Permission to translate &
republish was generously granted by Dr.
Hans Dama. Translated by Nick Tullius. Published at
Oct 2006 by Jody McKim Pharr. Badge of the Association
(1907); the inside inscription: "Bleib
Deutsch" ["Remain German"] was a call
against the massive tendencies to
Magyarization that followed the Ausgleich
[Equalization] of 1967). |
Three decades after battle of Kahlenberg (1683)
and the liberation of Vienna from its siege by
the Turks, the Banat, located between Danube,
Theiß, Marosch, and the Carpathian Mountains,
with an area of 28.523 km², was liberated in
1716 by Prince Eugene, the last Hungarian
territory to be liberated after 164 years of
occupation by the Osman Turks. It was Prince
Eugene’s conception that this important border
country be developed as a wedge between the
Magyars revolting once again (Kuruz wars) and
the Turks that were sympathetic to them. Thus
the newly acquired Banat with an estimated
population of 85,000 inhabitants became an
inalienable domain of the Imperial Crown. In the
following years the Vienna Court was determined
to transform the Banat into a model territory of
the monarchy. The three
Swabian Migrations to the Banat
commenced and continued under three Habsburg
emperors: The First Swabian Migration under Karl
VI 1723-1726; The Second Swabian Migration under
Maria Theresia 1763-1773; and the Third Swabian
Migration under Joseph II 1782-1787.
The planning and execution of the colonization
work itself was directed from Vienna and
constitutes, despite its time-related
deficiencies, one of the great successes
achieved by Austria in the eighteenth century.
The majority of the emigrant families came from
regions located south of the Rhine, mainly from
Lothringen, Elsass, Luxemburg, Franken, Baden,
Sauerland and Schwaben. In the year 1734 there
were already 46 German villages and towns in the
In the 1763 to 1770 period the number of Germans
increased from 24,000 to 43,000. By 1773, 31 new
villages and towns had been established, and 29
settlements had been enlarged. The great
achievement of the settlers was the
transformation of the Banat into one of the most
productive granaries of Europe. But, following
an accord signed in 1741 between Maria Theresia
and the Hungarian, the Banat was incorporated
into Hungary.
Joseph II ordered that 164 Banat communities be
sold by public auction to the largest bidder.
The German farmers, who had been subordinated
only to the Imperial Cabinet, once again became
serfs. During the Third Swabian Migration, about
13,500 new settlers came to the Banat.
After the revolution of 1848/49 the “Voivodate
of Serbia and Temes Banat”
was created and used German as the official
language. The new “voivodate”, with Temeswar as
its capital, included not only the Banat, but
also the Batschka and the districts Ruma and
Illok of the Comitat Syrmia, and reported
directly to the Imperial Government in Vienna.
In the year 1851 the population of the voivodate
was about 1.4 million, of which 400 000 were
Serbs, 300 000 Germans, 300 000 Romanians, 250
000 Hungarians, and 13 000 Jews. Effective
January 1, 1861, the voivodate was dissolved and
the Banat was incorporated a second time into
the Kingdom of Hungary. With the
Austro-Hungarian settlement ("Ausgleich") of
1867 the 1.8 million Germans of Hungary
were delivered to Hungarian nationalism.
The German School system was gradually
suffocated. The number of German
newspapers in the Banat was melted down
from 37 in 1889 to 12 in 1910. On December 30, 1906, the "Ungarländische
Deutsche Volkspartei“ (~German Popular Party of
Hungary) was founded in Werschetz. Its main task
was to prevent the assimilation of the Germans,
and to obtain for them the rights promised to
them by the Law of the Nationalities passed in
1868. The census of 1910 established that of a
population of 1 852 439, 512 601 (27.6%) were
The conclusion of WW1 brought the end of the
Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The peace treaty of
Trianon (1920.06.04) cut the Banat into three
pieces: 18.945 km² fell to Romania, 9.307 km²
came to Yugoslavia and 217 km² remained with
Hungary. In their new fatherland Romania, the Banat
Swabians dedicated themselves to the task of
reconstruction. After 1933 the government of the
German Reich interfered with increasing
frequency in the affairs of German ethnic group,
until the Romanian government recognized the
group, by a decree dated November 21, 1940, as a
legal person of public right. Starting in May
1943, on the basis of a treaty between Romania
and the Third Reich, the Romania-Germans could
be conscripted into the German armed forces.
