schwebler Files
Bus Trip to Sekitsch and Feketisch 2006
Private Homepage:
Schwebler, Pratscher, Schaefer/Schäfer, Thomas, Ort, Weber, Gutwein
Private Homepage:
Pfaff, Dinges, Stengel, Bolz/Boltz, Kohler, Scheer, Orth, Butscher & Grau |
Filipowa (German)
Filipsdorf (German)
Kindlingen (German)
Szentfülöp (Hungarian)
Filipovo (Other)
Szent-Fulop (Other) Sankt Philipp (Other) Filipovoselo (Other) Backi Gracac, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide: Dennis Bauer
- OSB Filipowa by Pertschi 1994
Filipowa Bild einer donaschwäbischen Gemeide. Paul Mesli, Franz Schreiber & Georg Wildmann. Verlag der Donauschwäbischen Kulturstiftung, Wien, Austria. 1992. 303 pp.
Ortssippenbuch Filipowa in der Batschka. Band 1. Johann Pertschi, Junkers Str. 78, D-7314, Wernau, Germany. 1989. Pgs.798.
Ortssippenbuch Filipowa in der Batschka. Band 2. Johann Pertschi, Junkers Str. 78, D-3249, Wernau, Germany. 1994. Pgs. 523. Also 2005 CD-Rom version with updates.
H.O.G. Web Site:
Private Homepage:
Jakob Werner & Barbara-Maria Didio from Filipowa, Brestowacz
Private Homepage:
Ancestors of Christopher Shaw - Apatin & Filipowa
Frankenstadt (German) Baja,Hungary (Hungarian) Baja-Frankenstadt, Hungary (Other)
Baja, Hungary (Official)
G |
Gajdobra see:
Neu Gajdobra |
Gakowa (German)
Graumarkt (German)
Gádar / Gádor (Hungarian)
Gakova /
Gákova (Other)
Kakat (Other)
Kakath (Other)
Gakovo, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Raymond Reu
- Ortsippenbuch Gakowa Batschka 1763-1895 by Johann Schnaterbeck
Ortssippenbuch Gakowa, Batschka, 1763-1895, Teil I. Johann Schnaterbeck. AKdFF, Goldmuhles Str.30, Sindelfingen, Germany. 1994. Pgs. 1129.
Ortssippenbuch Gakowa, Batschka, 1896-1943, Teil II. Michael Hutfluss. AKdFF, Goldmuhles Str.30, Sindelfingen, Germany. 2002. Pgs. 639.
DVHH Memoir:
Memories from Gakowa
by Katherine Hoeger-Flotz
Private Homepage:
The Reu/Graze Weigandt/Gunther Genealogy of Gakowa / Gakova
Gakowa Vineyards
Gedenkfeier in Gakovo Teil 1; 27 Sep 2009 (E:
Part 2 Commemorative ceremony in memory of Gakovo)
Gedenkfeier in Gakovo Teil 2 Erinnerung an die 8500 ermodeten Donauschwaben im Lager Gakovo in den Jahren 1945 bis 1948;
27 Sep 2009
(E: Part 2 Commemorative ceremony in memory of Gakovo of 8500 ermodeten Donauschwaben Gakovo in prison in the years 1945 to 1948, 27 Sep 2009)
Tuča u preduzeću u Gakovu
Gara (Hungarian)
Gara, Hungary (Official)
Located in Bács-Kiskun county, near Baja, in Hungary.
Die Deutschen Familien von Gara in der Batschka 1737-1945.
Josef Gatti & Wendelin Peller. AkdFf, Sindelfingen, Germany. 1997. Pgs. 800.
Commemorative Ceremony in Gara/Batschka - On July 6, 2007, a large commemorative ceremony and the consecration of the old cemetery in Gara marked the 60 anniversary of the forcible removal of Germans in Hungary. Gedenkfeier (Commemoration) in Gara/Batschka - 6 Juli 2007 Anläßlich des 60. Jahrestages der Verschleppung der Ungarndeutschen kam es zu einer großen Gedenkfeier und zur Weihe des alten Friedhofs in Gara. (translation by Hans Martini)
Gloschein (German) Glozsán Glozsány Gložan Dunagálos (Serbian)
West of Neusatz |
H |
Hajosch (German)
Heuers (German)
Wallersdorf (German)
Hajós, Hungary (Official)
Harta (German) Hartau, Hungary (Official)
Bács-Kiskun County
100 miles south of Budapest, Hungary, on the Danube river
DVHH Memoir:
The Beginning of the Following Sorrowful Story
Sunday, January
21ST, 1945
by John Knodel. The story is being transcribed from Hungarian to German from a daybook that John Knodel kept during his 33 month, 1000 day, imprisonment in Russia (Woroschilofka coal mine). Translation by Granddaughter, Gerti
Soderquist. |
Hodschag (German)
Hanfhausen (German)
Odschak (German)
Hódság / Hodsag (Hungarian)
Hodschach (Other)
Hodschak (Other)
Ucsak (Other)
Odzaci, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Paul Stagl
- Ortssippenbuch (1756 - 1945) Tuffner & Schuy
Ortssippenbuch Hodschag (both volumes, pub. 1995) by Martin Tuffner and Jakob Schuy
Ortssippenbuch Hodschag 1756-1945. Band 1 & 2. Martin Tuffner & Jakob Schuy. Ertl Druck, Wien, Austria. 1995. Pgs. 1636.
Ortssippenbuch Hodschag in der Batschka. Josef Harjung & Anton Reiman. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 1976. 514 Pgs.
