Danube Swabian Research & Discoveries

Alice Spande |
"...helping birds find their nest in the Batschka: Apatin, Bacsalmas,
Batschsentivan, Bukin, Csavoly, Gakowa, Gara, Hodschag, Katymar,
Kruschiwl, Kernei, Kolut, Nemesnadudvar, Neudorf (Novo Selo),
Parabutsch, Stanischitsch, Tscheb, Weprowatz, and miscellaneous
villages outside the Batschka." |
German Spellings (D and T, etc.)
Spelling Accuracy & Variations
Using Perspective & Thinking Grey
Social/Political Problems of Danube
Swabians Early 20th Century
History of Europe in general & the Eastern or Central Europe in
Cousins marrying each other among the DS |
Note: The
following observations (culled from
responses to past DVHH-Lister messages)
represent some general statements I have
found to be true in my genealogical
research, and are the result of 40 years of
researching Danube Swabians primarily in the
Northeastern Batschka area, and generally in
all of Bacs Bodrog County of the
Austrian-Hungarian Empire and the old
Kingdom of Hungary, pre 1918. These
observations are based on considerable time
and effort expanded into becoming familiar
with the history and people of that area
(through reading, oral interviews, and
surname research beyond my own family), and
as such, may or may not apply to any
specific individual or group of individuals
in your research. These opinions should be
used to help direct you into more research
on your own, regarding those subjects
mentioned, of which you have the most desire
to learn. I do not pretend to be an
authority on these subjects, but am still a
traveler on the quest for further knowledge
of my Danube Swabian ancestors. - Alice in
If you have a
question or need assistance, please join the
DVHH-L mail list, post your inquiry
to the list for all to benefit from.
Genealogy 101:
German Spellings (D and T, etc.) |
Friday, Mar 23, 2007 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [DVHH-L] Genealogy 101: German
Spellings (D and T, etc.) |
Regarding Danube Swabian Genealogy and
This subject has been addressed before, but
perhaps we should review it at this time. It
is one that all of need to remember and
refresh our memories on from time to time.
There are several factors to consider when
doing genealogical research with the German
dialects. Some of these are addressed under
"spelling" at this DVHH page:
It is also important to remember that
certain German letters are interchangeable,
even today, depending on where you are and
who is doing the spelling. Depending on the
village, certain villages used certain
spellings whereas in the next nearby
village the same family surname was spelled
with the other variant letter. Watch out for
the following letters which can be found
used interchangeably:
B for P
C for K
D for T
F for V
G for K
I for J
J for I
K for C
K for G
P for B
V for F
V for W
W for V
I'm sure there are other letters which
should be listed here, but these are what
come to immediate mind. Perhaps other
listers will chime in and help make this
list more complete --especially in regards
to the vowel variants, with and without the
Also, it might be helpful to post the above
list somewhere close to where you can see
it easily when looking for people in the
transcription records found in the
Ortssippenbucher and Familienbucher. It is
so easy to think of a name spelled only the
way we are used to spelling it.
One hint I can suggest, also, is take time
to to write out your surnames using all the
variant letter possibilities. This does not
account for all the possible 'other'
spellings you might find , but at least it
is helpful since it is difficult to remember
what all the variant spellings might look
like. I spent years trying to clarify
the spellings of my paternal grandmother's HINGL,
HENGEL, and several other variants. Even a
relatively simple spelling like my maternal
grandmother's name KREM, KREMM, KREMP, KRAM,
KRAMM can give problems when you find GREM,
Hope this is helpful in your future
Alice in Michigan
"Anneliese Connections"
Accuracy & Variations |
Saturday, Jan 19, 2007 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [DVHH-L] |
Re: Katherine / Catherina
Dear Allison,
Perhaps it
would be helpful if I mentioned something
about names and spelling that may at first
seem more confusing to beginning
genealogical researchers, but later will
make things simpler.