About 8 500 of them were killed in action. Romania changed sides on August 23, 1944, and
the consequences for the Germans in Romania were
severe. Political, economical, religious, and
cultural organizations were disbanded and
prohibited. The Germans were not expelled. In
January 1945 the Germans able to work were
deported to the Soviet Union to perform
reconstruction work. The agrarian reform of
March 1945 deprived the rural population of its
livelihood. In the summer of 1951 about 40 000
people living along the Yugoslavian border were
resettled by force to the steppes of the Bărăgan.
In the census of 1948 only 343 913 persons in
Romania claimed German as their mother tongue,
including 171 022 in the Banat. The result
obtained by the “Democratic Forum of Germans in
the Banat” was catastrophic.
The chances for cultural and ethnic survival of
the ethnic German group diminished under the
Ceausescu dictatorship. In addition, from 1951
on, and within the framework of family
reunification, there was an increased movement
of Germans from communist Romania to the west.
In the 1950 to 1992 timeframe, about 200 000
Banat Swabians emigrated. During 1990 alone,
more than 50 000 returned to the land of their
ancestors. Today only about 20 000 Banat
Swabians are living in Romania.
In September 1944 when the battle line came
closer, numerous rows of horse carts filled with
refugees from the Banat moved toward Austria.
Most of them passed the winter of 1944/1945 in
the Burgenland, in Lower Austria, Upper Austria
and Salzburg. Already in the spring of 1945 a
repatriation action was started in the Soviet
zone of occupation. Escorted by Red Army
soldiers, the treks of ethnic Germans moved from
the Vienna Arsenal in the direction of the
Banat. The Austrian Federal Ministry of the
Interior provides the following numbers for
refugees from Romania living in Austria: 56 601
on January 1, 1948; 20 735 on July 1, 1956.
About 18 000 Banat Swabians from Romania found a
new home in Austria.
The Association of Banat Swabians in Austria
proposes, in addition to sociability, to support
and further develop the ties established in the
old homeland. At the same time, it endeavours to
maintain the connection with the Banat Swabians
still living in the old homeland and to support
them (by sending parcels, transferring money,
etc.). In this effort, it is energetically
supported by the newspaper "Banater Zeitung"
published in Munich and read in 12 European
countries as well as overseas.
The Banat Swabians0 are
grouped together with the Swabians from the
Batschka, from Syrmia, Slavonia, Swabian Turkey,
the Central Hungarian Highlands (Ofner Bergland)
and Sathmar under the substantially more recent
common designation of Danube Swabians (Donauschwaben
in German).
The term
Donauschwaben1 was
created in 1922 by the geographer Robert Sieger
from Graz and had been used two years earlier by
Hermann Rüdiger, a geographer from the Deutsches
Auslands-Institut in Stuttgart („Donauschwaben
in the largest sense of the word are the
inhabitants of the areas of German settlement
along the middle course of the Danube, about
from Ofenpest/Budapest until Orşova“ ) for the
ethnic group previously known as Hungary
Swabians ("Schwaben Ungarns”). “They had always
been called Swabians (Schwaben) in these
regions…. After 1945 a part of them found a new
home in the FRG and Austria. Only here they
called themselves Donauschwaben.“2
Some German
Personalities from the Banat3
1. Arts
Portrait painter Karl Brocky from Temeswar
worked at the British Royal Court. Many of his
paintings can be admired at the British Museum
and other London Art Galleries. Other names are