Hodschag Photos by Izolda Kovács, 2012
Finding Aid to Hodschag (Hódság) - Batschka Village (now Odzaci, Serbia, Yugoslavia) Banat / Batschka by John Movius & Sarah Nunez. []
Private Homepage:
Family of Peter Wacker from Hodschag, Batsch-Brestowatz |
J |
Jarek (German)
Batschki Jarak (German)
Jarmosch (German)
Jármos /
Jarmos (Hungarian) Tiszaistvánfalva (Hungarian)
Ireg (Other)
Mali Jarak (Other)
Jarak (Other)
Backi Jarak, Serbia (Official)
Backi Jarak (Jarek) in Jugoslawien, 1787-1937
Jarek Village site (German)
Contact: Inge Morgenthaler Geschichte der letzten josefinischen Siedlung, Druck der "Verbaßer Buchdruckerei" des Heinrich Bleek, Novi Vrbas 1937. and ... "Printed by the "Verbaßer Printing Office"(History of the last Josephinian Settlement, Printed by the "Verbaßer Printing Office" of Heinrich Bleek, Neu-Werbass). Lookups in sections: Familiengeschichte/Family History; Unsiedlerfamilien/Re-settler families; or evacuee families; Nachzuglerfamilien/Late re-settler families; or late evacuee families.
Unser Dorf, Unser Leben, Unser Jarek - "our village, our life, our Jarek"
Author: Michael Schmidt
[Village book & map] Schulstr 1, 68542 Heddesheim |
Josefsdorf (German)
Zsablya (Hungarian) Józseffalva /
Jozseffalva, (Hungarian)
Zeble (Other)
Josifovo Selo (Other)
Zablja (Other)
Žabalj / Zabalj, Serbia (Official)
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A town and municipality in South Bačka District of Vojvodina, Serbia.
Located in southeastern part of Bačka, known as Šajkaška.
DVHH Lookups Guide: Conny Eberhardt -
Familien und Ortssippenbuch (Family & Village book) of Zabalj / Josefsforf. Author & Publisher: Josef Fridrich, 1991
Josefowa (German)
Józseffalva /
Jozseffalva (Hungarian)
Novi Knezevac, Serbia (Official) |
Juritsch (German)
Djördjpusta /
Djordjpusta (Other)
Szent-György /
Szent-Gyorgy (Other)
Baracska-Szent-György /
Baracska-Szent-Gyorgy (Other)
Gyurgyin (Other)
Jurics (Other)
Györgypuszta /
Gyorgypuszta, Hungary (Official)
K |
Karawukowo (German)
Karbok (German)
Wolfingen (German)
Bácsordas /
Bacsordas (Hungarian)
Karawukowa (Other)
Karavukovo, Serbia (Official)
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Familenbuch Karawukowo, Batschka, 1767-1944, by Josef Harjung, revised by Michael Hellmann, published 1996 by Michael Hellmann.
Karawukowo Passenger Records
Karawukowo Photos by Izolda Kovács, 2012
Karawukowo Photos
by Paula Schleis
Apatin, Batschsentivan, Karawukawo - Family of
Angelika Steckley (An original DVHH PARTNER Family Page, Grandfathered in 17 Jul 2012) |
Katsch (German)
Káty / Katy (Hungarian)
Kac, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Katsch Coordinator:
Andrea Ballreich
DVHH Memoir:
Katy (Katch) My Life, the Flight 1944-45
by Kathe Fichtinger
H.O.G. Web Site: |
Katschmar (German)
Katymár /
Katymar (Hungarian) Katjmar (Other)
Kacmar, Hungary (Official)
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DVHH Katschmar Coordinator:
Eileen Wilson
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Eileen Wilson
- Ortsippenbuch der ehemals deutschen Bewohner von Katschmar-Katymar in der Nord-Batschka (1748-1945)
written by Josef Pahl
Kernei (German)
Kernya (Hungarian)
Kerény /
Kereny (Hungarian) Kljaicevo (Other)
Kernyáya /
Kernyaya (Other) Kornau (Other)
Kernai (Other)
Gorni-Szentkirály (Other)
Kernyája / Kernyaja (Other)
Szentkirálya (Other)
Királya /
Kiralya (Other) Krnjaja, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judi Rill
- (Self-Help)
Kernei Online Passenger Records
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judi Rill
Familienbuch Kernei in der Batschka (Kernyája, Kerény, Krnjaja, seit 1948 Kljajicevo) 1765-1945 by
Schmidt, Johann, Rüthen, 1995
DVHH Memoir:
Roots remain along Danube by Paula Schleis
Familienbuch Kernei in der Batschka, Vols. 1 & 2. Johann Schmidt. Poderborn, Germany. 1995. 1629pp.
Kernei Familienbuch (1700-1945)
H.O.G. Web Site:
Kernei Ortsplan (Village Map) |

Kischker (German) Kleinker (German) Klein Keer (German)
Kiskér /
Kisker (Hungarian)
Mali Ker (Other)
Pribicevicevo (Other)
Backo Dobro Polje, Serbia (Official)
H.O.G. Web Site:
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Eve Brown -
Kisker-Kischkeer Batschka Menschen un Familien 1786-1944 published in Karlsruhe in 2006 by Georg Philipp Noee
Kölpény /
Kolpény (Hungarian) Kulpin, Serbia (Official) |
Kruschiwl (German)
Birndorf (German)
Bácskörtés / Bacskortes (Hungarian)
Körtés /
Krušovje / Krusovje
Körtvélyes /
Kruševlje /
Krusevlje, Serbia (Official)
Concentration Camp for German-Yugoslavs After World War II. by Therese Herscha (Schmidt) & Ricardo Quinonez. 2007. 114 pp.