'Correct' spelling did not become
established in most families or areas of
Europe until the mid to late 1800s. Even
Shakespeare signed documents with 3
different spellings of his name at different
times, so education was not the main factor
in spelling variations.
The German dialect spoken by the village
accounted for some of the variance in the
way the surnames were pronounced, and
therefore in how they were spelled.
The earliest Roman Catholic Church records
were written in Danube Swabian church Latin
(a variation in itself from that which was
used in Rome and a variant form of the Latin
taught in American schools).
Later Church records were written in German,
and still later they are written in
Hungarian and/or Serbian, Romanian, or
Croatian. As just a quick example, here are
just a few variant forms of the given name
Catharine, Catharina = Latin
Katharina = German
Katalin = Hungarian
Kati = Hungarian diminutive form of
Katica = "
Katinka = "
Kató = "
Katóka = "
Katus = English form of Cathie, Katie,
I have also
seen "Katya" = language? Maybe someone else
will enlighten us on the Serbian and
Croatian forms of Catherine.
Now add into
the mixture, the fact that priests did not
always ask the family how to spell the name
but just wrote it by how he heard it, which
produced new variations; and even if he did
ask, in some situations the education of the
persons involved did not give what we would
call 'accurate' results.
Then, too, occasionally, certain individuals
within a family chose to spell their names
differently from the rest of the family; and
even went by entirely different names in
different villages (that, thankfully, did
not happen often!).
From this, you can see how there would be
several spellings for the same name.
Although it does not have to do with variant
spellings of names, you should also consider
that some individuals Hungarianized (i.e.,
Magyarized) there names which means they
took on new surnames that showed their
Hungarian loyalty, either in cases where
this was politically 'correct' and expedient
to their lives, or because they actually
felt this connection. This began already in
the early 18th century but occurred most
frequently in the later half of the 19th and
first half of the 20th century. When dealing
with the question of accuracy of a name, if
you come across a Hungarian surname in your
German family, or you lose connections when
trying to track individuals who are known to
have remained in Hungary, Serbia, Croatia,
or Romania after the WW2, consider this
factor. Budapest Archives have this
information, and Radix website will provide
a reference page for a fee.
These are the primary reasons you find so
many variations in spelling in Danube
Swabian research. Because of this, it is
recommended that you try to get a handle on
all the variant spellings which could
possibly be used for a name you are
researching, before you begin your search
for a person. This is a good rule to
remember when researching Danube Swabians in
any part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire or
in the area called the greater Kingdom of
Hungary prior to the coalition with Austria.
As I said, at first this may seem to confuse
things even more, but gradually you will
catch on; in the meantime, the DVHH listers
are great at helping answer questions.
Alice in Michigan
"Anneliese Connections"
...helping birds find their nest in the
In an excerpt of a follow-up message dated
20 Jan 2007, Hans Kopp wrote:
"To the subject spelling:
For those who have access to the volumes of
Stefan Stauder or an Ortsippenbuch may have
noticed that many names are spelled
differently and often are placed in
pertinences. For example Ergh (Erck, Erg,
Erk) or when I was surching for one of my
ancestors Eckstein and Oswald I found their
spelling as Eckhstein and Oschwaldt. One of
my friends whose name is “Bangert” and who
can trace his name back some 500 years or so
found that his actual name was
“Baumgartner”. In slang it contracted to
Bomgart some 200-300 years ago and now it is
Then there were the Hungarian scribes who
did their own butchering of names, not
intentionally but they use Hungarian letter
for German sounds like cz or sz lin Ziegler
- Cziegler, Tauser – Tauszer. These are only
simple spellings and I have seen a lot
How do we know who is who? We also can find
names, spelling verifications of persons,
from other documents and dates, such as
wedding dates and witnesses to a wedding.
From such documents we also may learn from
where the people originate. One of my
ancestors married in Ulm and it is from that
document we found that they came from
Venningen, the Palatinate. But this research
cannot be accomplished by you and needs
often professional help. ...I do believe
only a lucky stumble in the dark can find
the information... The only other recourse
we have is patience and persistence and hope
that someone can help us."
