Danube Swabian

Villages Helping Hands

"Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors!


1. Start here
  2. Finding Aids 3. Emigrant Books
4. Military Matters 5. Immigration 6. Austria-Hungary 7. Deutschland

Emigrant Reference Books (for reading & lookups)

0. Abbr. | 1. Isabella Regényi | 2. Prohaska: Banater SKRA | 3. Banater Akten SKRA | 4. Wilhelm-Kallbrunner | 5. Hacker Series | 6. Stader Books | 6b. Schildebirge/Stader | 7. Tafferner Quellenbuch | 8. Lotz: Early Theresian Colonization | 9. Pfrenzinger: Main Franconian | 10. Hengl: Baranya Kolonisten | 11. Schmidt: Kolonisten Hessen-Tolna-Baranya-Somogy | 12. Clifford Smith Emigrants | 13. Amman's Lorraine Emigration | 14. Misc Books

AKdFF: All Danube-Swabian Books & Media Publications (Ortssippenbuch, Familienbuch or Ortsfamilienbuch)

AkdFF: "The following (PDF) list contains individual publications that are no longer available on the free book market. Some of these books come from estates or are offered by members who want to clear their bookcase. The offers marked with a are new additions, the titles marked with the red book have been reduced in price. The list is updated regularly if possible. Do not wait too long to make a purchase decision, because the offer is only valid while stocks last! We ask for your understanding that we only deliver against prepayment and additionally calculate the shipping costs."  See list: akdff.de/wp/antiquariat/

0. Abbreviations used in entries

  1. Qu: source(s)
  2. Quellenverzeichnis: Source Directory
  3. Abkürzungen: Abbreviations
  4. Abs: Abschrift / copy
  5. WK: Quellen zur deutschen Siedlungsgeschichte in Südosteuropa by Dr. Franz WILHELM & Dr. Josef KALBRUNNER
  6. UngRa: Hungarian settler list (Hungarian State Archive) page/sheet numbers
  7. DU FK: Deutsch-Ungarischer Familien-Kalender
  8. BanA: Banater Akten
  9. SKRA: Schlafkreuzerakten im Hofkammerarchiv Wien, mit vielen Einquartierungen im Banat
    (Settlers List of names from the Vienna registry with many quartering in the Banat)
  10. Fasz: Faszikel / Fascicle
  11. fol: folio / page
  12. S: Seite / page
  13. Bd: band / volume

*AKdFF [Arbeitskreis donauschwäbischer Familienforscher e.V. = Working group of Danube-Swabian family researchers]  Founded 1975, AkdFF: The acquisition and development of resources for Danube -Swabian family research, promotion of family history publications, advising members, and the publication of family books as well as village kinship books.

1. Donauschwäbisches Ortsnamenbuch


Regényi, Isabella & Scherer, Anton

Donauschwäbisches Ortsnamenbuch is a gazetteer of Danube–Swabian settlements and villages for the former and sometimes even German populated places in Hungary, Yugoslavia (except Slovenia) and Western Romania (Banat and Satu Mare). Several good pull out maps.

Published by Arbeitkreis donauschwäbischer Familienforscher (AkdFF) Darmstadt, 1980.

Sample of entries, click to enlarge:

DVHH Lookup Guide: Jody McKim Pharr
This has been a great help developing the village indexes.


2. Prohaska: Die Banater SKRA

Hans J. Prohaska-Schöndorf:

Die Banater Schlafkreuzerrechnungen
familiengeschichtliche Quellen zur banater Ahnenforschung und Siedlungsgeschichte

Die banater Schlafkreuzerrechnungen: familiengeschichtliche Quellen zur banater Ahnenforschung und Siedlungsgeschichte =​ The German emigration and settlement in the Province Banat in Austro-Hungary: finding aids to the microfilmed manuscript collection of the German emigration and settlement of the Finanz- and Hofkammer-Archive in Vienna 1766-1804 by Hans J. Prohaska-Schöndorf.