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Gabriele Steger -
Kruschiwl (Krusevlje, etc): Familienbuch Kruschiwl, Batschka, 1826(1763)-1943 by Gertrud and Johann Schnaterbeck.
Forever Free,
story of a Kruschevlje
Concentration Camp Survivor
by Maria Goodsell nee Stark
Kruschewlje / Kruševlje is a small settlement (hamlet) in Serbia. It is situated in the Sombor municipality, West Bačka District, Vojvodina province. It is mostly populated by Serbs.
In Serbian, the village is known as Kruševlje, in German as
Kruschiwel or
Kruschiwl, and in Hungarian as Körtés
or Bácskörtés. There were also some other, less used names such as
Birndorf (German translation of its original Hungarian name), Krušovje,
Körtvélyes, etc.
Officially, Kruševlje is not classified as a separate settlement, but as part of the village of Gakovo. It is located near the border with Hungary between Riđica, Stanišić, Gakovo and Rastina.
It is about 2 miles northeast of the neighboring village of Gakovo and about 2,5 miles west of Stanišić. About 5 miles to the north is the village Riđica and the nearest town is Sombor, about 12 miles to the South.
The whole area surrounding Kruševlje is a flat ground, with many swampy meadows, fens, bad-fruitful salt-spring fields. The villagers had some fruitful gardens, corn fields, hemp and wheat fields, vineyards a few miles to the North. The village is about 305 feet (93 meters) above the sea level. There are no hills, woods or rivers.
On October 20, 1944 the partisans came from Stanišić and entered into Kruševlje. The next day, October 21 arrests started. Almost all remaining men were taken prisoners. The whole village became soon a camp and under constant watch guards. The houses were plundered and sacked, all food and live stock was taken away. The entire German population was proclaimed collaborator of the Third Reich and deprived from all their civilian rights and property. Some men and woman were taken prisoners to the labour-camp in Sombor. Others were sent to labour in the fields around Kruševlje. Those who refused to work all day, wanted to go or flee, were beaten or
starved to death. Near the village church, two civilians were simply shot, namely Anna Depre, aged 44 and Karl Frantzem, aged 66, just because they wanted to return home. Many old people, who couldn't work, were left to die from hunger and fear. Some of them were: Emilia Bauer, aged 96; Dominik Depre, aged 93; Margareta Matz, aged 89; Franz Depre, aged 85; Melchior Pentz, aged 85; Salomea Wolf, aged 84; Mathias Schauer, aged 82; Rosalia Wolf, aged 81; Margareta Schauer, aged 81; Christine Pentz, aged 82; Franz Jung, aged 81; Margareta Schnatterbeck, aged 79; Melchior Brandäcker, aged 78; Barbara Keil, aged 76; Elisabeth Bergmann, aged 76; Georg Zettel, aged 76; Karl Bihn, aged 75; Heinrich Steinfeld, aged 75;
Rosalia Weber, aged 75, etc. On Christmas Day 1944, about 60 young men and women were taken to Siberia to work in Russian mines. The hard work during the winter was bearable, but more difficulties came in the spring of 1945.
Kula (Hungarian)
SEE: Wolfsburg (German) |
Kulut (German)
Ringdorf (German)
Küllöt / Kullot (Hungarian)
Kolluth (Other)
Küllöd /
Kullod (Other) Kulud (Other) Kis-Kolut (Other)
Nagy-Koluth (Other)
Kolut, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judy Ottinger - Kolut Ortsfamilienbuch 1760-1895
by Johann and Irmgard Englaender
Ortsfamilienbuch Kolut in der Batschka 1760-1895. Johannes & Irmgard Engl äner. Waiblingen-Neustadt, Germany. 2000. Pgs. 966. |
Kumbaj (German)
Kombai (Other)
Kumbai (Other)
Kumbern (Other)
Kunbaja, Hungary (Hungarian) (Official)
Bacskertes / Bácskertes
(Hungarian) Kupusina, (Serbian) Official
FHL church records 1826-1895: Kupusina, Serbia
FHL microfilm #: 638065 – 838068
Population: 2,356 (2002 census)
St. Anna’s Church

Kutzura (German)
Kuczora (Hungarian)
Kuczura (Other)
Kucura, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide: Jeff Rau
Familienbuch (Kutzura - Ein Dorf in der Batschka by Christine Kaltenecker, published in 2008).
L |
Legin (German)
Riedau (German)
Rigitza (German)
Regöce, /
Regoce (Hungarian) Rigyicza (Hungarian)
Regöcze /
Regocze (Other) Ridica (Other) Rigica (Other)
Reg (Other)
Nagy-Patalon (Other)
Legyen (Other)
Rigyica (Other)
Ridjica, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Gabriele Steger - Legin (Rigitza, Ridjica, etc): Familienbuch Ridjica, Batschka, 1804-1943 by Michael Hutfluss |
Liebfrauendorf (German)
Boldogasszonyfalva (Hungarian)
Gospodjinci, Serbia (Official) |
M |
Milititsch (German)
Berauersheim (German)
Militics (Hungarian)
Nemesmilitics (Hungarian)
Ráczmilitics /
Raczmilitics (Hungarian)
Svetozar Miletic (Other)
Rac-Milititsch (Other)
Srpski-Militic (Other)
Millitics (Other)
Srpski-Miletic, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Dennis Bauer
- OSB Miletitsch by Schuy 1987
Ortssippenbuch (1786 - 1945) - Schuy
Jakob Schuy, Ortssippenbuch Miletitsch in der Batschka, 1987.