Perspective & Thinking Grey |
Thu, 11 Jan 2007 13:26:58 EST
Subject: Re: [DVHH-L] Alsace Lorraine |
Your observation about time and history is a
good one to remember. True answers all
depend on perspective and orientation to
time, place, and history.
Although this is very important to remember,
genealogists (especially when they begin)
sometimes find it difficult to open their
minds to the idea that a question can have
more than one answer and all may be somehow
true. Names, dates, places --there are often
no definitive answers, and all the variant
answers may be true in some way. This is
hard to wrap ones mind around, especially
when the question is a birth date. How can
more than one answer be true? But if you
think about it, you can come up with reasons
why different records might give different
days, months or years for the same person's
birth, and depending on the view of the
statement, they could all be true in some
I often think about children ages 7-8 years
old who, for the first time in their lives,
become aware that not everything is black or
white. For most children, grey areas do not
exist prior to that age. One of the things
they must learn is how to think "out of the
box" for more possible answers.
For beginning genealogists, it is the same
--they expect only one answer and no grey
areas. As we become more familiar with
research, we begin to see (even though we
still want to cling to the idea there can be
only one answer) that genealogy is full of
grey areas. Once we open our mind to this
possibility, we can move on to making
breakthroughs in our research. But every
once in a while we need to step back and
remember that grey areas do exist and we
need to "re-think" our view to see if we can
find other answers.
Thanks again, Anne, for helping all of us
remember this golden rule of genealogy --all
is not black and white; look for the grey
Alice in Michigan
"Anneliese Connections"
...helping birds find their nest in the
Batschka... |
History of Europe in
general and "Eastern" or "Central" Europe in
specific |
Sent/List: Saturday, March 04, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [DVHH-L] Question about Records |
For those of you with little experience
understanding the history of Europe in
general, and "Eastern" or "Central" Europe
in specific, this may help. [The current
trend by historians is to refer to what used
to be called "Eastern Europe" as "Central
Europe" today; geographically, perhaps, a
little more correct, but it is a terminology
not readily accepted by some of the
countries involved.] I recommend reading
HISTORY; Paul Robert Magocsi's HISTORICAL
Laslo Kontler's "A HISTORY OF HUNGARY;" and
BARBARIANS." I have tried to give you
authors of different nationalities in order
that you get a more rounded picture of the
history [history is like a sphere in that if
you only see/hear/read from the outside you
only see one side of the issue, and you
never can see the complete picture as from
looking out from the inside of the
sphere--or in our case, reading
authors from various views.]
Once again, I re-emphasize that when our
ancestors emigrated down the Danube, there
was no country called Germany; only a number
of pacts between various nobility who
created alliances to protect and better
themselves. [Their 'servants' were still
much cared for as under the feudal system
--including 'selling" males who were under
their control, to British forces to help
fight the rebellious colonists in the early
days here in America (research the Hessian
soldiers for more on this subject). This
use/misuse of manpower was one of the
reasons many men sought the trip down the
Danube rather than try to come to the
Colonies in the 1700s, because they were not
welcomed there, and were discouraged from
immigrating into the Colonies (although a
few soldiers went awol in order that they
might stay in the colonies.)]
Consequently, it is more correct to label
the DS by their tribal name, rather than by
the term 'German' as that term did not come
into use until years later. In using the
term German we mis-lead our listers who
think we are referring to the country which
came later in history.
