The garrison of Dresden was destined to be sent as prisoners of war
to the
Bannat of Temeswar - 1814
The Times, London, England, January 27, 1914
Published at
by Jody McKim
Pharr, 2009
Vienna, Dec. 29 The French garrisons of the fortresses which have successfully
fallen, are now suffering for that license which they exercised towards the inhabitants of these
places. They bring with them the most malignant disorders from those cities which they so long
and so obstinately refused to surrender, and it has therefore been necessary to treat them like
persons infected with the plague. The garrison of Dresden was destined to be sent as prisoners
of war to the Bannat of Temeswar; but they had only proceeded through a part of Bohemia, when they
were detained by general sickness. In the neighborhood of Lebonitz some thousands of them
died, and their diseases are so infectious, that a village where the inhabitants had much
communication with them has been almost entirely depopulated. In all probability only a few of
the whole garrison of Dresden, which amounted to 30,000 men, will reach the Bannat. |