Dennis Bauer

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Batschka Resources
Village & Regional
Published and maintained at by Jody McKim Pharr.

Research  |  Book List  | Memoirs  |  History  |  Atrocities  |  Maps

Archives of Vojvodina
Arhiv Vojvodine
Address :
Dunavska 35
21000 Novi Sad
Telephone : 021 489 1800
web site:

Batschka Coat of Arms

Batschka Village Look-up Guides are listed on our Village Index under each village. And List of Look-up Guides for Emigrants/Stader and 1828 Hungarian Census, and other books

Bács-Bodrog Megye (County) - Hungarian Names of Villages & Cities & FHC Film Number

Understanding Danube Swabian Research & Discoveries with Alice Spande

A Collection of Genealogical Information of Palankaer-Americans & Related Families 1895-2008, by Dennis Bauer

Dennis J. Bauer's Genealogical Batschka Book Collection

Dennis J. Bauer's General Donauschwaben Book Collection

Batschka Photo Collection, From the archives of

Izolda Kovács, 2012 Karavukovo, Miletitsch & Hodschag Photos

Erik Glässer Archives Photo Collections, Special Content

Paula Schleis Archives Photo Collections, Special Content

The Collected Works of Brad Schwebler

The Collected Works of Hans Kopp

The Collected Works of Adam Martin & Hans Martini


Research & Reference . . .

List of Look-up Guides for Emigrants/Stader and 1828 Hungarian Census, and other books

Hungarian Census Records / About The Hungarian Property Tax 1828 Land Census

Emigration from Batschka in the US Customs & Immigration Passenger Ship Records by Dave Dreyer

941 Ship Extractions from Batschka, Records by Name - Records by Village - PDF File: People who died in the USA - Brigitte & Gunther Wolf

Ship Data: Information regarding the ships your Donauschwaben ancestors journeyed on immigrating to the US, may be provided by request.  See Sample - John Schlesinger

Where to Look for Hard-to-Find German-Speaking Ancestors in Eastern Europe by Brandt, Bruce 1992.
Index to 16,372 surnames and references to where they may be found in Galicia, Austria, Hungary, the Banat and Batschka.




Related Information from the main DVHH History Section. . .

The History of the Batschka by Dr. Viktor Pratscher

Peter Max Wagner, founder of Hilfswerk der Donauschwaben by Richard Wagner

Germans in the Batschka by Dr. Viktor Pratscher

Specifications of goods & tools supplied to a colonist

Szeghegy - Emperor Josef II signing the Settlement Patent by Johan Jauß

1873 Doctrine for the Orphans of Szeghegy (Sekitsch)

Batschka ~ The History - The Oldest Time by Josef Schramm

Joseph Platter's Petition

The Rule of the Turks by Josef Schramm

Hemp Industry in Batschsentiwan, The ”White Gold" of the Batschka by Hans Kopp

Batschka Vineyards

Batschka Churches

Traditional dress (Tracht)

Commemorative Ceremony in Gara/Batschka - On July 6, 2007, a large commemorative ceremony and the consecration of the old cemetery in Gara marked the 60 anniversary of the forcible removal of Germans in Hungary.  Gedenkfeier (Commemoration) in Gara/Batschka - 6. Juli 2007 Anläßlich des 60. Jahrestages der Verschleppung der Ungarndeutschen kam es zu einer großen Gedenkfeier und zur Weihe des alten Friedhofs in Gara. (translation by Hans Martini) (broke link)


Concise accounts of war crimes during and after World War II

Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen" 1944-1948" Chapter 1 "Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans" by Österreichische Historiker-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Kärnten und Steiermark (Austrian Historian Working Group for Carinthia and Styria)

Chapter 2: In the Batschka The systematic liquidation program of the Danube Swabian population in the Batschka closely followed the parameters of the governmental districts into which the Batschka was divided for administrative purposes.

