
Danube Swabian Community
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead

Villages Helping Hands

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors


DVHH.org was established online January 15, 2003
10 Year DVHH Anniversary Publication
Last Updated: 19 Jul 2021

First DVHH Banner made by Mike O'Brien:

Original DVHH Banner created by Mike O'Brien, 2003

New DVHH Mascot "Lissi"

I was here - Wall of Descendants - DVHH Members, Volunteers, & Mail Listers share what the DVHH has meant to them. [Some postings were edited due to off topic or lengthy family histories that may be more appropriately published elsewhere on the DVHH website.] 

Cousin Connections - Mail Listers share their stories of making cousin connections because of DVHH.

Presidents Letter - Letter of Thanks: Volunteers & Contributors Who Made the DVHH Successful

Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands - The Ties That Bind – Worldwide

Survivor Story: Anni Tissl Turkalak

A Survivor Story of a Russian Ukraine Slave Labor Camp - A twist of fate for a Donauschwaben-US Born Young Woman

Book Review: O Podunavskim Svabama / Uber die Donauschwaben / About the Danube Swabians

Katharina Lettang Searches for Susanne, by Karl Springenschmid (1979). Translated to English: "Our lost children: Janissaries" by Eve E. Koehler and John A Koehler, 1980

A History Austria-Hungary From The Earliest Time To The Year 1889 - Translated from French: " Histoire de l'Autriche-Hongrie By Louis Léger, 1879" by Mrs. Birkbeck Hill; with a Preface by Edward A. Freeman. Published by G.P. Putnam's sons, 1889 - 672 pages. The DVHH publication provides a linked table of contents for you convenience.

A Short History of The Danube Swabians - by Nick Tullius, 2013 DVHH Editorial


Prince Eugene and our Old Homeland - by Rose Vetter, 2013 DVHH Editorial

Zarev Brod (Endje) A German Minority Community in Bulgaria - by Rose Vetter, 2013 DVHH Editorial

Revised Section: Atrocities Against the Danube Swabian Starting in 1944

The Settlement of Tolna County by the Swabians (Swabian Turkey)

"Peter Max Wagner" Batschka Donauschwaben Spokesperson - "Founder of "Hilfswerk der Donauschwaben"

Danube Swabian in Bulgaria

New Content is being developed as you read this, so check back . . .

Publishers Note: The head banner was the original DVHH banner used when we still referred to us as a "project" and the map background image were both were created by Mike O'Brien.  These bring back so many memories.  I should start using that background image again, it is very nice.

Below are some tidbits of nostalgia I thought some of you might enjoy.


We Remember . . . 

Mike Miller, 1942-2003 http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-M.htm

Stefan Stader, 1923-2003 http://www.dvhh.org/community/s_stader.htm

William "Bill" Harold Deak, 1923-2003 http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-C-D.htm

Barbara Scheuer Wolfram, 1937-2005 http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-S.htm

Robert Rohr, 1922-2008 http://www.dvhh.org/banat_biographies/rohr-robert.htm

Rudy Kirchner, 1933-2008 http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-K.htm

Anton Bedö-Zollner, 1935-2009 http://www.dvhh.org/banat_biographies/zollner-anton.htm

Eva Hajdu nee Capdebo, 1952 - 2010  http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-H.htm

Maxine Schwellinger Jones, 1938-2012 http://www.dvhh.org/batschka/tribute-maxine-jones.htm

Jakob Hunsinger, 1934-2012 http://www.dvhh.org/batschka/biographies/hunsinger_jakob.htm

Johann "Hans" Grimm, 1929-2012 http://www.dvhh.org/banat_biographies/grimm-hans.htm

Maria Abt nee Hoffmann 1931-2012 http://www.dvhh.org/community/obits-A.htm



Looking Back . .

The DVHH Mail List (hosted by Rootsweb) began on September 2003.
Just glancing over the archives index, you can see how our postings have increased, resulting in many success stories.

On 26 Feb 2006, Alex Leeb took over as the Mail List Administrator.

[BANAT-L] Donauschwaben Villages' Helping Hands Project - Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003

[DVHH-Villages-L] Greetings from the DVHH Core Group - Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003

 [DVHH-Villages-L] The DVHH & The Mailing List Update - Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004

[DVHH-Villages-L] DVHH is 2 years old - January 2005 - Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005


Published Writers & Authors Among US

-Listed by year of publication-


Barefoot in the Rubble
by Elizabeth B. Walter, 2000

Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito
by Jacob Steigerwald, 2001

The Last Generation Forgotten and Left to
Die: The History of the Danube Swabians

by Hans Kopp, 2003


A Pebble in my Shoe
by Katherine Hoeger-Flotz, 2004

Children of the Danube
by Henry A. Fischer, 2004

Roots and Branches
by Rose Mary Katherine Keller Hughes, 2006


Remember to Tell the Children:
A Trilogy Book One: The Pioneers
by Henry A. Fischer, 2006

Remember To Tell The Children: Book Two: Strangers And Sojourners
by Henry A. Fischer, 2007

Finding Vital 1796-1945 Data Regarding German and Hungarian Ancestors of Banat(ska) Topola and Novo Selo, Plus an Exposé About the Local 1945-1946 Internment Camp for Germans of Yugoslavia
by Jacob Steigerwald, 2009


A Collection of Genealogical Information of Palankaer-Americans & Related Families 1895-2008
by Dennis Bauer, 2009

Banatska Topola 1945: Vertreibungsvorgang, nebst Quellentips für Ahnenforschung
by Jacob Steigerwald, Ph. D., 2011

Remember To Tell The Children:
Book Three: Emigrants And Exiles
by Henry A. Fischer, 2011


My journey from the Banat to Canada
by Nick Tullius, 2012

Kirchweih Fest:
A Donauschwaben Celebration
from Europe to America

Elizabeth (Elsa) Walter, 2012
Click for more information at PannoniaPress.com

The Great Swabian Migration "Der Gross Schwabenzug" a Historical Novel by Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn. Translated by Linda Byrom, and editing team, Eddy Palffy, Mike Walter, and Annerose Goerge. Published by Pannonia Press in conjunction with the Danube Swabian Foundation of the USA, Inc.



Last Updated: 26 Oct 2020

DVHH.org ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!