(1982: Park Ridge, Illinois, USA. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-99978).
(FHL catalog # 943.9 W2ph 1982; German)


3. Banater Akten &  SKRA

Banater Akten

In the Finanz und Hofkammerarchiv (HKA) [Finance and Court Chamber Archive] in Vienna can be found over 1600 pages of documents from the period 1749-1804 which are designated Banater Akten. They include the Wiener Listen [Vienna Lists] or Wiener Abfertigungslisten [Vienna Passenger Lists]. These are consignments of colonists who emigrated through Hungary, not only into the Banat. The documents list surname, given name, occupation, place of origin, age, number of childen and destination and constitute one of the most important sources for Donauschwaben research.

& Schlafkreuzerrechnungen

A small portion of the Banater Akten are the Schlafkreuzerrechnungen. Close study reveals that there are 93 individual documents. One document may consist of one or several pages in which are contained names and house numbers of homeowner-hosts and the names of settlers in 49 towns in the Banat.

The purpose for writing the SKR was twofold. The Austrian government who had called the new settlers into the Banat before their new homes were ready, had the newcomers move in with the already established settlers. The hosts were paid one "Kreuzer" (a small denomination of Austrian currency) per person per night for the length of stay of their guests. Hence the coining of the name "Schlafkreuzerrechnung".

The records vary considerably in content, but can be helpful to genealogists because they usually contain the name and house number of the host in the particular village, dates of arrival and departure of the new settlers, number of members in each family, and may contain ages and occupations, history of births, deaths, marriages, and the name and house number of the new residence of the settlers.

Towns mentioned in the SKR include:
Albrechtsflor, Arad, Beschenova, Billet, Blumenthal, Bogarosch, Bruckenau, Charleville, Csakowa (Tschakowa), Detta, Engelsbrunn, Fatschet, Freidorf, Gertianosch, Gladna (Deutsch and Rumänisch), Gottlob, Grabatz, Groß Betscherek, Groß Jetscha, Groß St. Nikolaus, Guttenbrunn, Hatzfeld, Heufeld, Jahrmarkt, Königshof, Karansebesch, Klein Betschereck, Klein Jetscha, Kutritz (Gudriz), Lenauheim (Csatad), Lippa, Lowrin, Lugosch, Marienfeld, Mastort, Mercydorf, Neu Arad, Neu Petsch, Neudorf, Ostern, Rekasch, Sackelhausen, Schöndorf, Segenthau, Soultour, St. Andreas, St. Huberth, Triebswetter, Uybecs-Ulmbach, Werschetz.

Example: www.dvhh.org/bruckenau/research/Schlafkreuzrechnungen-intro.htm

Some settlers went to the following towns:
Apatin, Adelbach, Daruvar, Denta, Fabrique (Temesvar District), Köveresch, Kreuzstätten, Liebling, Moravitza, Nitzkydorf, Orcydorf, Reschitza, Rittberg, and Temesvar.

Alternatively, one may also consult the book Die Banater Schlafkreuzerrechnungen / The German Emigration and Settlement in the Province Banat in Austro-Hungary 1766-1804 by Hans J. Prohaska-Schöndorf (1982: Park Ridge, Illinois, USA. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 82-99978).

Original Introduction:  Die Banater Schlafkreuzerrechnungen sind Zahlungs- und Verrechnungslisten der K. u.K. Österreichischen Regierung bzw. deren Ansiedlungsbehörde im Banat, in denen all diejenigen erfaßt sind die einen Kreuzer pro Kopf und Übernachtung an den Quartiergeber bezahlten, der Ansiedlerfamilien aufnahm die noch keine Bleibe hatten. Daher der NameSchlafkreuzerrechnungen.
Im Finanzamt und Hofkammerarchiv in Wien befindet sich das Aktenbündel Banater Akten (BA) Fasc. 35, rot, Nr. 156 bestehend aus über 1.600 Originalseiten aus den Jahren1766 bis 1804.
Die Urkundenlisten enthalten die Namen und Hausnummern (HNR) der Quartiergeber Hausbesitzer (HB)  und die Ansiedlernamen aus 49 Banater Ortschaften.  Aus diesen Listen wurde das Personenverzeichnis für Bruckenau erstellt. Quelle: Gerda Kunz (Worms).

