Buenos Aires
Villa Ballester" YouTube Video - Villa Ballesger, is in
Argentina, South America. My guess is, these Donauschwaben
settled in Argentina, after 1945, if they immigrated to
Argentina in 1920's hats off to the Donauschwaben in
Argentina, because they still carry their heritage, and speak
their own language. You might recognize some of your relatives?
The video is 6;42" long. Close to tend of the video, you will
notice, the band is a bit out of tune, and the Donauschwaben
are shouting, - POLKA, - POLKA- POLKA . . .
Of course the Donauschwaben, are known for the Polka.
Leeb, 22 Dec 2008] |
Asociación Suabos del Danubio (Donauschwabenverein)
La Paz 650 B1653??? Villa Ballester
Prov.de Buenos Aires Tel.: 4760-9900
/ 4738-5378 Fax:
4738-5378 E- Mail: ---
Federación de Sociedades Suabas del
Danubio en la Argentina Verband der
Donauschwaben in Argentinien Moyano
215 B1846??? Adrogué Prov.de
Buenos Aires Tel.: 4294-4363 /
& Books
Donauschwäbische Bibliographie 1935-1955,
by Scherer, Anton das Schrifttum über
die Donauschwaben in Ungarn, Rumänien,
Jugoslawien und Bulgarien sowie - nach 1945
- in Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich,
USA, Canada, Argentinien und Brasilien. Ref
Z2243.S33 Porter. [Print] ISBN: 390148616X
Immigration The CEMLA Data Base
- Access to consult online the most complete database on arrivals of immigrants to Argentina. https://cms.cemla.com/ [Type in the name where it says "Appelido"
The name(s) will come up with a number
beside it.
1895 Argentina National Census is now
http://search.labs.familysearch.org and
free. Registration is needed with an email
address and it takes a couple of days to get
the confirmation.
It has a searchable index that is linked to
the digital images. It is a beta version and
has some errors in the transcriptions, but
searching any possible spelling broadens the
chances of finding our ancestors."
SCHNEIDER - Destination Place: Buenos Aires
Rauth, Pinkils,
& Keles from Banat to
Buenos Aires Contact:
Luis Elias Rauth merauth@optusnet.com.au
Rauth family on holiday, in Cordoba, Argentina in 1953
I'm seeking information on
my father's family, his name
was Joan Rauth b. 25
Aug 1907 in Timisoara,
nationality German, place of
residence: number 1, IV
Street, Fratelia, District
of Timis. His Mother
was Jozefa Pinkils Rauth,
father name Jozsef Rauth.
Married Isabela Keles and
they came to Argentina in
1928. I only know of
one sister remaining in
Timisoara. My father
died in 1962 in Buenos
Aires. I've been living in
Australia since 1982. |