Anton Graf von Bissingen (Großscham), Ludwig von
Bersuder (Temeswar), Tibor Bottlik (
Weißkirchen), Josef Brandeisz (Tschakowa),
Rudolf Chati, (Triebswetter), Andreas und
Rudolf Ferch (Perjamosch), Franz Ferch
(Temeswar), Josef Gerstenengst (Tschakowa),
Adolf Humborg (Orawitza), Stefan Jäger
(Hatzfeld), Emil Lenhardt (Temeswar), Richard
Waldemar Oschanitzky (Temeswar), Franz Ringeisen
(Steierdorf), Rudolf Sandor (Reschitza), Helmut
Schneider, (Temeswar), Peter Schneider
(Großbetschkerek), Ottmar Strasser (Weißkirchen),
Julius und Viktor Stürmer (Temeswar), Johann
Wälder (Großbetschkerek), Anton Thomas
(Werschetz), Karl Wetzel (Groß-Kikinda) and
2. Literature
Joachim Hödl (1725-1803) born in Styria worked
as a priest in Werschetz; in his works he
transplanted the Vienna Enlightenment to the
Banat. Baron Christian von Zedlitz was born in
Silesia and worked in Lowrin. A number of writers and poets born in the Banat
worked in Austria: Johann Friedel
(Schriftsteller und Dramaturg), der Dichter
Nikolaus Lenau, (*Tschatad, später in Lenauheim
umbenannt); Stefan Milow (Orschowa), Adam
Müller-Guttenbrunn (Guttenbrunn), Marie Eugenie
delle Grazie (Weißkirchen), Karl Wilhelm Julius
Ritter von Martini (Lugosch), Jakob Stein alias
Franz Feld (Franzfeld), Hans Wolfram Hockl
(Lenauheim); Peter Barth (Blumenthal -
Temeswar), Ludwig Bauer (Werschetz), Hans
Diplich (Groß-Komlosch), Annie Schmidt-Endres
(Lenauheim), Heinrich Erk (Liebling), Zoltán
Franyó (Kismargita-Temeswar), Josef Gabriel d.
Ä. und Josef Gabriel d. J. (Mercydorf), Peter
Gänger (Temeswar), Klaus Günther (Altbeba),
Jakob Hirsch (Klein-Schemlack), Rudolf Hollinger
(Temeswar), Peter Jung (Hatzfeld), Franz
Kleitsch (Neuarad), Bruno Kremling
(Weißkirchen), FranzLiebhard (d. i. Robert
Reiter, Temeswar), Eugen Probst (Arad), Nikolaus
Schmidt (Sigmundshausen), Hilde Martini-Striegel
(Arad), Ludwig Schwarz (Dollatz), Franz Storch
(Temeswar) and others.
3. Liberal
Arts and Humanities
Stefan Binder (Almen - Temeswar
), Leonhard Böhm (Weißkirchen), Georg Draxer
(Pantschowa), Alfred von Domaszewski (Orschowa),
Ludwig Grünn-Baróti (Perjamosch), Hans Hagel
(Karlsdorf - Temeswar),Koloman Juhász /Jung
(Alibunar), Desiderius Jaroschek-Járosy
(Lenauheim - Temeswar), Otto Kein (Temeswar),
Franz Kräuter (Niczkydorf), Johann Lehrer-Koszo
(Neuarad), Alexander Krischan (Hatzfeld - Wien),
Felix Milleker (Werschetz), Theodor
Orthmayer-Ortvay (Orawitza), Anton Peter Petri
(Lowrin - München), Johann Nepomuk Preyer
(Temeswar), J. Reichert (Stefansfeld -
Tübingen), Heinrich Johann Schwicker
(Neubeschenowa - Budapest), Josef Tendler
(Tschakowa), Fritz Valjavetz (Werschetz), Hans
Weresch (Temeswar), Franz Wettel (Temeswar),
Johann Wolf (Bozen - Temeswar) and
4. Theologians
Bishop Alexander Bonnaz (Triebswetter -
Temeswar), Nikolaus Cherier (Triebswetter -
Temeswar), Josef Groß (Rekasch - Temeswar),
Bischof Dr. Nikolaus Hummel (Billed - Wien),
Koloman Juhász/Jung (Alibunar; see also under Liberal Arts and Humanities), Michael
Lehmann (Stefansfeld - Wien), Aurel Martin
(Marienfeld - Budapest), Dr. Augustin Pacha
(Moritzfeld - Temeswar), Kardinal Lorenz
Schlauch (Neuarad - Großwardein), Anton Schütz
(Mastort) u.a.
5. Medicine and Sciences
Julius Amberg (Pápa - Temeswar), Johann Becker
(Billed), Josef Dick (Orzydorf), Johann
Fackelmann(Matscha), Ludwig von Graff
(Pantschowa - Graz), Adolf Lendl (Orzydorf - Budapest), Emmerich Lindenmayer
(Tschakowa), Eduard Kreiling (Arad), Peter
Lamoth (Detta), Johann May (Sackelhausen),
Alfred Metz (Leutschau/Zips - Temeswar), Josef
Reichel (Debreczin - Temeswar), Johann Röhrich
(Großsanktnikolaus - Temeswar), Julius Scheff
(Werschetz - Wien) u.a.
