Atrocities Against The Danube Swabian in Yugoslavia
- Starting in 1944
A Watershed in the Danube Swabian History
Formerly Secret SS Reports on the Evacuation of German Populations in South Eastern Europe Population
Statistics of
1. Central Civilian Internment and Labor
Camps - The imprisonment of the Danube Swabians in internment camps began in December of 1944 and was completed by April 1945. There were three kinds of camps:
Zentralarbeitslager “Central Labor
Ortslager “Regional or District
Konzentrationslager fuer
Arbeitsunfaehige “Concentration Camp For Those Unable to Work”
In the Central Labor Camps most of the
inmates were men who were put into work
groups and put to hard labor. In the
District or Regional Camps, the local
Danube Swabian population was interned,
often in their own villages as a stopgap
method. The Concentration Camps were
for women, children and older men unable
to work. But in some cases, mothers
were separated from their children and
teen-agers were later taken to the Labor
Camps with them as well.
Locations: Yugoslavia Banat |
Batschka | Syrmia Concise
accounts of war
crimes during
after World War II - Tito's Camps
New . . .
A Gakowa Survival Story
by Paul Hoenisch
The Sekitsch Camp: The village of Sekitsch was declared a concentration camp and received the name “Logor Sekić pod naročitim re˛imom”which means “Camp Sekitsch under special administration." Translated by Brad Schwebler Genocide, Horror & Survival, by
John Mueller - A most descriptive first-hand account of a Banater from Mastort who suffered and
survived Tito's concentration and extermination camps from 1944 to 1948. Ration Card from the village camp of Gakowa
By Josef Hornung "the cook of the camp"
A Vrbas, Backa, Story by Karl Kreutzer. Translated by Valerie Kreutzer
Katy (Katch) - My Life, the Flight 1944-45 by Kathe Fichtinger Written by my Aunt
Kathe Fichtinger, who now lives in Bavaria. Translated by Kathe and her son Rudi,
submitted by Larry Hale. Letter from Camp Pasicevo/Altker by Eva Zentner. Translation by niece Rose Vetter. Memories from Gakowa 1940's by Katherine Hoeger-Flotz Th e Potatoes by Adam Martini, translated by Hans Martin.
A Story of a
brave 8 yr old boy in Bukin, WW2.
Thinking often on VRBAS in the Backa by Valerie Kreutzer Escape from Yugoslavia & Coming to America by Hans Kopp My Big Adventure: America - 1956 by Adam Martini, translation by son, Hans Martini

Deportation to
Soviet Slave Labor CampsSurvivor Story: Anni
Tissl Turkalak - As told to Rita Tomkins A Survivor Story of a Russian Ukraine Slave Labor Camp
- A twist of fate for a Donauschwaben-US Born Young Woman - In the
wrong place - at the wrong time? Rediscovered by Jody McKim
Article about Maria Ruck, born in Ridjica, Ukraine labor camp survivor. Submitted by Helga KielyKatharina
Lettang Searches for Susanne, by
Karl Springenschmid (1979). Translated from "Our lost
children: Janissaries" by
Eve E. Koehler and John A Koehler, 1980 Soviet Work Camp Interrogation Record and Death Report by
Dennis Bauer The Beginning of the Following Sorrowful Story January 21, 1945 by John Knodel, survivor from Batschka, then to America (39 amazing pages of a daily diary John kept from 1945-1949 translated by his granddaughter Gerti
Soderquist) A must read! Survivors Peter Fedrich & Marie Ingrisch of slave labor in Russia for four years by Sister Suzanne Kullowitch The Destruction of German Lutheranism In Swabian
Turkey (Tolna, Baranya & Somogy Counties) - During the deportation to East Germany, on the
night of May 28th, 1948 my sister Elisabeth gave
birth to her son Konrad as the rolling, packed,
sealed cattle cars moved Across
Czechoslovakia into an unknown future.
1944-1948 by Heinrich Keri Deportation to the Soviet Union by Anton Neidenbach Memories of September & October 1944 by Alex Leeb Deported to the USSR - Frankfurt/Oder - Door to Freedom and End Station for Many
by Peter Krier Last Letters from a Deportee by Peter Krier Fate of the Donauschwaben "January 14, 1945" by Alex Leeb The Beginning of the Following Sorrowful Story, Sunday, January 21ST,
1945 by John Knodel, (39 pages) The Deportation of Bogarosch people to Russia in 1945 by Rosina Goschi née Holz
Stefan and Erna Deutsch Interview – The Labor Camps – Audio File - TEXT Version Stefan and Erna Deutsch that was conducted by Mark and Henly Deutsch on May 15, 2011 where they share their experiences immediately before and following World War II.

The Eight Liquidation Camps "In
addition to the numerous local work camps and central
camps the Tito regime established a third category,
"special camps." A map visualizing the genocide ("the cleansing" 1944-1948) of the ethnic German minority (Danube Swabians) in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's northern regions. The last concentration camps were closed in 1948, on the anniversary of the arrival of the first German settlers in 1748.
Swabian Orphans - Ethnic German Children of Yugoslavia & Romania, Under the Tito regime 1944-1948
Swabian Orphans
Transferred in 1946, Reunited with Families 1948-1960
   The Lost Danube Swabian Children of Yugoslavia
Janitscharen? ~a must read!
Katharina Lettang Searches for
Susanne, a case history
Documentation of Human Casualties   Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen 1944-1948 -
"Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans"
Atrocities Against The Danube Swabian in Yugoslavia - Starting in 1944
 Chapter 1: General Introduction |
The Mass Liquidations
| Deportations to Russia | Internment | The Forced Labor Camps | Concentration Camps | The Closing of the Camps

