History of a Sathmar
Schwaben Village "Scheindorf
Scheindorf, 1780 - 1970: Geschichte einer sathmarschwäbischen
by Stefan Schmied |
Dedicated to "The faith of the Scheindorf Swabians" Leubas/Kempten, Germany 1970. Published by the Author, Printing: Anton Rieder, Sankt Mang
Translated from German in 1997 by Anne Julie Weiss Boyle (Born in Scheindorf, Romania) Daughter of Mary Tepfenhardt Weiss & John "Johann" Weiss, both of Scheindorf. English transcription by Gerald "Jerry" Thomas Boyle (Born in Saddle Brook, NJ, USA) Son of Anne Julie Weiss Boyle & Gerald "Gerry" Thomas Boyle (Born in Bellshill, Scotland, Great Britain) - Published at the DVHH.org 29 Sep 2006 by Jody McKim Pharr.
The Swabian Trek to Sathmar
Ancestors of the Settlers
Swabians in Scheindorf
Revolt of the Settlers
Economic Development
Tradesmen and Craftsmen
Looking for Work
The Political Community
Church Life
Pastor Johann Ettinger
School and Teachers
Life and Death
Self-sacrifice & Sense of Community
Evacuation of the Swabians
Scattered throughout the World
We Remember the Victims of War
The Romanian Fellow Townsmen
Jewish Families in Scheindorf (Addendum)
Gypsies in Scheindorf (Addendum)
Scheindorfer Kiarbe
Scheindorfer St. Anne Hymn
Customs and Traditions (Advent, Holy Saturday, Blessing the Ham, Madlanetza (Drench the Girls), Weddings, Maypole "sticking", Funkensonntag (Fire Sunday), Shrove Tuesday is over, The girls are crooked!, "Scheiben, Scheiben" out and in this "Schieb" is for the judge)
Reference (Bibliography)
[Published at DVHH.org 29 Sep 2006 by Jody McKim Pharr]