By the end of the 19th
century many Banat Swabians had moved to Vienna.
They were tradesmen, especially hairdressers,
but also students and merchants that were trying
to find their luck in Vienna and found had found
here a second homeland. Thus, on January 27,
1907, at 7 PM, in the restaurant "Zum Grundstein"
(At the Foundation Stone), in the VIII City
District, Josefstädter Straße 28 – currently
occupied a branch of BAWAG bank – the "Verein
der Banater Schwaben in Wien“ (Association of
Banat Swabians in Vienna) was born. Nikolaus
Wehner was elected chairman and explained the
purpose and the goals of the Association as
“helping those coming from the homeland to the
foreign large city and being unfamiliar with its
conditions, to give them advice [….] On the
other hand, even those residing in Vienna should
be brought closer to each other [….]” In
addition, use of the Swabian dialect, habits and
customs should be encouraged [….].
From its foundation, the Association
demonstrated an interest in culture, is shown by
the function of its elected librarian. Its various sections –
culture (homeland history and geography),
travel, welfare, sports, and others – conducted
and coordinated a variety of activities.4
The lectures presented by the
Association always found a grateful public; the
presenters were Banaters studying in Vienna –
such as the later Dr. Fritz Klinger and church
president Franz Hamm – as well as recognized
authots such Ella Triebnigg-Pirkert and Adam
During and after WWI, when
Vienna was subject to great deprivations and
famine was always present, the "action
children’s aid" ("Kinderhilfsaktion") was
started, which between 1916 and 1930 sent about
40 000 Viennese children to a free stay in the
In the “Temeswarer Zeitung”
of July 4, 1922, the following can be read: "An
important role was also played by the
Romania-German social democrat press in the
organization of aid to the children of Vienna
during 1921 and 1922. This effort started in
June 1921. More than 2000 Banat families
struggling themselves for their existence, took
over the care of these children, whose parents
were mainly railway workers. The return
transports took place on September 26, October
19, and November 8, 1921. During the summer of
1922, 650 children from Vienna found temporary
accommodation in the Banat. Michael Schaut,
editor of the socialist newspaper of Temeswar,
was a member of the Banat Aid Committee that
received the children trains from Vienna and
organized the allocation of the children to
their foster parents.
The people of Vienna
expressed their thanks in an impressive “Swabian
Celebration of the Viennese Child” held in the
large Musikvereinssaal, through their mayor Karl
Between May 1925 and December
1928 the Association “Banat Swabians in Vienna”
published the monthly newspaper “Unsere Heimat”
(Our Homeland), edited by Karl Kraushaar
(*24.05.1858 Hatzfeld; † 08.03.1938 Budapest ),
previously editor of the Banat newspaper „Der
Landbote“. On the subject of “Aid for Viennese
Children”, the January 1926 edition of the
newspaper states the following:
If we look back
at the end of the calendar year to the activity
of the Association of Banat Swabians in Vienna,
we see that for the accommodation of
undernourished children in the Banat we owe
thanks to the Deutsch-schwäbische
Volksgemeinschaft and to the press, especially
to Banater deutsche Zeitung, Temeswarer
Zeitung, Arader Zeitung, Hatzfelder Zeitung and Banater Tagblatt.[….]
The alarming political
developments in Austria in the 1930s and the
ongoing tense economical and social situation
made the work of the Association more and more
difficult, until the measures taken by the Third
Reich to enforce political conformity resulted
in complete paralysis of the Association’s work.
In the hopeless political
situation immediately following WWII it was
understandable that the former members of the
Association showed no immediate interest in the
continuation of the Association. Tens of
thousands of refugees from the Banat arrived in
Vienna, and a few thousands could barely be
In October 1945 the American
Military Administration in Austria permitted a
“Non-political Representation of Interests of
Ethnic Germans from the Former Crown lands of
Austro-Hungary”. Dr. Fritz Klingler was
responsible for the Germans from Romania. After
a year, that committee had to stop its activity. [….]