Contributed by Ron Gretz


4. Wilhelm – Kallbrunner

Wilhelm, Franz & Kallbrunner, Josef:

Quellen zur deutschen Siedlungsgeschichte in Südosteuropa, Munich, 1936.
(E: Sources on German history of Settlement in Southeastern Europe by Wilhelm & Kallbrunner)

Published List of German Settlers in SE Europe
Reprint; originally published: München: E. Reinhardt, 1936. (Schriften der deutschen Akademie; Heft 11)

The book is written in German and is printed in German Gothic script.  It is available at the Family History Library - Film #0897413 and available via inter-library loan.  Published 1932-1936 München, Ernst Reinhardt; reprint 1989 Berlin: Helmut Scherer, Boothstr. 21a, 12207 Berlin, Germany.  ISBN # 3-89433-005. 416 pages.

This is Book #11 of a series published by the "Deutschen Akadamie" from 1932 to 1936. It lists German settlers in Southeastern Europe who passed through Vienna. The amount of information given about settlers is uneven but where they were from is usually given. There is a Surname index and a German village index which includes the page in the book and the line number on the page. This is a valuable companion resource to the Schneider book below. Note that this book is not available online. 

In the 1700's and early 1800's, the Austrian monarchy recruited "colonists" to relocate from other parts of the Austrian Empire to fill the Hungarian plains with a good, upstanding, German-speaking population. Initially, they recruited only Catholic settlers, and late in the 1700's Protestant settlers were permitted.

During this government sponsored colonization, the new settlers were given land, houses, money, release from military service, tax breaks, etc., to entice them to move. To get all these benefits, the new colonists had to "register" with the government authorities in Vienna. With typical Germanic efficiency, all of the colonist information was recorded when they registered, in hand-written documents that are now in the Austrian National Archives in Vienna. These documents are often referred to as the "Vienna Lists".

In the 1930's the Lists were transcribed and published as a reference book by, Kalbrunner & Wilhelm, under the title "Quellen zur Deutschen Seidlungsgeschischte in Südosteuropa" or "Sources for German Settlers in Southeaster Europe". This book is a transcription of the info in the original 18th C. documents, plus an alphabetical index by surname.

Since the place of origin in western Europe is noted for many of the people who came through Vienna, this work is an excellent resource for family historians who are researching their roots. The book was out of print for some years and more recently reprinted but the price of the reprint edition is beyond the means of most family history researchers.

Under license from the publisher, the work is now available on CD in PDF format.
Ordering Information:
Price 10 €, order from the AKdFF General enquiry email


5. Werner Hacker Series

Ed. Prof. Werner Hacker:

"Werner Hacker Series"
Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany
(to America and other countries)

by Ed. Prof. Werner Hacker, Editor, Closson Press, Apollo, PA, Feb 1994; English; 516 pages; ISBN-10: 155856165X  ISBN-13: 978-1558561656 (FHL 943 W2eh)

Includes the geographical areas of today's Baden, Wuerttemberg, Rhine Palatinate and Saarland in Southwest Germany. Not every emigrant from that region will be found in this book. Regarding emigration from specific areas of present-day Germany.  The works of Werner Hacker are highly recommended.  These publications organized by volumes have been microfilmed and are available for loan through the FHL.

Below index is listed by year of publication. Key word translations:
Auswanderungen: emigrations | Auswanderernamen: emigrant names

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus dem früheren Hochstift Speyer, Kaiserslautern 1969, 145 pages., ca. 1.800 Auswanderernamen

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus dem Raum der späteren Hohenzollerischen Lande nach Südosteuropa im 17. und 18. Jh. Dokumentation in: ZHG 5, 1969, 45 pages.

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen vom Oberen Neckar, München 1970, 246 pages, 3.103 Auswanderernamen

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus dem südöstlichen Schwarzwald, München 1975, 392 pages, 3.825 Auswanderernamen

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus dem nördlichen Bodenseeraum, Singen 1975, 401 pages, 3.394 Auswanderernamen

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderung aus dem Territorium der Reichsstadt Ulm, in: Ulm und Oberschwaben 42/43 (1978)

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus Baden und dem Breisgau (Stuttgart und Aalen: Konrad Theiss Verlag, 1980). 743 pages.

