A Remembrance of the Past; Building for the Future." ~ Eve Eckert Koehler

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors
The Extermination Camp

by Peter Lang
Translation by Brad Schwebler

          In November 1944 all Germans in Yugoslavia were deprived and free as a bird.  Who had the desire to murder a German?  That also happened.  Fortunately only a few Germans remained at home.  But of these a few were also murdered.  Only the Nazarenes were spared.  After the war many people of Beschka who returned home were either murdered or driven to extermination camps where they starved or died from an epidemic (typhus).  Of the whole group of people in Yugoslavia 80,000 such victims are recorded by name.  The actual number is much higher because families who were completely exterminated are not recorded.  Of the 157 war victims in Beschka most perished in captivity after the weapons route, at a time when there were no acts of war.  There is no question who to blame for those victims who also included many children who died.  They must not have starved even once because in Yugoslavia there is enough food.

          It was unjust because all Serbs were accused of these crimes – also as such those who had lamented the family losses under German occupying forces did not share in the retaliation against the Germans.

[Published at by Jody McKim Pharr, 2005]