Martin Endres, who had been
acting as chairman of the Association since
1925, was the victim of an air raid. On November
18, 1947, deputy chairman Hugo Butter officially
dissolved the Association6.
The announcement of the
dissolution focussed public attention on the
“Association of Banat Swabians” and caused Hans
Franz, member of the Advisory Council for
Refugees at the League for Human Rights, to
follow the traces of the dissolved Association.
After numerous consultations with kindred
spirits, he succeeded in setting up a committee
to revive the Association and, for simplicity,
to restore its old name “Association of the
Banat Swabians”. [….] The police department in
charge of associations insisted that the new
name "Schwabenverein“ (Swabian Association) be
used for the new entity. [….]
On April 16, 1948, official
permission for the new association was received,
and on May 22, 1948, the meeting launching the
“Swabian Association” was held, and Hans Franz
was elected chairman. He was the uniting factor,
and always understood how to master the arising
difficulties. By this accomplishment he laid the
foundation for further fruitful work. [….]
The intention behind the
creation of the new "Swabian Association“ was to
ensure the survival of the “Association of Banat
Swabians”. […] It is worth remembering that this
initial step made possible the continuation of
association work by the Banat Swabians from
Romania residing in Austria. It produced the
vital nucleus from which a new consciousness of
history would develop. For Banaters, it was the
hour of change, and the strong will of
insightful persons was required to guide the
fate of the participants, through their hard
work, into a promising future. [….]
From the perspective of the Banat Swabians, the
most important objectives after 1945 were the
search for missing persons and family
reunification of divided families. Because of
the “iron curtain”, the former soldiers were
unable to return home to their families in
Romania or even to visit them. A reunification
of these divided families was exceedingly
difficult, as there were no official contacts
between Austria and the Romanian People’s
Republic. […]
Between November 1948 and April 1949 about 10,000 Banat refugees moved from Austria to France,
and were resettled in La Roque sur Pernes,
Provence).8 This action was the
result of an agreement with the French
government under Robert Schumann7 championed by Johann (Jean) Lamesfeld from
According to the newspaper "Sozialistische
Korrespondenz" on January 20, 1951, about 51,000
ethnic Germans from Romania were in Austria. It
was natural that those originating in the
Romanian part of the Banat had concerns
specifically related to Romania and felt that
these were not properly addressed by the
"Swabian Association." They split off from
that organization, and on April 22, 1963, they
formed the "Interest Community of Banat Swabians
from Romania for Family Reunification and
Property Compensation". […] At its general
meeting on October 24, 1964, it was decided to
change the name to "Country Association of Banat
Swabians from Romania". [….] Another general
meeting on October 4, 1974, decided to change
the name of the organization to “Country Association of the
Banat Swabians from Romania in Austria”. [….] On April 29, 1983, Franz Klein from Billed
was elected chairman. He was a very committed organizer and author,
highly decorated even by the Republic of
Austria, and he was to run the affairs of the
Association for more than 17 years. During the
years, Franz Klein organized the dispatch of
parcels, not strictly to the Banat and not only
for Banat Swabians. Medications, medical
instruments for hospitals and many other goods
were taken to Romania under his leadership or
guidance. [….]
When Franz Klein resigned due to age, on January
12, 2001, long-time deputy chairman Dr. Hans
Dama from Großsanktnikolaus took over as
chairman. He had been part of the executive
committee for more than two decades and, as
professor of Romanian Language and literature at
the University of Vienna, had become a unifying
link between two nations and cultures. [….]
On December 11, 2001, the proposal to rename the
association to “Association of Banat Swabians in
Austria” was approved by the authority in
Without any doubt, the most important
personality of the Banat Swabians acting in
Vienna was Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn
(*22.10.1852 Guttenbrunn / Romania; †05.01.1923
Vienna). The illegitimate child born in poor
conditions succeeded, through self-education, to
become a respected journalist, director of the Raimund Theater (1893 to 1896) and the Kaiser-Jubiläums-Stadttheater
(today’s Volksoper: 1898-1903) and celebrated
writer. His cenotaph can be found in the Vienna
Zentralfriedhof, Gr. 0, Reihe 1, Nr. 98. [….]