  • Hacker, Werner: Kurpfälzische Auswanderer vom Unteren Neckar, Stuttgart 1983, 208 pages., 2.231 Auswanderernamen

  • Hacker, Werner: Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart. Konrad Theiss, 1987, 301 pages. ISBN: 380620487X 9783806204872

  • Hacker, Werner: TÁJÉKOZTATÓ A CSALÁDTÖRTÉNETI KUTATÁSOKHOZ... 1790 as a result of Chamber settlements. Several publications have appeared concerning German settlements. 

  • Hacker, Werner: Kurpfaelzische Auswanderer vom Unteren Neckar in 18. Jahrhundert, rechtsrheinischer Teil– Deutsche Genealogie: Donauschwaben Bibliographie: die Wiener Listen, die Schlafkreuzerrechnungen, Ortsmonographien, Kirchenbücher, Veröffentlichungen von Werner Hacker und viele andere Quellen ausgewertet.

Note: Data from the Hacker series is included in the "Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten" [Stader series].

6. Stader Books & Lookups

Stader, Stefan, 1923-2003 [After Stefan Stader's death on 10 Dec 2003, the AKdFF appointed someone to take over and finish his work.]

Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten : Auszüge aus der donauschwäbischen Gesamtkartei

Stader Lookup Guides

Referred to as 'The Stader Books' - Contains list the original settlers to Banat and Batschka and where they originally came from (1740-1830) and mainly from the second and third wave of colonization.   These books contain information on approximately 47,000 colonists. Each volume is arranged alphabetically by family name and includes information on the original colonists from the former German states to Hungary. Sources include documents in the Hofkammer Archive in Vienna (Banater Akten, Schlafkreuzerrechnungen et. al) [see: explanations for these resources below], the Hacker books, Familienbuecher covering German and Hungarian villages, Anton-Peter Petri's series of booklets on the original settlers of Hungarian villages and data from some Hungarian villages.

Volumes I – VII are all currently available. The price is 43 € each, plus shipping costs. Book orders can be emailed to the AKdFF in Germany. Once your order is received, they will reply with an invoice number and the shipping costs. All Book orders must be pre-paid. Please reference the invoice number with your payment.
Order requests should be emailed to the AKdFF: info@akdff.de

Staders' intent was to compile a list where the original settlers to Banat and Batschka originally came from (1740-1830) and mainly from the second and third wave of colonization. 

Band I A – D published 1997. An introduction to genealogic research by Helmut Zwirner
Band II E – G published 1998
Band III H – Kap published 1999
Band IV Kar – L published 2000
Band V M – O published 2001
Band VI P – Scha published 2003
Band VII Sche – Sz published 2011
Band VIII T – Wa published 2017
Band IX We – Z published 2017


It is with great sadness that I must note the recent passing (10 December 2003) of Stefan Stader of Germany. He was buried at the Bischofsheimer Cemetery. A member of the Arbeitskreis donauschwäbischer Familienforscher since 1975, he was a well known researcher and author of several Donauschwaben genealogy books. He is best known for his Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten series that listed the original Donauschwaben settlers and their families. The series of six books were organized by alphabetical Surnames into volumes (A-D, E-G, H-Kap, Kar-L, M-O and P-Scha) and were published from 1997 to 2003. Unfortunately, he died before the remaining Surnames from S-Z were compiled and published. One can only hope that someone in the organization can complete this invaluable Donauschwaben family history resource. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends. If any of our members need a “lookup” of their ancestors in the series I have the set. Dennis J. Bauer


6b. Schildebirge / Stader

Schildebirge Province / Fejer County, Hungary, location is 20-25 miles WSW of Budapest, Hungary. This is where the earliest "Donauschwabans" immigrated and settled before the  "Three Great Immigrations" began starting with the Caroline (1718-1737), Maria Theresian (1744-1772) and Josephinische (1772-1787).  These early settlers immigrated into Hungary circa 1695, purchased land and settled the area. The 2nd generation of the initial settlers began to immigrate into the Banat and once there were responsible in the creation of over 50 or more towns. 

