Surname changes in
Hungary 1800-1893
Published at by Jody McKim Pharr
KlimoTheca digital library has
now made the pages of Zoltán
Szentiványi's surname change book
that was used for compiling this
database, available online, free.
Go to:
The page is in
Hungarian. On
the left side of
the page, click
on Tartalomjegyzék,
then click
on the
starting letter of the surname to
start browsing.
The book at (KlimoTheca
digital library)
contains the following
- new surname
- new surname
- given name(s)
- profession
- place (probably place
of residence)
- names of family
members whose names are
also changed (when
- reference to the
government body
approving the name
change, abbreviations
UK = Udvari
kancellária = The
Chancellor's Office
HT = Helytartótanács
= Governor-general's
BM =
Belügyminisztérium =
Ministry of
- permit (file)
- permit (file) year
(two digits)
János Bogárdi, site
owner of RadixIndex has
provided these images
for some time now, and
you can still access
them via the website:
The RadixIndex database
contains the following
- new surname
- new surname
- given name
- place
- permit (file) year
of page
Zoltán Szentiványi was the anonymous
compiler of the book that was used
for this database:
Századunk névváltoztatásai:
Helytartósági és miniszteri
engedélylyel megváltoztatott nevek
gyűjteménye, 1800-1893 / eredeti
okmányok alapján összeállította a
Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai
Társaság egyik igazgató-választmányi
tagja. - Budapest: Hornyánszky
Viktor, 1895.- [4], 253, [1] p.; 23
[English translation of
bibliographical data: The
surname changes of our century: The
collection of names changed with
permits from the governor-general
office or from the ministry,
1800-1893 / based on original
documents compiled by one of the
members of the board of directors of
the Hungarian Heraldic and
Genealogical Society. - Budapest:
Viktor Hornyánszky, 1895.- [4], 253,
[1] p.; 23 cm]