His death found a great echo in the media of
Romania. The Romanian poet and Philosopher
Lucian Blaga (1895-1961), an alumnus of the
University of Vienna, wrote a commemorative
article (in: "Patria," 1923, Cluj/Klausenburg).
Professor Nikolaus Engelmann (*13.08.1908,
Warjasch, +5.09.2005, Eisenstadt), teacher,
writer, journalist, academic professor in Linz,
and long-time chairman of the Country
Association of Danube Swabians in Upper Austria,
Staff member and from 1976 editor in chief of
the Salzburg weekly "Neuland," decorated in
1980 with the Prinz-Eugen-Pin of the Swabian
Association Vienna, from 1981 chairman of the
Sankt Gerhardswerk in Stuttgart, author of many
literary and pedagogical works, spent his last
years in Eisenstadt.
After WWII, which brought unspeakable suffering
to many ethnic groups including the Banat
Swabians – sweeping accusations “only” because
they were Germans – Banaters in Austria stood
with their compatriots in the old homeland and
maintained its relations with them even under
the precarious conditions of the communist era.
In Austria, contacts were maintained with the "Österreichisch-Rumänische
Gesellschaft" and with the cultural association
"Unirea." Over time, even the contacts with the
embassy of the Socialist Republic of Romania
improved, making visits to the old homeland
possible, despite the many formality involved.
During the past decades, our Association
maintained friendly relations with other “sister
associations,” the members of which came in
large part from Romania and/or from former
territories of the Habsburg monarchy:
Transylvanian Saxons, Germans from Bukowina/Buchenland,
Carpathian Germans, etc.
Following an invitation of the society "România,"
on October 1, 1975, the chairman of the "Country
Association of Banat Swabians from Romania in
Austria" Dr. h. c. Hans Androwitsch, and the
cultural advisor that organization, Prof.
Nikolaus Engelmann, and their spouses visited
Romania. In addition to their talks with members
of "România," the guests were received by the
administrations of the city and region, and
talked to the editorial staff of the newspapers
"Tribuna României," "Neuer Weg" and "Neue
Banater Zeitung," as well as the Publishing
house "Kriterion." [….]
On May 8 and 9, 1985, former university
professor from Temeswar and poet Prof. Dr.
Rudolf Hollinger (1910-1997) was honoured on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary
of his promotion and the bestowal unto him of
the Golden Doctorate Diploma by the University
of Vienna…. In a two-day symposium the
achievements of the honouree were celebrated in
presentations by Dr. Herbert Bockel (Universität
Passau), Mag. Hans Dama (Universität Wien) Dr. Walter Engel
(Heidelberg), Prof. Nikolaus Engelmann (Linz),
Dr. Horst Fassel (Universität Tübingen) and Mag.
Radegunde Täuber (Nufringen). Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erwin Ringel (Wien), a native of Temeswar,
presented the honouree with a copy of his book "Gedankensplitter
aus dem Osten. Aus dem Tagebuch eines
Südost-Europäers", published by his former
student Hans Dama. [....]
In the last decade of the past century, the
"Association of Danube Swabians in Austria"
demonstrated an active and varied activity,
based on the initiative of deserving members,
such as chairman Franz Klein and others such as
Dr. Alexander Krischan, Mag. Dr. Hans Dama,
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Adam, Julius Fikar, Peter
Dettar, Josef Kauten, Susanne Hügel-Lacina,
Peter Maurer, Mathias Wanko, the tireless
honorary chairman, Prof. Nikolaus Engelmann, and
others. Parcels and medical goods and
installations were expedited to Romania by Maria
Ritter from Upper Austria whose husband is
native of Perjamosch/Banat.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s help had to be
provided to the Banat Swabians emigrating en
masse from Romania, and passing through the
unavoidable of the Vienna West railway station (Westbahnhof)
on their way to Germany. |

Chairman Franz Klein celebrating his 80th birthday
him (from left): Jakob Laub, federal chairman of
County Association of the Banat
Swabians in Germany, (the honouree
Franz Klein), Prof. Nikolaus
Engelmann, Dr. Alexander Krischan,
Mag. Dr. Hans
Photo: Anton Julius
Fikar |
To encourage and promote the common bond between
Banat Swabians in Vienna, a “home evening” takes
place on the premises of the Association every
second Friday of the month, to discuss current
topics and plan future activities. Mother’s Day
celebrations and fall trips also took place,
with visits to interesting historic and/or
cultural paces. Individual or group tours of
Swabians from Germany, USA, Canada, Hungary were
thoughtfully supervised by Austrian members.