Lookup Guide needed!!! VOLUNTEER!

C-D 2004 Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Boglar=Vertesboglar in Schildebirge in Ungarn 1761-1821/31 von Stefan Stader. Published 1994

Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarreien Kornye (kirne, Kiernen, Kernau in Schildebirge Province, Fejer County in Hungary. 1746-1800 (Teil I)

Kecsked (Ketschke, Kernegg 1744-1800 in Schildebirge in Hungary. (Teil II) von Stefan Stader and Peter Tarnai. Published 1991

7. Quellenbuch zur donauschwäbischen Geschichte

Anton Tafferner:

Quellenbuch zur donauschwäbischen Geschichte
Bd. 1. 1974., Bd. 2, 1977., Bd. 3. 1978., Bd. 4. 1982., Bd. 1–4. Stuttgart, Bd. 5. Munich, 1995.

A collection of chronological lists of colonists who passed through Vienna, the primary resources were records held in the Vienna Archives. The lists are organized based on the date of registration, beginning in 1749 and continuing through 1803. The information varies, the earlier lists provide more data regarding the colonist town of origin and their occupation. Other entries include only the region of origin, like Lothringen or Luxemburg.  The book has a surname index.  The entries in each list are numbered, by line number. So, if you have such a reference for an ancestor, you already have the exact location of the listing.

1974, Latin, German, Hungarian, Book, Illustrated edition: Quellenbuch zur donauschwäbischen Geschichte / Anton Tafferner. Mit e. Vorw. von Adam Wandruszka u. e. Einf. von Egon Lendl. Tafferner, Anton.

Notes: Some documents in Hungarian and Latin.
Vol. 4 published by Verlag Buch und Kunst Kepplerhaus, Stuttgart;
Vol. 5 published by Verlag Südostdeutsches Kulturwerk, München.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Language: Latin, German, Hungarian
ISBN: 3875380150 (v. 1)

8. Die frühtheresianische Kolonisation des Banats (1740 & 1762)

Etwa Friedrich Lotz: 1875

Die frühtheresianische Kolonisation des Banats (1740 & 1762). Munich, Publisher: Oldenbourg, 1966; 36 pages. [The early Theresian colonization of the Banat]


9. Pfrenzinger: Main Franconian emigration to Hungary

Pfrenzinger, Alfons

Die Mainfränkische Auswanderung nach Ungarn und den österreichischen Erbländern im 18. Jahrhundert
[E: Main Franconian emigration to Hungary and the Austrian in in the 18th century]

Die Mainfränkische Auswanderung nach Ungarn und den österreichischen Erbländern im 18. Jahrhundert (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Forschungen in Ungarn) (Wien u. Budapest: Deutsche Forschungen in Ungarn, 1941, Nachdruck Vaihingen/Enz: Melchior 1984). - Auswandererlisten aus Unterfranken und dem nördlichen Baden.

Translation: Alfons Pfrenzinger, the Main-Frankish emigration to Hungary and the Austrian hereditary countries in the 18th Century (series of publications of the interpreting research in Hungary) (Vienna and Budapest schen: German research in Hungary, 1941, reproduction Vaihingen/Enz: Melchior 1984). There are only emigrants from Frankonia - Mainfrankonia  - This is the district by the river Main in northern Bavaria..

DVHH Lookup Assistant: Ursula Wacht



10. Hengl: Deutschen Kolonisten im Komitat Baranya

Ferdinand Hengl:

Deutschen Kolonisten im Komitat Baranya (Ungarn) 1688–1752 I–III. Band. Darmstadt, 1983. Schriesheim, 1985.

11. Schmidt: Kolonisten Hessen to Tolna-Baranya-Somogy

János Schmidt:

Német telepesek bevándorlása Hessenből Tolna-Baranya-Somogy ba a 18. sz. első felében.

German settlers immigrating from Hessen to Tolna-Baranya-Somogy counties in the first half of the 18th century. Győr, 1939. 