Miletitsch Photos by Izolda Kovács, 2012
Ortssippenbuch Miletitsch. Jakob Schuy. AkdFF, Schriesheim, Germany. 1987. Pgs.1006.
Order: Jakob Schuy, Breslauer Str. 12, 67659 Kaiserslautern, Germany. |
(German) Madaras (Hungarian) Gross-Madratz (Other)
Madrasch (Other)
Madaras, Hungary (Official)
Mol (German)
Moholy (Hungarian)
Moholy, Serbia (Official)
Moszór / Moszor (Hungarian)
Mosorin, Serbia (Official) |
N |
Nádalja /
Nadalja (Hungarian) Nadalj, Serbia (Official) |
Adelsrohrhof (German)
Nádudvar /
Nadudvar, (Hungarian) Nemesnádudvar
Nemesnadudvar, Hungary (Official)
Familienbuch der donauschwäbischen Gemeinde Nemesnádudvar by Georg Richter |
Nagelsdorf (German)
Bajmak (Hungarian)
Bajmok, Serbia (Official) |
Neu Gajdobra (German)
Gajdobra-Neugajdobra (German)
Wekerledorf (German)
Wekerlefalva (Hungarian)
Wekerle (Other)
Neu-Schöndorf /
Neu-Schondorf (Other)
Neu-Gutdorf (Other)
Weckerlidorf (Other)
Nova Gajdobra, Serbia (Official)
Heimatbuch Gajdobra-Neugajdobra.
Josef Flock. Donauschwaebischer Heimatverlag Aalen, Wuerttemberg, Germany. 1958. 450pp. 8 Aug. 1997.
Ortssippenbuch Gajdobra - Neugajdobra in der Batschka. Anton Reiman. Heim-Druck, 6100 Darmstadt, Germany. 1976. 653 Pgs.
Ortssippenbuch Gajdobra-Neugajdobra in der Batschka, Band 2. Anton Reimann & Josef Reimann. Heim Druck, 6100 Darmstadt-Eberstadt, Germany. 1993. Pgs. 742.
Neudorf (German) Novoselo, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Gerhard Pfaff
- Familienbuch Neudorf in der Batschka (Backo Novoselo, Bacsujlak) 2003, written by Paul Scherer in 1995. It contains: *(1734 - 1895) (1736 - 1970) (+ 1736 - 1895)
Familienbuch Neudorf in der Batschka . Paul Scherer. Bosocolo & Koenigshofer, D-76189 Karlsruhe, Germany. 1995. 1085pp. |
Neufutok (German)
Újfutak /
Ujfutak (Hungarian) Neu-Futak Other) Novi Futog, Serbia (Official) |
Neu-Palanka (German)
Újpalánka /
Ujpalanka (Hungarian)
Nova Palanka, Serbia (Official) |
Neusatz (German)
Újvidék /
Ujvidek (Hungarian) Neu-Satz (Other) Pétervárad /
Petervarad (Other)
Péterváradja /
Petervaradja (Other)
Peterwardein (Other)
Novi Sad, Serbia (Official) |
Neu-Schowe (German)
Újsóvé /
Ujsove (Hungarian) Nove Sove (Other) Ravno Selo (Other)
Nova Sove, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Schowe Coordinator:
Ludwig Keck
DVHH Village Site
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Ursula Wacht -
Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Schowe, by Christian Ludwig Brücker, Winnenden 1961.
Festschrift zur Johann Petri - Gedächtnisfeier am 2. 12. 1961 in Stuttgart. 32 S. mit Zeichn. +Porträt. (14:21) Kart. *1881 in Neuschowe |
Neu-Siwatz (German)
Újszivácz /
Ujszivacz (Hungarian)
Novi Sivac, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Daniela M. O'Connor -
Ortsippenbuch Siwatz 1786-1944 by Hans Kunz |
Neu-Werbass (German)
Alt-Werbaß / Alt Werbass (German)
Vrbas (German)
Újverbász / Új-verbász Ujverbasz (Hungarian)
Ó-Verbász / O-Verbasz
Novi Vrbas, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Ursula Wacht - Dr. Gerhard Hein,
Die Einwohner von Neuwerbaß in der Batschka 1785-1944 und ihre Herkunft - Die Familien nach dem reformierten Kirchenbuch Neuwerbaß 1786 - 1832, Sindelfingen 2004
DVHH Mem oir:
A Vrbas, Backa, Story
by Karl Kreutzer. Translated by Valerie Kreutzer
DVHH Memoir:
Thinking often on VRBAS in the Backa by Valerie Kreutzer
O |
Obrowatz (German)
Borócz /
Borocz (Hungarian) Obrovácz /
Obrovacz, (Hungarian) Obrovac, Serbia (Official)
Private Homepage:
Ament, Amend, Baling, Fitzung |
P |
Pácsér /
Pacser, (Hungarian) Pacir, Serbia (Official) |
Palanka (German) Plankenburg (German)
Backa-Pélanka /
Backa-Pelanka (Other)
Palanka (Hungarian)
Németpalánka /
Nemetpalanka (Hungarian)
Bácskapalánka /
Bacskapalanka (Hungarian)
Nemacka Palanka (Other)
Pest (Other)
Ilok (Other)
Backa Palanka, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Palanka Coordinators:
Dennis Bauer
Lookups Guide:
Dennis Bauer
OSB Palanka by Reimann 1981
Palankaer in Aller Welt 1755-1961, Trenton, NJ 1961
A Collection of Genealogical Information of Palankaer-Americans and Related Families –1899 to 2008
By Dennis Bauer
Palankaers in attendance at our 51st Trenton Donauschwaben Anniversary Dinner on 14 October 2007
DVHH Memoir:
Pasicevo/Altker by Eva Zentner
DVHH Memoir:
My Father, the Meat Chopper (“Mein Vater, der Fleischhacker”)
By Andreas Franz
Palanka / Backa Palanka
(Surnames, Photos, Books) John & Myrtle Feldenzer
150 Jahre Backa Palanka. Nikolaus Hepp. Druck von Heinrich Kleek, Novi Nrbas.
1930. 171pp.
