Catholic Church in Mercydorf '99 [Jody]
Mercydorf Church drawing by Susan Thomas, from the photo to the left, I took in 1999.
The candles were lit for us, which made it very special. There was marble throughout & iron pews. ['04 Jody]
As you can see the church is beautiful. It was hard to believe this church was over 200 years old. ['04 Jody]
Ceiling Muriel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Minnich, caretakers of the cemetery & church in Mercydorf, were very kind to open up the church for us. ['04 Jody]
Monument outside Church 1888-1988 ['04 Jody]
Mercydorf Church [1987 'Mercydorf Heimatbuch' by Klugesherz, Lammert, Petri and Zirenner]