A Remembrance of the Past; Building for the Future." ~ Eve Eckert Koehler

Remembering Our Danube Swabian Ancestors
The So-called Settlement Patent

 by Peter Lang
Translation by Brad Schwebler

(Ref. Eimann, page 48) "was essential for the development of the parent community"

It reads word for word:

   We the people of Josef the Second, chosen Roman Emperor  by his gracious God, through all times in the majority of the Empire, king of Hungary, Bohemia, Galicia, and Lodomeria, do (thun) herewith (Jedermänniglich kund) that we in our kingdom of Hungary, Galicia, and Lodomeria possessed many unoccupied, empty, and desolate lands which we thought to settle with German members of the Empire, especially from the upper Rhine region.  In the end we promise, by our drilled-in imperial royal slogan to all of our migrating families of the Empire, which we are in need of many thousand of farm families and professionals:

First: A perfect conscience and religious freedom (Freyheit) as each religious party (Partey) is provided the most completely needed clergy and teachers belonging to it.

Second: Each family was provided with a respectable new roomy country house with a garden beside it.

Third: The field hands with each family were presented with the necessary ground in existing good fields and meadows as well as the necessary draft and breed livestock, then field and home implements.

Fourth: The professionals and day workers on the other hand merely had those appliances in the landlord’s house to enjoy but the professionals are paid 50 Rhine Guilders to acquire their craftsman’s implements.

Fifth: The oldest son of each family is and remains free from military recruitment.

Sixth: Each family received free transportation from Vienna to the village and place of settlement where the necessary travel money was paid.  After that they were provided for just so long until the family is settled and can provide for themselves.  But after a period of support one family or the other has three years to refund all advances to get out of debt.

Seventh: If the new arrivals became sick because of the climate or the trip, they were put up in a hospital and cared for free of charge to return them to their previously healthy condition.

Eighth: Finally these immigrants from the Empire were promised to be completely free and remain free from land and government taxes for ten years (Abgabe und Lasten as they called them).  But after the course of these ten years they are obligated to pay the usual reasonable tax like other landowners.

Which decision and opinion (Willensmeinung) we acknowledge the truth with this certificate sealed by our K.K. pressed on the secretary's insignia for confirmation.  So it was presented to Vienna on the 21st of September in the year 1782.  Our Roman Empire in the 90's, the Hungarian and Bohemian on the second (zweyten).



Ad Mandatum Sacrae

ut R.Prince     

Caesarea  Majestatis

 Colloredo mppria 


Ign. v. Hoffmann

[Published at 2005 by Jody McKim Pharr]

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