The books listed above, are excellent
resources and give much assistance in
understanding something few of us have had
the chance to study in our schooling here in
America. |
Cousins marrying each
other among the DS |
Saturday, March 04, 2006 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: [DVHH-L] Question about Records |
Comment << ... if there were "inbreeding"
within a family, say by cousins who I
believe often married back then, would that
be in church records? >>
If you are talking about Roman Catholic
church records, you will find a notation by
the priest, stating the Vatican's permission
granted for the marriage. I have only found
these for first cousin marriages and they
are very infrequent, especially in later
Because of several factors, it was common
for the DS to marry their cousins. Some of
these were:
* 1. the prohibition of marrying outside
the church without special dispensation from
the Vatican, and the small numbers of their
own religion within a given area among the
18th and early 19th
century immigrants;
* 2. the desire of the DS to marry within
their own people and cultural background;
* 3. the lack of eligible mates of the
correct age, religion, DS, unmarried, in an
area of proximity to the home village (we
have to remember, they did not travel too
far from home very often);
* 4. the occasions when they most often
saw someone who was available was at
religious and family functions (like
weddings) where they often were together
with eligible cousins (this is why you find
so many granddaughters/grandsons marrying
cousins of their grandmother,
brothers-in-law marrying deceased wives'
sisters, father's marrying mother's of
son-in-laws and frequent marriage of
two siblings marrying two siblings in a
joint marriage ceremony!);
* 5. the necessity of men finding a new
wife to help raise his family encouraged
quickly marrying someone who fit the
* 6. the earliest settlers were required
to be married in order to be given a house
and land under the terms of the contract
with the Hapsburgs;
* 7. the men were not allowed to marry
back in their homeland until they had saved
the designated amount of money and/or land;
therefore many settlers married on the way
to the new homestead (sometimes others from
home, sometimes strangers they met along the
way, certainly as soon as they arrived) in
order to qualify for #6 above;
* 8. the need for children to help lighten
the work load in a society that was so
heavily dependent upon manual labor in order
to provide for daily living.
dictionary defines inbreeding as "the
interbreeding of closely related individuals
esp. to preserve and fix desirable
characters of and to eliminate unfavorable
characters from a stock; confinement to a
narrow range or a local or limited field of
choice." Any marriages closer than third
cousins therefore have been considered
inbreeding and discouraged, going back many
years (I don't recall exactly when
inbreeding became illegal in Europe).
Marriage of second cousins was also
discouraged in some countries, especially in
more modern times, but is still practiced in
some places. When you consider the above
factors, it is easy to understand the number
of cousins marrying, and you do see a
pattern of confinement to certain
limitations, but the intermarriages over the
years were between so many different lines
they do not qualify as "illegal" inbreeding
[This interweaving of families is often
extremely complex and thus frustrating, but
it is very important for genealogists to
study because it often gives clues about the
original family being researched that you
might not have found otherwise!]. You will,
however, find several hereditary health
issues passed on from family to family
because of the relative closeness of some of
these lines and the issue of twins pops up
often among them. (Most church death records
will mention the cause of death, and some
OSB/FB list these causes. Even if you don't
understand what the cause translates to, you
should notate it because of these hereditary
diseases, and their influence even on your
Hope this gives more insight into cousins
marrying each other among the DS. |
Social/Political Problems of Danube Swabians
Early 20th Century |
Monday, October 17, 2005 11:52 PM
Subject: [DVHH-L] Social/Political Problems
of Danube Swabians Early 20th Century |
Always searching for more information on
what life was like for relatives living in
Hungary (also Romania) in modern times? I
came across two books that may be of
interest to some of you. If, like me, you
are interested in reading/understanding more
about the social/political relationships of
Danube Swabians during the period between
WW1 and WW2, here are two books by Professor
Thomas Spira written while at the History
Dept. of University of Prince Edward Island.
The books are part of the East European
Monographs, distributed by Columbia
University Press. They are probably
available on inter-library loan, but if you
don't mind the cost, they occasionally are
found through used book dealers.
1936-1939: THE ROAD TO DISCORD, published
1990. [ISBN 0-88033-182-8; Library of
Congress # 90-80364]
PROBLEM 1919-1936, published 1997.
[ISBN 0-914710-18-4; Library of Congress
For anyone whose ancestors came to North
America during the first quarter of the 20th
century, these books (though not light
reading) will give a feel for some of the
social unrest that the DS were living
through at that time.

28 Feb 2019