Jewish Families in Scheindorf
completed by Jerry Boyle)
by Stefan Schmied
Gerald "Jerry" Thomas Boyle
In 1912, there were three individuals of the Jewish faith living in
Scheindorf. In 1930, there were 19.
Before the start of World War II, there
were five Jewish families in Scheindorf.
During the war, the Nazis took all of
the Jewish families to the extermination
camps. The women and children were all
killed. The men who survived being used
as slave labor by the Nazis returned to
Scheindorf after the war and shortly
afterwards moved to the
British-controlled country of Palestine.
Part of Palestine became the country of
Israel in 1948. The other parts of
Palestine were taken over by Egypt and
Jordan. At least one Scheindorfer
Swabian kept in contact with one of the
Jewish men who survived the Nazi death
camps. That person was Francisca Tom Sieber. Francisca Tom Sieber and her
family moved to Clifton, New Jersey, USA in the 1960's from Scheindorf. When Mary
and John Weiss (my Grandparents) and
other former Scheindorfers visited
Israel in the early 1970's, they met
with this man in Jerusalem.