A hesszeni protestánsokat telepítő földesurakról és birtokaikról. A magánföldesuri telepítések feltételei. a) A Mercy-grófokról és birtokaikról. Miért kerültek a protestáns hesszeni telepesek a Bánát helyett Tolnába. Mercy telepítési feltételei.
About landlords and their estates that settled Hessian Protestants. Conditions for private landlord installations. a) About the Mercy Counts and their estates. Why the Protestant Hessian settlers moved to Tolna instead of Banat. Mercy Installation Terms.]

I found this published PDF online in Hungarian:




12.Clifford Neal Smith Emigrants

Clifford Neal Smith:

Emigrants From The West-German Fuerstenberg Territories (Baden and The Palatinate) To America and Central Europe; German-American Genealogical Research - Monograph Number 9

Clifford Neal Smith's primary goals has been to rescue buried data pertaining to 18th- and 19th-century Germany emigration and make it available to researchers.

Smith's German-American Genealogical Research Monographs, from which we have reprinted this booklet, was an important instrument for achieving that objective. Smith's list of emigrants from Fuerstenberg is based on a 1937 article by Hermann Baier that compared emigration patterns from that principality over three widely scattered years. Most of the emigrants who did not go to America traveled instead to Hungary, from which their descendants might have later left for the U.S.  For each individual, this work gives name, place of origin, year of emigration, destination (if known), source, and such comments as name of spouse, place or date of marriage, whether married before, name of parent(s), and so forth.  0806352515


13. L'émigration des lorrains vers le Banat et la Batschka

The first volume of Charles Amann's work
"L'émigration des lorrains vers le Banat
et la Batschka au 18čme sičcle"
 (Emigration from the Province of Lorraine to the Banat
and the Batschka in the 18th Century, Volume 1,
a Genealogical Collection) is now available.

This book makes the link between Lorraine and the Banat & Batschka, and lists the families in the style of a "Familienbuch".
The book also contains family genealogies, and is easy for
everyone to use and understand, without a knowledge of French.

The price is 35 €; North American shipping cost is 16 €.

Charles Amann
32 Rue de la Prairie
57460 Bousbach FRANCE

To  order a copy of the book, email Charles Amann
with your name and postal address.



14. Miscellaneous Books/Authors

Johann Eimann:

Der deutsche Kolonist oder die deutsche Ansiedlung 1783 bis 1787 besonders im Königreich Ungarn in dem Batscher Komitat. Munich, 1965.

Roger Schilling:

Deutsche Ansiedlung im Komitat Neutra unter Josef II. DUHBI. Vol. III. 1.

Roger Schilling:

Ansiedlung der Deutschen in Rumpfungarn. (Das Deutschentum in Rumpfungarn). Német betelepítések a Csonka-Magyarországon. - Németek a csonka Magyarországon. Budapest, 1928. 

Franz Stanglica:

Wiener Kartei der deutschen Auswanderer nach dem Südosten, in: Jb. des DAI, 3.Jg. 1938, pgs 54-56, Steierdorf im Banat, in: DALV, III, 1939, S. 102-124. (References to a card index with at that time 80,000 cards for the years 1963-1820).  Publisher Karl Weinbrenner & Sons, Stuttgart-S, Kolbstraße 4 c.

Stanglica, Franz: The son of a ministerial officer of the same name studied history at the University of Vienna and graduated from the Institute for Austrian History Research in 1931. In the same year he did his doctorate on The Peace of Rijswijk with Heinrich Ritter von SrbikFrom 1932 Stanglica worked in the finance and court archive, where he researched the settlement of Austrian and German colonists in the south-eastern border regions of the Habsburg monarchy in the 18th century.

Ausland Institut Index Cards: Index card compilations by the Ausland Institut in Germany in the 1930's are also available on numerous microfilm rolls from the FHL. Some examples:

  • Ansiedlerorte (settlements) Batschka-Ungarn circa 1686-1830: Films 1326491, 1326493

  • Emigrants to Hungary: 1750-1945: Films: 1552795

  • German Emigrants to Hungary and Russia: 1755-1805: Films 1340060, 1340061

  • Kartei der Auswanderer in den Ostgebieten (Archive of Settlements in the East): 1750-1943: Films 539248

Published 2004 at DVHH.org by Jody McKim Pharr

Last Updated: 19 Feb 2020

DVHH.org ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!