Danube Swabian

Villages Helping Hands

"Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors!


1. Start here | 2. Finding Aids  | 3. Emigrant Books

Starting your research

1. Start Here | 2. Gene-Aids | 3. Military Matters | 3. Immigration | 4. Austria-Hungary | 5. Deutschland

Subscribe to DVHH email list where you can share your known family information and ask for help with your brick walls.
You many even connect with a cousin on the mail list!

       0. Start here!

Researching Your Donauschwaben Family Tree

Select records to search . . .

Organize what you already know about your family
Place this information on a 
Pedigree Chart and family group sheet
Copy new information onto your pedigree charts/family group sheets

Start with yourself and work back in time

Decide what you want to learn or obtain about your family . . .
Choose an ancestor
Identify a question (Born? Married? Died? Parents? etc.)
Who? Where? When?

Select records to search . . .
Where to search (Home, National Archives, LDS Family History Center,
County Courthouse, State Archives/Health Department, etc.)
Vital Records (Birth, marriage & death records), & Census
Deeds, wills, naturalization, ship passenger list, passports, obituaries,
church/cemetery records, headstones.
Heimat, Familien & Ortssippenbuchen (family town books)
Church records of Austria Hungary (1826-1895 available from LDS)
Deutsch Ungarischer Familien Kalender  (German Hungarian Family Calendar magazines).

Reference Information

Where do I start? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1993, #2(32916).

Reference Information: [Where do I start? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1993, #2 (32916)]. Vereinigung der Donauschwaben e. V. Trenton, NJ Courtesy of Dennis Bauer.

Uncle Willy was Hieronymus
Or, Creating a Name Authority File for Family History Research

Excerpts from Correspondence With Pastor Ronald Lommel

Surname changes in Hungary 1800-1893 KlimoTheca digital library has now made the pages of Zoltán Szentiványi's Hungarian surname change book available online.  


Foreign Words Used by Donauschwaben  |  German Verbs  |  Hungarian-English Research Terms & Phrases

Common Latin in your daily genealogical research  |  Romanian Occupation - English Translations

Who remembers "Tapolcsányi - Topolcsányi"?
It's now at dvhh.org! . . .

With English, Latin, German, Rumanian equivalents.

In Latin, English, German, Croatian, Chech, Polish

Donauschwaben Glossary
Commonly used words and terms found during Donauschwaben researcher & discussions.

Alte Deutsche Handschrift ~ Old German Handwriting

Inserting German characters on a PC: 
Hold down the "Alt" key & punch in numbers on the numeric keypad on the right: 
ä = 132 | Ä= 142 | ö= 148 | Ö=153 | ü=129 | Ü=154 | ß=225

Relationship Chart

Genealogy Symbols & Abbreviations [used in church records]

Baptism - Marriage - Death "Page Headings" for Hungarian records, translated to English.

English Versions of Foreign Names [pdf]

Internet Genealogy [Aug/Sep 2011 Issue, the DVHH is mentioned under "Net Notes"]

Genealogical Codicil to My Last Will and Testament

Austria-Hungary Family Research

Hungarian Census Records

Where is the little German village my ancestor came from?


Search all the DVHH hosted sites
Enter surname, village or key word:

http://www.dvhh.org WWW


Last Updated: 19 Feb 2020

DVHH.org ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!