At his 80th
birthday, and in
recognition of decades
of comprehensive work
for the interest of the
Banat Swabian community
in Austria, long-time
chairman Franz Klein was
given the Prinz-Eugen-Pin by
Jakob Laub, federal
chairman of the “Country
Association of Banat
Swabians in Germany”.
Other members of the
Associations that
received the "Golden
Loyalty-Pin" were
Mag. Dr. Hans
Dama, Prof. Nikolaus
Engelmann, Dr. Alexander
Krischan and Susanne
Hügel-Lacina. Franz Klein

Honouring chairman Franz
Klein on the occassion of his 80th
Laub, federal chairman
of County Association of
the Banat Swabians in
Germany, handing the
honoree an honorary
Anton Julius Fikar |
As part of the Association’s cultural activity,
it organizes presentations and readings. On the
occasion of homeland poet Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn's
150th birthday anniversary, as well
as on the 75th and 80th
anniversary of his death Dr. Hans Dama spoke at
the cenotaph of the poet, and also at the Haus
der Heimat and at the Association’s premises.
Dr. Hans Dama also takes care of literary
bequest of Rudolf Hollinger and read from his
work at the cultural conference of the Country
Association of the Banat Swabians
(Baden-Württemberg, Germany) in December 1999 in
Sindelfingen, and also in December, in Vienna.
Dr. Hans Dama’s readings from the works of Adam
Müller-Guttenbrunn, Nikolaus Lenau, Rudolf
Hollinger and other authors from the Banat, take
place in Vienna every six months, and are
popular beyond the Banat-Swabian community. In
addition, inter-cultural events are organized:
In March 2000 Hans Dama spoke at the Romanian
Cultural Institute Aula Romaniae in Vienna about
the years Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu spent in
Vienna, followed by readings from his poetry.
Members of our Association take an active part
in cultural conferences in Germany, Austria,
Hungary and Romania. At the 19th
conference in Freiburg, on October 16, 1999,
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Adam presented the activities
of Franz Blaskovics and its impact on
agriculture in the Banat.
Especially productive was the activity of Dr.
Alexander Krischan, whose publications on Banat
themes always generated much interest: "German
Period Literature of the Banat 1771 – 1971"
(1987); "German Contributions to the
Historiography of the Banat 1860-1980“ (1993).
For his achievements, Dr. Alexander Krischan
received the Medal of Merit from the Country
Association of Banat Swabians; the Doctor
Diploma in Gold from the University of
Economics; and the Golden Badge of Honour for
Services to the Republic of Austria; the Golden
Medal of Honour for 45 years of work in the
service of the Austrian economy; and the Prinz-Eugen-Pin
in Gold. On the occasion of
his 75th birthday, the Association of
Banat Swabians in Austria presented the festive
publication “Banatica” with contributions from
54 authors and a
greeting from the Roman Catholic bishop of
Temeswar Dr. Sebastian Kräuter. At the same
time, the two-volume collected edition of Dr. Krischan’s work "Collected Contributions to
Cultural History of the Banat 1942–1996“ was
Representatives of our Association regularly
take part in meetings and discussions of Banat
Swabian organisations. In 1999 deputy chairman
Julius Fikar visited Banat Swabians in
Cincinnati/Ohio and documented highlights by
filming it.
In close cooperation with other Banat Swabians
engaged in cultural activities and living in
Vienna and the full support of either the
Romanian Embassy or the Romanian Cultural
Institute Aula Romaniae, many common projects
could be undertaken: the Lenau Symposium in
October 2002 on the occasion of the 200th
anniversary of the birthday of Banat-born poet
Nikolaus Lenau (1802-1850); and the 150th
anniversary of the birth and 80th
anniversary of the death of Banat writer Adam
Müller-Guttenbrunn (1852- 1923).
We continue to maintain our ties with the
International Lenau Society and send
representatives to its organized events. And we
continue to pay attention to our relationships
with Austrian, German, Romanian and Hungarian
As shown in our representation, our Association also has non-Banat members from the Serbian part of the Banat and from Austria, some of whom are acting in leading positions, pointing to a supra-regional community.