The Beginning of the Following Sorrowful Story January 21, 1945 by John Knodel. 39 amazing pages of the daily diary John kept from Jan 1945 to Christmas 1949, translation by his granddaughter Gerti Soderquist Knodel born in Harta / Hartau in Bács-Kiskun County, Batschka, a survivor who made it to America.  A must read!

Thinking often on VRBAS in the Backa by Valerie Kreutzer

A Vrbas, Backa, Story by Karl Kreutzer. Translated by Valerie Kreutzer

Haigermoos - Camp, Remembrances of my Time in Austria by Adam Martini, translation by Trentoner Donauschwaben Nachrichten Newsletter staff

The Potatoes by Adam Martini, translation by son, Hans Martin.  A Story of a brave 8 year old boy in Palanka, during WW2.

Letter from Camp Pasicevo/Altker by Eva Zentner. Translation by niece Rose Vetter.

Katy (Katch) - My Life, the Flight 1944-45 by Kathe Fichtinger Written by my Aunt Kathe Fichtinger, who now lives in Bavaria. Translated by Kathe and her son Rudi, submitted by Larry Hale.

Memories from Gakowa 1940's by Katherine Hoeger-Flotz

Batschka Memoirs . . .

Batschka Book List

A Small History To Remember By Andrea Ballreich, 2003

Roots remain along Danube by Paula Schleis

New Years Day by Adam Martini, translation by son, Hans Martini

Danube Swabian Easter Customs Lebzelter And the Easter Customs for the People of the Village of Bulkes
by Heinrich Hoffmann, translated by Brad Schwebler

Customs on Festival Days Springtime & Easter - from the book "The Germans of the Community of Feketic / Feketitsch" by Dr. Viktor Pratscher - translated by Brad Schwebler

On Becoming a Woodworker by Adam Martini, translation by son, Hans Martini

My Big Adventure: America - 1956 by Adam Martini, translation by son, Hans Martini 

Escape from Yugoslavia & Coming to America by Hans Kopp

My Father, the Meat Chopper by Andreas Franz

Maps . . .

Batschka Village Map (1)

Click Image to Enlarge

Batschka Village Map (2)

Batschka Village Map (5)
1930-1944 (large map)

Click image to enlarge


About the Batschka Area

by Klaus Kempf

    Today Batschka is situated in the Autonomous Territory of Vojvodina in the country of Serbia. It is nestled between the River Danube and the River Tisa and it is mostly a very flat area, which interconnects to the Hungarian flatland as well as the flatland of the Romanian Banat. It's a rich agricultural and treeless farmland, which in its northern part is water poor and depends on its irrigation on the numerous typical  deep wells of the Pannonian Plateou. North of the city of Subotica stretches a shallow topsoil area all the way into Hungary. In the south the flatland consists of sandy loams, of the formal river valleys of the Danube and Tisa Rivers. Each spring the numerous river side arms regularly flood the areas, transforming it into huge lakes. Already during the times of the Hungarian Kingdom many canals were built, like the west-east Veliki Canal.  

      Even though both the Danube and the Tisa are flanked with thick forests, the areas away from the rivers is under intense agricultural cultivation. Corn, wheat, sunflowers, sugar beats, are some of the main agricultural products. Just like in the Romanian Banat, Batschka was resettled in the 16th century with the German colonists, which as soldier-farmers protected the Austrian Empire against the Turks. The most important city of the area besides Subotica at the Hungarian border is Novi Sad, the capital of Vojvodina.

  Batschka Region Map (3)

Published with the permission of the author, from the book "Donauschwäbische Lebensformen an der Mittleren Donau" by Hans Gehl, Marburg 2003.

© Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Tübingen 1996 © N.G. Elwert Verlag Marburg

Click image to enlarge


Batschka Village Map (4)


Historic Settlement Map of the Danube Swabian by Hans Sonnleitner & Magdalena Kopp-Krumes; Copyrighted Danube-Swabian Culture Foundation (Brochure - April 2004, out of print) - Contributed by Hans Kopp, with permission of by Ernst Jaeger.

Click image to enlarge ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!
Last Updated: 06 Oct 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!
Last Updated: 06 Oct 2020