Erzählungen aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert. Nikolaus Hepp. Backa Palanka. 1935.
Ortssippenbuch Palanka - Bands 1-3. Anton Reimann. Zentralsstelle fur Perfonen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 1981. Pgs. 5000.
Palanka an Der Donau - Band I 1764-1944. Heimatortsausschuss Palanka (HOA), Ulm, Germany. 1986. Pgs. 560.
Palanka an Der Donau - Band II 1764-1944. Heimatortsausschuss Palanka (HOA), Ulm, Germany. 1992. Pgs. 650.
Palankaer in Aller Welt 1755-1961. Palankaer Kirchweih in Trenton, NJ. 1961. 26 pp.
Eisenhut, born in Palanka, Batschka
LIEBLANG, ROSCHIRT, ROHRBACHER & KUHN Families - of James Lieblang
(An original DVHH PARTNER Family Page, Grandfathered in 17 Jul 2012)
Private Homepage:
Bauer from Palanka & Helleis from Batsch |

Parabutsch (German)
Paripás /
Paripas (Hungarian)
Parabuty (Hungarian)
Ratkovo (Other)
Parabuc, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Jean & Harry Helbrecht
- Familienbuch Parabutsch 1770's - 1945
You are welcome to contact her for any look-ups in the Parabutsch Families book written in year 2001. Ratkovo is it's present name and being nestled in the rich soil of the Batschka part of Vojvodina, today the northern part of Serbia. The winds of change blew the Danube Swabian population of this town after 1944 in all corners of the world. (Jean)
Parabutsch Familienbuch der kath. Pfarrgemeinde St. Nepomuk in Parabutsch in der Batschka, by Josef Fridrich, pub. 2001 - it covers from the 1770s to 1944 (and some info goes to the end of 2000). It comes in two volumes: Band I (A-K) & Band II (L-Z). Other names for Parabutsch are: Parabuty, Paripás, Parabuc (accent on the c), Dubrava, Gutacker, Ratkovo.
Familienbuch Parabutsch in der Batschka.
Vols. 1&2. Josef Fridrich. AkdFF, Bad Schoenborn, Germany. 2001. 1308 pp.
Parabutsch Ortssippenbuch
can be ordered from:
Martin Kundl
Daimlerstr. 16, 76669 Bad Schönborn, Germany
Petröcz /
Petrocz (Hungarian)
Petrovac, Yugoslavia / Serbia (Official) |
Pinczéd /
Pinczed (Hungarian)
Kellerdorf (Other)
Pivnica (Other)
Piwnitza (Other)
Pinced (Other)
Pivniza (Other)
Pivnicza (Other)
Pivnice, Serbia (Official) |
Plawingen (German)
Palona (Hungarian)
Plawing (Other)
Palavna (Other)
Alsó-Palona /
Also-Palona (Other)
Felsö-Palona /
Felso-Palona (Other)
Plavna (Other)
Polona (Other)
Plavna, Serbia (Official) |
R |
Raim (German) Reim (German)
Rém /
Rem, Hungary (Hungarian) (Official)
S |
St. Tomas (German)
Bácsszenttamás /
Szenttamás /
Szenttamas (Other)
Srbobran, Serbia (Official) |
Schajkasch-Sentiwan (German)
Sajkásszentiván /
Kowilszentiwan (Other)
Sentivan (Other)
Sajkaski Sveti Ivan, Serbia (Official)
(German) Szépliget /
Szepliget (Hungarian) Schön-Hain /
Schon-Hain (Other) Gut-Hain (Other) Gadjel (Other)
Dobra (Other)
Kay-Dobra (Other)
Gorna-Dobra (Other)
Gajdobra, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Lookups Guide:
Dennis Bauer
- OSB Schönau / Gajdobra by Reimann 1993 |
Altschowe (German)
Neu-Schowe (German)
Ó-Sóvé /
O-Sove (Hungarian)
Újsóvé /
Ujsove (Hungarian)
Stare Sove (Other) Sóvé (Other) Nove Sove,
Nova Sove (Other)
Ravno Selo (Other)
Sove, Yugoslavia / Serbia (Official) Nova Sove, Serbia (Official)
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DVHH Schowe Coordinator:
Ludwig Keck
DVHH Village Site
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Ursula Wacht -
Heimatbuch der Gemeinde Schowe, by Christian Ludwig Brücker, Winnenden 1961.
Festschrift zur Johann Petri - Gedächtnisfeier am 2. 12. 1961 in Stuttgart. 32 S. mit Zeichn. +Porträt. (14:21) Kart. *1881 in Neuschowe |
Sekitsch (German)
Szegegyház /
Szegegyhaz (Other)
Sekics (Other)
Szeghegy (Hungarian)
Winkelsberg (Other)
Lovcenac, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Sekitsch Coordinator:
Brad Schwebler
DVHH Village Site:
H.O.G. Web Site:
Lookups Guide:
Brad Schwebler -
Ortsippenbuch Sekitsch by Franz Gloeckner, Pub: the Verein zur Pflege Donauschwaebischer Heimatkunde, HOG Sekitsch, e.V. 1986, 7126 Sersheim, Berslauer Strasse 36, Germany
Lookups Guide:
Reiner P. Pister
- Familienbuch Sekitsch in der Batschka 1786-1944, Vol 1&2 by Brigitte & Gunther Wolf.
