Village of


in Banat

Immigration from Billed to the America


Even though many people died from Epidemic early in the 18th century, in 1842, 230 deaths, in 1849, 275 deaths, in 1878, 283 deaths and in 1892, 271 deaths, the birth rate increased. Between 1850 and 1892, the population increased from 1,200 to 4.993.  With such a tremendous population increase, land   became scarce for some of the inhabitants.

    Some of the farmers had only from 1.5 to 3. Joch. To survive, some worked as a hired hand or maid, some leased the land. Word got out; when the Civil War ended in the USA  (1861-1865) industry started go grow in America. Many Billeder people chose to immigrate to he USA.

    The immigration from Billed began in 1890, until the beginning of WW I. It is uncertain how many people left. The population from 4.993 in 1892 decreased to 3.548 in 1900, estimate figure was 331 persons. Shortly after 1,500 people from Billed immigrated to the USA. It is known that between 1902 and 1913, again 421, Billeder left for the USA. All the Ship Lists can be obtained from the Hatzfelder Heimatblatt Volume No. 6, also in the American National Archive and on microfilm in Salt Lake City (LDS).

       The immigrants went by train from Billed to the German Ports in Hamburg and Bremmen. According to the Ship Lists, 80 percent from Billeder departed from Bremmen and left on the “Norddeutschen Lloyd Europa.” Others left from Hamburg and some from Rotterdam. In 1904 the immigrants could leave from Ports at Fiume Hungary and Port Triest, Austria. The journey on the ships lasted from 3-4 weeks. In America they landed in Ports at Baltimore and New York. Not before physical and paper examinations where done, were they allowed to step foot on American soil. Of course if something was detected wrong, they knew they wouldn’t be shipped back, because they couldn’t effort the return fare. The Ship Lists indicates the Billeder who immigrated between 1902-1913; most of them went to their relatives who came to America earlier. The records show that they didn’t spread far apart. From 421 immigrants, 154 persons (37%) went to Cincinnati, other 84 (20%) went to New Brunswick and 55 (13%) to St. Louis. The rest went to 17 different cities. Past records indicate at the time Bil                         

The majority of the immigrant had intention returning back to Billed. To make enough money in America and return back to Billed, buying more land or invest in their own business. The intention of the younger generation was to make money and stay in America. The ones who returned some were successful and some went bankrupt. There is no record showing how many and how they returned to Billed. The figure was said to be 25-30% that returned home. Shortly after WW I, again ca 40 families returned to America. But after WW II, 42 families immigrated to American.

The Billeder homeland card index is led since 1987 by Josef Herbst.

Belong to the executive committee of the homeland community as members:

Peter Krier, Chairman,
Josef Herbst, Chairman, guidance of the place of residence card index
Werner Gilde, Vice chairman, public work in Ka., youth group
Julius Backhaus, Treasurer
Heidi Mueller , Secretary
Jakob Martini, Organization, contacts older generation
Elizabeth Martini, Editorship homeland sheet
Hans Herbst, software HOG card index, administration homepage
Hans Rothgerber, Editorship, layout homeland sheet, prints
Norbert Mueller, Organization, contacts recent generation



Village Coordinator: Alex Leeb

© 2006-2012 Alex Leeb, unless otherwise noted. - Report broken links

Today is January 18, 2012
Last updated:
Wednesday January 18, 2012