
Danube Swabian Community
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead

Villages Helping Hands

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors


Landsmannschaft Banater Schwaben e.V. Heimattag, Ulm 

30 May 2004

Sunday "The Reunion"

Photo: Ulm, Germany, Jody McKim, 2004
Photography & Publication by Jody McKim, 2004 - unless otherwise noted.

     The big celebration of the compatriots was held in in five halls.   Communities tables were available with individual village names on cards placed on the tables.   The village names that were found in each building were posted on the outside of the building, to make them easy to find.   We arrived very early, while you could still see across the huge halls/rooms.   Within no time the place was filled with people from all over the world, anticipating reuniting with old friends from their Donauschwaben villages.

     Mrs. Christian Gunhild, who is working on family books for Knees, Hodoni and Baratzhausen, kindly acted as an escorted and a translator.  At the Knees table, Alex Leeb's brother and his wife were present, what a nice couple.  The Chairman of H.O.G. Billed took orders for the 3 volume family Book. Present at the Mercydorf table, was the Mercydorf H.O.G., Josef Berger and Jacob Arenz, of St. Andreas, who is in the process of compiling a new Mercydorf Family Book.

    In one of the halls was a long run of tables filled with village books, maps etc. for sale, of which I bought a nice wall map of the Banat villages.   Mr. Walter Fissl who sells the Banat Village Videos was also present. The food was very good, especially after waiting in the long lines.  

     At the assigned table for American visitors, no one was there.  The few American Banaters were scattered out to their prospective village tables.  Most all of the English speaking were staying at the InterCity Hotel in Ulm, Dave Dreyer, Jim Gangler, Tina Leto, Cathy Teufel, John Cerny and Louise Bruckler Braga.  Louise met up with me at the Atlanta airport and we traveled together to Romania and then on to Germany.  

    After about six hours at the reunion, exhausted, we returned to the hotel.  I can understand why so many people attend, reuniting and remising with old friends is wonderful.  Looking at the smiles on the elderly folks faces was heart warming.  The majority of those attending were over 65 years young. Many people commented that the reunion may soon fade out if the younger generation doesn't begin to show an interest.  

     I hope you have enjoyed the images and impressions of Saturday and Sundays events, from where I stood.  Although it was a hindrance being unable to understood German, I was fortunate to have those who could translate.  My experience in Ulm will be remembered, especially because I spent it with my new cousins, to whom I am grateful for making our visit to Ulm and the reunion very special. 

Jody McKim Pharr

Last Updated: 26 Oct 2020

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Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!