

The Donauschwaben


by Alex Leeb

Monument In Honour of Our Deceased Ancestors


Photographs of days-gone-by - The Donauschwaben

RC Church in     Albrechtsflor

 Our daily bread

Hauling hay in  Sadarlach

 Lowrin house of Kaspar Muth


...checking if ready

 Making Schnapps

Mercydorf-house of poet Josef Gabriel

Temeswar Tram

Village of Reschitz


Young Schwaben couple

Young Schwaben girls


Finger licking good

Schwaben women working with hemp

Oma & Opa

"We thank you for this day"


AA Schwaben Bauer

Relaxing on a Sunday afternoon

Gypsy living accommodation

Cemetery Bell


Schwaben in Russia 1945-1950

Schwaben ladies in Russia

 In Russia 1945-1950

Boy of 17, in Russia


Just finished shift in the coal mine,

Last farewell

 Schwben women in Russia 1945-1950

Coalmine workers in Russia


Two young girls from Arad

Schwaben Mess Hall

After a shift in the coalmine

At her husband's grave


No, this is not an Opera performance. It is a reaction of one of thousands of children, after their mothers were taken away from them and forced to work in coalmines in Russia. In this case, the mother was 23, years old and the child three years old. In January of 1945, the streets were filled with Donauschwäbischen tears. The cries of children and mothers were heard all through  Europe...".MAMA-Mama, don't leave me, Mama, where are you going? Mama, ...Mama..."  "Sei brav mei Kind, sei brav. Ich han dich gere mei Kind." (Be good my child, be good, I love you, my child.)


Donauschwaben fleeing back to their roots 1944

Schwaben ladies working with hemp

Threshing time in Banat


Schwaben women working on the field

Working with tobacco

Donauschwaben spinning club


This page is a web presentation reproducing Alex Leeb's web pages.
Alex Leeb grants exclusive permission to reproduce his collection of files and images. 
©2003-2014 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive


[Published at Jody McKim Pharr, 26 Apr 2014]