1937 German-Hungarian (Donauschwaben) Family
Calendar Magazine
– Palankaer subscriber
list for the Entire U.S.A.
(Deutsch-Ungarischer Familien Kalender 1937,
German-Hungarian Publishing Company, New
York City, NY/Chicago, IL)
appear exactly as spelled in the original
text and may not be the actual spelling. The
list shows the individual’s place of origin
and their address in the U.S. and Canada at
the time of subscription to the magazine.
Some translations of town, county and
country names were done. As with any
secondary source, you may wish to consult
the original magazine. This is a list of
those from Palanka only and not all the
German-Hungarians listed.
magazines were written in German and
published in the U.S. from 1932-1954.
They contained stories from the
German-Hungarian regions of Hungary,
Yugoslavia and Romania, pictures of "home",
jokes, poems and best of all a list of
American and Canadian subscribers, their
spouses, their place of origin and their
addresses in the U.S. and Canada at the time
of publication. Subscribers listed were
from the United States and Canada. During
it’s publication, the magazines listed
between 10-15 thousand
Stefan, from O-Becse, Batschka,
Yugoslavia and Karolina SUKNOVICH, from
Palanka, Batschka, Yugoslavia, 1212
Kiser Street.
Johann, from Zombor, Batschka,
Yugoslavia, and Theresa SUKNOVICH, from
Palanka, Batschka, Yugoslavia, 36 Hall
SUKNOVICH, Heinrich, from Palanka,
Batschka, Yugoslavia, and Emma MATZKUSS,
from Prussia, 16 Hall Ave.
Published at 21 Jan 2009, contributed by Dennis
Destination: The Americas
United States
< Dayton, Ohio (OH)