Ortssippenbuch Sekitsch by Franz Glockner. Sekitsch Erlebte Heimat by Philipp Sandles.
Szeghegy -
Emperor Josef II signing the Settlement Patent
Joseph Platter's Petition
Orphans Foundation - 1873 Doctrine for the Orphans of Sekitsch
Peter Max Wagner, founder of Hilfswerk der Donauschwaben
Bus Trip to Sekitsch and Feketisch 2006 |
Senta (German)
Zenta (Hungarian)
Szenta, Serbia (Official) |
Sombor - see:
Zombor |
Stanischitsch (German)
Donauwachenheim (German)
Örszállás /
Steinsitz (Other)
Tannenschütz (Other)
Wachenheim (Other)
Stanaschitz (Other)
Stanischitz (Other)
Örs /
Ors (Other)
Bathteremhelye (Other)
Sztanisics (Other)
Stanisic, Serbia (Official)
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Ortssippenbuch Stanischitsch, Batschka 1788-1895.
Michael Hutfluss. AkdFF, Sindelflingen, Germany. 1986. Pgs. 733.
- DVHH Lookups Guides:
Judy Ottinger &
Ursula Wacht
Ortssippenbuch Stanischitsch, Batschka 1896-1938.
Michael Hutfluss. AkdFF, Sindelflingen, Germany. Pgs. 751+.
- DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judy Ottinger
(serb. Stanišić), Vojvodina |
Sztapár /
Sztapar (Hungarian)
Stapar, Serbia (Official)
Die deutschen Familien in Doroslo und Stapar 1753 - 1895, by Peter Distl, Jockgrim 2007. (Heimatbuch) |
Maria Theresiopel (German)
Subotitza (German)
Szabadka (Hungarian)
Theresiopel (Other)
Zabotka (Other)
Szent-Mária /
Szent-Maria (Other)
Subotica, Serbia (Official) |
Szilágyi /
Szilagyi (Hungarian)
Svilojevo, Yugoslavia / Serbia (Official)
FHL census microfilm: Szilbas in 1828: 622968
1880 2,476 (171 Germans)
1910 1,802 (125 Germans)
1921 1,922 (150 Germans)
2002 1,364 (?)
St. Stephen the King Church

T |
Teletschka (German)
Bácsgyulafalva /
Bacsgyulafalva, (Hungarian)
Gyulafalva (Hungarian)
Gyula (Hungarian)
Batsch-Juliusdorf (Other)
Bács-Gyulafalva /
Bacs-Gyulafalva, (Other)
Telecka, Serbia (Official) |
Temerin (Hungarian)
Temeri (Other)
Almás /
Almas, (Other)
Temerin, Serbia (Official)
Die deutschen Familien von Temerin in der Batschka by Wilhelmine Wier
Titel (Hungarian)
Titel, Serbia (Official) |
Torschau (German)
Torzsa (Hungarian)
Thorzateleke (Other)
Torscha (Other)
Savino Selo (Other) Tharcsa (Other) Torza, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Torschau Coordinator:
Peter Haas
DVHH Village Site: |
Towarisch (German)
Bácstóváros /
Bacstovaros (Hungarian)
Tovarischevo (Other)
Tawarisch (Other)
Tovarics (Other)
Tovariszova Other)
Tovarisevo, Serbia (Official) |
Tschapring (German)
Tschäpring (German) Schapring
(German) Csepreg, Serbia (Official)
Tschasartet (German)
Tschasatett (Other)
Tschasartöltesch (Other)
Császártöltés /
Csaszartoltes, Hungary (Official) |
Tschatali (German)
Tschatalja (Other)
Csátalja /
Csatalja, Hungary (Official)
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Lookups (Self-Help):
Tschatali (ung. Csátalja), Komitat Bács-Kiskun
Ortssippenbuch Tschatali-Csatalja 1737-1946 . Josef Hefner. Zentralstelle fur Personen und Familiengeschichte, 61381 Friedrichsdorf, Germany. 1995. Pgs. 454. Also on CD-Rom. |
Tschawal (German)
Tschawerl (Other)
Saulsdorf (Other)
Tschawolj (Other)
Csávoly /
Csavoly, Hungary (Official)
Johann Scheibl & Jakob Bayer: “Ortssippenbuch Csávoly/Tschawal in der Batschka 1773-1976” Waiblingen 1991, herausgegeben von der HOG Csávoly, 622 Seiten (Druckwerk vergriffen). Zum Lesen der Datenbank muss der Adobe Flashplayer installiert sein. © HOG Csávoly |
Tscheb (German)
Bács-Cséb /
Bacs-Cseb (Hungarian)
Cséb /
Cseb (Hungarian)
Duna-Cséb /
Duna-Cseb (Hungarian)
Ceb (Other)
Celarevo (Other)
Cib (Other)
Dunacséb /
Dunacseb (Other)
Tschieb (Other)
Kis-Cséb /
Kis-Cseb (Other)
Cséb /
Cseb (Other)
Cib, Serbia (Official)
H.O.G. Web Site:
Familienbuch Tscheb an der Donau.
Josef Seitz & Stefan Ferger. AkdFF, Karlsruhe, Germany. 2002. 748 pp.