Chapter 2: In
the Batschka: The
program of
the Danube
in the
followed the
of the
into which
the Batschka
was divided
The South and South West Batschka
“. . . people were treated as if they were
even worse than animals.”: Neusatz | Futok | Batschki Jarek | Bulkes | Palanka | Novoselo | Obrowatz | Tscheb | Towarisch | Plavna
The North and Middle Batschka "Where
raged": Werbass | Kula | Klein-Ker | Subotitza | Sekitsch-Feketitisch
West and North West Batschka "Death reaps a plentiful harvest”:
Hodschag | Karavukovo | Milititisch | Batsch | Filipovo | Apatin | Sonta | Sentiwan | Doroslo | Sombor | Gakowa-Kruschevlje

Chapter 3: Genocide in the Yugoslavian Banat:
"Where innocent blood flowed like a river": Pardanj
The Northern Banat "Where the
lust for murder raged": Sanad | Kikinda | Nakovo | St. Hubert, St. Charleville & Soltur | Heufeld | Ruskodorf | Beodra, Molidorf
The North Eastern Banat "The
Hunt for Danube Swabians": Cernje | Stefansfeld | Betscherek/Grossbetscherek | Ernsthausen | St. Georgen | Kathreinfeld
The South Eastern Banat "Crimes of Horror": Werschetz | Karlsdorf | Alibunar
The Southern Banat
"A Bloodbath Without Borders": Kovin
| Ploschitz | Mramorak | Homolitz | Startschevo | Bavanischte
The South Western Banat
"Wholesale Murder": Pantschowa | Brestowatz | Glogau | Kowatschitza | Jabuka
The Western Banat "The
Starvation Mill": Rudolfsgnad
 Chapter 4: Tito's
Starvation Camps -
The Cauldron:
When the Beasts Ruled “Whoever cannot work will not be allowed to live”: Semlin | Ruma | Mitrowitz | Vukovar
Slavonia: Esseg-Josipowatz |
Valpovo | Djakovo |
Baranya: Belmonoschtor
ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross Many families were reunited through the efforts and posters of the Red Cross. When we arrived in Austria in 1944 we did not know where my grandparents were. Through the Red Cross we found out they were about sixty-five miles from where we were. We were able to go there. When my father's unit was dissolved he found us, too (in Austria). A lot of public offices had big posters with hundreds of peoples' names who were looking for their relatives. ~ Anne Dreer, 23 Mar 2008
Displaced Persons' Camps in Post War Europe The AVNOJ-Regulations
the Genocide of the Germans in Yugoslavia between 1944-1948 Map of German-speaking
settlements in Central and
Eastern Europe 1937 
Deportation to the
Baragan - 50 years on -
From 1950 onwards, the
situation between the
Soviet Union under Stalin, and Yugoslavia
under Tito, worsened.
There were ideological
differences between the
two. Tito didn't want to
be as subservient as the
powerful Stalin would
have liked. This was the
reason for moving those
untrustworthy people not
faithful to the regime
who lived in the zone
bordering Yugoslavia.
Big Brother, the Soviet
Union, had already
demonstrated this many
times. On the other
hand, there were still
areas in south-eastern
Romania which were
sparsely populated and
where the State needed
cheap labour for the
agricultural collective.
So one day the decision
made by the government
to deport a section of
the population from this
border zone to the
so-called Baragan
Steppes was carried out.
Compulsory Relocation to the Baragan
Deportation to the
1951-1956 [Konschitzky] And Over Us The Endless
Blue Sky
External Links Totenbuch der Donauschwaben: (Death Roll) - Online Search Surname / Village: English - Deutsch. The genocide of the Germans in Yugoslavia between 1944 and 1948 ... The Danube-Swabian Association (DAG) has published this documentation in the Internet for documentation in the Internet for making it accessible to all interested persons, particularly to our young generation.
S orted by home town (PDF) |
Sorted by surname (XLSX)
Sorted by home town (XLSL)Axis Invasion of Yugoslavia - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC The German Expellees: Victims
in War and Peace - Theses on the expulsion - Alfred
de Zayas The Expulsion: A Crime Against
Humanity by Alfred de Zayas A German People on The
Danube: Denied Their
Rights, Persecuted, and
Betrayed On Thursday September 1, 2005 this article by Katharina Nysten,
with The Danube Swabian Foundation of the U.S.A., Inc., was
published in the German World Magazine German
Expellees & Their
Homelands ZVG Website (
- Its objective is to counteract displacements and expulsions of
peoples all over the world, to outlaw and to prevent them and
thus to create understanding among nations, reconciliation and
the peaceful neighborliness of peoples.
Bibliography GENOCIDE of the Ethnic Germans in
Yugoslavia 1944-1948. Published by the Danube
Swabian Association of the USA, 2001. ISBN
0-9710341-0-9 Volume III of the documentation
Leidensweg der Deutschen im kommunistischen
Jugoslawien, 1995; respectively in the Weissbuch der
Deutschen aus Jugoslawien. (The Tragedy of the
Ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia).
"Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen"
"Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans" Österreichische Historiker-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Kärnten und Steiermark, 1992 (Austrian Historian Working Group for Kärnten & Steiermark) Translated & Contributed by
Henry Fischer. Die
Kinder Tragödie im Banat by Karl Springenschmid
(1979). Translated to English: "Our lost children:
Janissaries" by Eve E. Koehler and John A Koehler,
1980) Supritz, Hans "Palanka an der Donau" 1986.
Chairman of the Palanka HOG, the Donauschwaben Association of
Baden Württemberg, the Donauschwaben Association of the Federal
Republic of Germany, as well as vice president of the World
Association of Donauschwaben. Hans Supritz was honoured last year with the Order of
Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for his contributions
to the DS cause beyond the call of duty.