Chairmen of the Association
from its founding (January 1907) until 2006:
1907 Nikolaus Wehner
1920 Nikolaus Hilger
1922 Johann Braun * 31.08. 1874 in Tschesterek
1925 MartinEndres * 11.11.1882 in
Kleck/Torontaler Komitat; † 1944 Wien
1944 Hugo ButterObmann-Stellvertreter: meldete
am 18.11.1947 den Verein
bei der Vereinspolizei ab.
1948 Dkfm. Hans Franz * 20.01.1912 in
Steierdorf; † 26.06.1976 Wien
1950 Dr. Josef Fuchs* 04.05.1908 in
Alexanderhausen; † 14.06.1976 Wien
1974 Dr. h. c. Hans Androwitsch * 24.03. 1916 in
Philadelphia (USA);† 17.04. 1983 Wien
1983 Franz Klein* 17.10.1919 inBilled
2001 Mag. Dr. Hans Dama *30.06. 1944 in
Honorary chairmen:
Prof. Nikolaus Engelmann*13.08. 1908 in
Warjasch; † 05.09.2005 Eisenstadt
Franz Klein*17.10.1919 in Billed
*see also Dama, Hans (Hg.):
Österreich und
die Banater Schwaben. Festschrift. An der
Schwelle zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum des Verbandes
der Banater Schwaben Österreichs (1907 – 2007).
Ehrengabe für Franz Klein zum 85. Geburtstag.
1.Auflage, Wien 2005. Footnotes:
* see
also Dama, Hans (Hg.): Österreich und die
Banater Schwaben. Festschrift. An der Schwelle
zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum des Verbandes der
Banater Schwaben Österreichs (1907 – 2007).
Ehrengabe für Franz Klein zum 85. Geburtstag.
1. Auflage, Wien 2005.
Banater‚Schwaben"“. In: Temeswarer Zeitung,
Temesvar, Jg. 28 (1879), Nr. 71 vom 27. März,
Seite 1.
See also Hermann Rüdiger,
Die Donauschwaben in der südslawischen Batschka,
Stuttgart 1931, S. 17);
"Donauschwaben", in: Handwörterbuch des Grenz-
und Auslandsdeutschtums, Breslau, Bd. II (1936),
Sonderdruck, S. 290 ff.; Senz, Josef Volkmar: Geschichte der Donauschwaben,
München 1987,
S. 19; Senz, Josef Volkmar (Hg.):
Bayerische Donauschwaben donauschwäbische
Bayern, München 1979, S. 13; Gündisch, G.
Konrad: Die deutsche Siedlung in Süosteuropa.
Ein Überblick, in: Die Donauschwaben.
Deutsche Siedlung in Südosteuropa.
Ausstellungskatalog. Herausgegeben vom
Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, bearbeitet
von Eberl, Immo u. a., Sigmaringen 1987, S. 11;
Scherer, Anton: Vorwort zu: Die
Donauschwaben in der Zwischenkriegszeit und ihr
Verhältnis zum Nationalsozialismus. Schriftenreihe Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft
der altösterreichischen deutschen Minderheiten
in den Ländern der ehemaligen Donaumonarchie,
Bd. 3, herausgegeben vom Felix Ermacora
Institut. Forschungsstätte für die Völker der
Donaumonarchie, Wien 2003.
Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon in 25 Bänden.
Bibliographisches Institut Mannheim/Wien/
Zürich, 1973, Bd. 7, S. 82.
Persönlichkeiten – bis auf eine Ausnahme –
wurden aus verständlichen Gründen nicht in das
Verzeichnis aufgenommen.
Amtsblatt der Wiener Zeitung
Nr. 267, Jahrgang 240, 18. November 1947, S. 7.
Deutsche Schreibweise des aus Lothringen
stammenden Politikers.
See also Leber, Peter-Dietmar: La Roque sur
Pernes und seine Banater Geschichte, in: Dama,
Hans (Hg.): Österreich und die Banater
Schwaben.Festschrift. An der Schwelle zum
100-jährigen Jubiläum des Verbandes der Banater
Schwaben Österreichs (1907 – 2007). Ehrengabe für Franz Klein zum 85.