Tscherwenka (German)
Rotweil (German)
Cservenka (Hungarian)
Cervenka (Other)
Rot (Other)
Crvenka, Serbia (Official)
Subscribe to DVHH eMail
list to request a lookup. DVHH Tscherwenka Coordinator: Brad Schwebler, Noelle Giesse,
& Village Consultant: Robert Zink
Ortssippenbuch Tscherwenka 1785-1944. Angela Hefner. Karlsruhe, Germany. 2002. CD-Rom.
Tscherwenka - Cservenka - Crvenka / Backa 1785-1944 Angela Hefner. Karlsruhe, Germany. 2002. CD-Rom.
1st edition Karlsruhe 1999 (book, out of print); 2nd improved edition 2002 (CD-ROM / download); NEW: 3rd edition 2016 (CD-ROM by Jakob Götz and download as PDF file (80.5 MB!). © 2016 Angela Hefner.
or, its CD may be purchased here:,_OFB
Tscherwenkaer Heimat-Zeitung; Tscherwenka - Vol 33. Cservenka - Crvenka; Heimatausschuss Tscherwenka, München, 1999: Now at:
Tscherwenka Homeland Dictionary: Local Donauschwaben, Hochdeutsch & English
Some Headstones in the Tscherwenka German Cemetery
Photographed 26 August 2014 & Transcribed by James D. Klein
Life for an earliest Tscherwenka family by Johannes Albrecht - Coleen Mielke
Tscherwenka - 1785-1944 - Tscherwenkaer Familien by Karen Abel
Tscherwenka family by Thomas Krause
Tschikeri (German)
Felsöcsikéria /
Felsocsikeria (Hungarian)
Felschö-Tschikeria /
Felscho-Tschikeria (Other)
Felsöcsikéria, Hungary (Official) |
Tschonopel (German)
Tschanopl (German)
Csonoplya (Hungarian)
Chomokla / Csomokla / Csomoklia / Csomoklya (Other)
Csonopla (Other)
Szentfalva (Other)
Tschanopel (Other)
Tschinopel (Other)
Tschonopl (Other)
Tschonoplya (Other)
Conoplja, Serbia (Official)
Ortssippenbuch Tschonopel 1762-1945. Johann Feith, Johann Kainrad, & Johann Kemmer. Rödermark, Germany. 2003. CD-Rom.
DVHH Memoir:
Roots Remain Along Danube
by Paula Schleis |
V |
(German) See:
/ Neu-Werbass (German)
W |
Waldneudorf (German) Tiszakálmánfalva / Tiszakalmanfalva (Hungarian)
Tisza-kálmán-falva / Tisza-kalman-falva (Other)
Budisava, Serbia (Official)
1908 in Waldneudorf/Batschka.
Wurtz, Johannes: Die Dingelstocks. der Weg einer Sippe. Roman. ca. 1968. 222 S. mit Abb. (11:18) Kart.
1908 in Waldneudorf/Batschka. Wurtz, Johannes: Erwanderte Lieder und Reime. ca. 1980. 142 S. mit Noten und Abb. (14:21) Kart. |
Waldau (German)
Szond (Hungarian)
Szonta (Hungarian)
Belsö-Szond / Belso-Szond (Other)
Külsö-Szond / Kulso-Szond (Other)
Kis-Szond (Other)
Nagy-Szonta (Other)
Sonta, Serbia (Official)
1901 Map []

Wajska (German)
Vajszka (Hungarian)
Waiska (Other)
Vajska, Serbia (Official) |
Waschkut (German)
Vaskút / Vaskut (Hungarian)
Eisenbrunn (Other)
Bathkuta (Other)
Baskut (Other)
Vaskút / Vaskut, Serbia (Official)
Subscribe to DVHH eMail
list to request a lookup.
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Judy Ottinger
- Vaskut (Waschkut) Ortsfamilienbuch 1772-1947, Vol. I & II by Stefan Rettig & Josef Skribanek |
Weprowatz (German)
Veprovácz / Veprovacz (Hungarian)
Ebersdorf (Other)
Vepröd / Veprod
Veprovac, Serbia (Official)
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list to request a lookup.
DVHH Weprowatz Coordinator:
Anton Petschner
Weprowatz site (German)
Familienbuch Weprowatz in der Batschka by Paul Scherer, Volumes I & II
DVHH Lookups Guide:
Ursula Wacht - Paul Scherer, Die deuschen Familien von Weprowatz 1786-1825, Karlsruhe 1986 (Family Book)
Familienbuch Weprowatz in der Batschka, Vols. 1 & 2. Paul Scherer. AkdFF, Karlsruhe, Germany. 1998. 2426 pp.
Weprowatz (serb. Kruščić), Vojvodina
Kühbauch, Friedrich (Red.): Festschrift
Dr. Adam Krämer zum 80. Geburtstag. 1986. 374 S.+Abb. a. Tfln. (16:24) Kart. *1906 in Weprowatz: mit handschriftl. Namenszug.
Private Homepage:
Genealogy of the Petschner & Seiler Families of Weprowatz & Brestowatz
Werbass (German)
Alt-Werbass (German)
Óverbász / Overbasz (Hungarian)
Verbász / Verbasz
(Other) Werwas (Other)
Verbatz (Other)
Weidenheim (Other)
Werbas (Other)
Alt-Werbas (Other)
Stari Vrbas, Serbia (Official)
DVHH Werbass Coordinator:
Jakob Goe tz
retired from service, Feb 23, 2020. He submitted: "During this time I had received many friendly inquiries, which I was happy to answer as far as possible. In some cases, lasting friendships arose, for which I am very grateful today." We thank Jakob for his years of service with DVHH.
