Mr. Ralph Benton, University of California
Rural Press - 31 October 1908
Published at by Jody McKim Pharr, 2014
Mr. E.
L. Taylor of Chatham, Mass., under date of
October 6th, writes as follows:
"I have been
trying to clear up, for a long time, some doubts
in regard to color of Banater bees, and I
believe you are perhaps the only one in the
United States that can give me correct
information upon this subject. This is the
question, whether or not the Banater worker ever
has yellow or rust-color or reddish bands, or
any or all of the first three segments, of the
abdomen, or any of these colorings which
approaches a band on the first segment? I have a
very superior strain of Banater that do not show
any bands. I also have introduced blood into my
yard that have all of the characteristics of the
Banater as I know it, but that show one, two or
three bands of the above colors. I have noted
also that some young queens breed workers at
first having the bands of yellow or red, but
later and all through their careers their
workers are minus these colored bands. Any
information that you may choose to give on this
subject will be very gratefully received."
the general information of our readers let us
say that the Banaters are a brownish gray
variety of bees found typically in the province
of Banat, Hungary, hence their name. They are
noticeably smaller than either the Carniolans
west of them or the Germans to the north, both
varieties of which are somewhat isolated from
them by mountain ranges. Like Germans and
Italians they are not so prolific but that they
may be crowded in smaller sized hives without
exhibiting a tendency to dissipate in swarming.
They cap their honey white and do not
exclusively propolisze, although they do gather
more propolis than Carniolans.
direct reply to Mr. Taylor's question, we would
say that the typical Banater is of a brownish
gray showing no yellow. On the other hand, we
were told when in Budapest, by reliable
authority, that in the Siebenberg region to the
east of Budapest the bees showed considerable
have also noted that breeding queens imported
from about Nagy-Betscherek (a point in southern
Hungary also visited by us on our way overland
through Servia and Bulgaria to Constantinople)
occasionally have progeny showing a slightly
rusty band on the first segment of the abdomen.
The observation made by Mr. Taylor that this
rusty band disappears in later progeny is an
interesting one upon which we have no data. It
points to a need of very careful breeding
experiments conducted through a series of years
with a view to determining the laws of heredity
in bees, to the end that we have a basis for
selection in breeding, so that we may by such
judicious and intelligent selection not only
better the existing bees but develop new strains
for special purposes or branches of specialized
bee-keeping for certain localities. The
possibilities of such an investigation covering
a long enough time to arrive at definite
conclusions are at once full of deep scientific
interest and of great practical value to the
apiarist at large. It is a line of work that
should be taken up under the auspices of the
State Experiment Station, both on account of its
bearing upon certain lines of biological
research and because of its highly practical
value and bearing upon the selection of stock in
apiary practice.
conclusion let us observe that the Banater bees
are among the gentler, varieties of which the
Carinolan and Caucasians, previously spoken of
in these columns are also representative. We
have seen the rare spectacle of a Banater queen
quietly moving about and depositing eggs on a
comb under manipulation, so gentle and
undisturbed are the bees when handled. Since
Banaters can be crowded without danger of
excessive swarming, we would think them an
excellent bee for the comb-honey producer. We
have also found them of value above some of the
other varieties of bees in making up nuclei for
queen rearing, in that they more easily acquire
new location, a trait easily to be seen of value
for such purposes as the one in question.
Eucalyptus in California. —A recent publication
of the University of California of interest to
beekeepers is Bulletin No. 196, entitled
"Eucalyptus in California," and prepared by Mr.
Norman D. Ingham, foreman of the University
Forestry Station at Santa Monica. It gives notes
on the value of eucalyptus trees for timber,
methods of growing and planting, and a resume of
the distribution of these trees over the State.
This is followed by a list of trees for
planting, with descriptive notes, accompanied
with most excel lent cuts of the blooms, and in
some in stances trunks of the trees themselves.
On page 110, entitled "The Eucalypts as Bee
Pasture," is given data about the blooming time
of the several varieties grown. In this
connection it is to be noted that there is
enough variation in blooming time to afford
pasturage the year round, were all the trees to
be grown in one locality. The most widely
distributed one is the Blue Gum (Eucalyptus
globulus), blooming during the winter months,
when there is no other appreciable source of
honey, but unfortunately the weather at this
time is such that the bees do not get the full
benefit of this important source of honey.