Travelogue: Elfriede Drumm - Back to Werbass/Alt-Werbass(GER), Yugoslavia - Vrbas (SERB)
Earliest German Settlement: 1784
FHL Census Microfilm: Vetus Verbasz in 1828: 622970
Churches: Greek Orthodox/Bács diocese, Evangelical Lutheran/Banya diocese, Christ Evangelical Methodist Church, and The Presbyterian Church.
Location of a prisoner camp for Germans held by Partisans during World War II
Werbass on Batschka Map
Neighboring Villages
Kula (Wolfsburg)
Tscherwenka |
Christ Evangelical Methodist Church
Contributed by Elfriede Drumm

The Presbyterian Church, where many Germans worshipped, is now very neglected. Contributed by Elfriede Drumm.

Swabian Museum -
Elfriede Drumm visited the Danube Swabian museum located in the Werbass/Vrbas city hall. The city hall once belonged to the Schuch family and was also the village pharmacy. Elfriede Drumm was
born in Werbass.
Her father was Rev. Adolf Drumm, Pastor of the Christ Methodist Church of Novi-Vrbas for 7 years from 1937-1944. It was a German speaking congregation. In 1952 Elfriede and her sister immigrated to the US and lived on Long Island.
Elfriede has returned to her homeland village of Werbass 2 times, in 2003 and again in 2005. Read Elfreide's "Mission Trip to Vrbas, Serbia. Aug, 2003."
Museum Photos: |

Wikitsch (German)
Bácsbokod / Bacsbokod (Hungarian)
Bikity (Other)
/ Bokod (Other) Bigittya (Other)
Bikityi (Other)
Bácsbokod /
Hungary (Official) |
Wolfsburg (German)
Kula (Hungarian)
Alsó-Kula (Other)
Felsö-Kula (Other)
Turm (Other)
Kula, Serbia (Official)
A town and municipality in the West Bačka District of Vojvodina, Serbia.
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list to request a lookup.
DVHH Kula Coordinator: Michael T. Rakszawski
DVHH Village Site:
Kula -
The mass executions in Kula were hardly any less terrifying. In the fall of 1944 over two hundred Danube Swabians perished and the methods were even more brutal than in Werbass. Whole families were beaten to death. That was the case with Dr. Saur and his wife and two small children. Here again it was the intellectuals and leaders of the community who were on the liquidation lists.
"Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans"
Österreichische Historiker-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Kärnten & Steiermark (Austrian Historian Working Group for Kärnten and Steiermark)
Silk Factory at Werbass/Vrbas
Towards the end of 1945 this former silk factory was established as a central camp for the Germans of the Middle-Batschka. It also had jurisdiction over the relatively large work camps at Tschervenka, Kula
and Weprowatz. The conditions there were worse than in a prison. Since there was no more work to be done in the fields as of December 1946, the camp commander made the inmates stand in formation from 5 to 11 o'clock during the bitter cold winter mornings. Then he let them sit till evening in the court yard. The camp was most likely dissolved the beginning of 1948.
Erik Glässer Kula Photo Archives (Martin Glässer had a brick industry in Kula & the surrounding towns.)
Kula Monument of Heroes of the First World War - Who fought on the side of Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Photos of Erik Glässer, 2010-2012, Catholic cemetery of Kula.:
The Monument |
Inscription Translation
The Heroes
(+Inscription of names)
Kula Catholic Chapel
Memorial Stone in 3 languages
Portrait of World War Soldiers from Kula (Transcription of names coming soon.)
View of the town of Kula, 1941
(the Serbian Orthodox Church in forefront)
Protestant Meeting House for praying
Franzenskanal (Canal)
Main Street in Kula
Roman Catholic Church in Kula
(Photo taken by Erik
Glässer, Apr 2012)

View of the town of Kula, 1941 (the
Serbian Orthodox Church in forefront)

Erik Glässer Archives |
Z |

Zombor (German)
Zombor (Hungarian) Czoborszentmihály
(older Hungarian name for the city)
Czobor-Szent-Mihály (Other) Szombor (Other)
Sombor, Serbia (Official)
City and municipality located in northwest part of Serbian autonomous province of Vojvodina.
Population of 51,471 (as of 2002), while the Sombor municipality has 97,263 inhabitants. It is the administrative center of the West Bačka District of Serbia.
Subscribe to DVHH eMail
list to request a lookup.
DVHH Zombor Coordinator:
Vesna Ibrahimovic-Brbaklic
of Sombor (Vojvodina) Serbia, is also the
Coordinator for
Batsch Monoschtor, since the villages are very close together. Vesna
has just published her village site and invites you to visit it: Items for Monostorszeg will be added soon. [12 Dec 2010] |
Credits / References:
Original DVHH Village searchable PHP Database initiated by Mike O'Brien, 2003.
Additional Village(s) data submitted to by Researchers and
Auslander, Jordan "Genealogical Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Hungary" Publisher: Avotaynu 2005
Regenyi, Isabella & Scherer, Anton "Donauschwabisches Ortsnamenbuch." (name and location of towns). Published by the AkdFF, Darmstadt, Germany. 1987.
Geographisch-historisches und Produkten Lexikon von Ungarn By Johann Matthias Korabinsky
Dennis J. Bauer's Genealogical Banat Book Collection.
Village List researched, compiled and published at by Jody McKim, 2008
For corrections & additions to our Batschka Village List, provide all known name variants to
Jody McKim.