Association's of Mercydorf
by Peter Schiff
(Mercydorf 1734-1934,
Translated by Brad Schwebler
A sign of an intellectually
worthwhile life of a village are always the social and
cultural associations. The oldest association of our
community is the Trade Association, frequently also
called Zunft (Guild), Innung (Guild), or Meister (Master
Craftsman) Association. It was already established in
Mercydorf in 1852 and had a special upswing under the
experienced leadership of “Raseur” master craftsman
Jakob Schiff,
who was the head of the association from 1897 to 1902.
It was a beautiful entertaining life that the
association led, at different formal events, but
especially at the annually held general assembly where
all the fellow shopkeepers were met by the guild master
with village music and after the assembly they were
accompanied back again by all of the members of the
association with music. It also happened this way when
the master craftsman held a ball. This association is
already 82 years old today and presently stands under
the goal conscious leadership of master craftsman
Ferdinand Wick and honorary president Dr. Ad. Blasowics,
pastor. Concerning the development of our oldest
association we gathered from the speech by the present
day foreman Ferdinand Wick, who at the 82nd
celebration of the association said the following: “At
the establishment there were 28 members including: Jos.
Debler, shoemaker; Jakob Kade, blacksmith; Peter Pletsch,
landlord; Mathias Wick, cabinetmaker; Mich. Griech,
Kammacher?; Jöh. Schäffer, cabinetmaker; Joh. Wachinger,
wagon maker; Claudius Eß, cabinetmaker; Joh. Spitzikel,
barrel binder; Peter
Krauß, Riemer?; Joh. Schauß, blacksmith; Jak.
Hübchen, butcher; Joh.
Krauß, butcher; Franz Ferch, wagon maker; Joh.
Schag, barber; Georg
Szenetra, blacksmith;
Adam Berweiler,
shoemaker; Joh. Blau, barber; Joh. Mullar, barber;
Wendel Zotter, blacksmith, whose handiwork has existed
for 5 generations; Jak. Heblinger, carpenter; Nik.
Schipper, blacksmith; Mich. Keller, miller;
Veith Schiff,
barrel binder; Jak. Kolocsar, mason; Ant. Schöninger,
blacksmith, whose handiwork has existed for 4
generations.” The first foreman was: Josef Dobler who
immigrated from Germany and also played an outstanding
role in political life. The association – called Zunft
(Guild) in the beginning issued apprentice and master
craftsman letters, but lost its privileges in 1867. It
remained, however, under the name as a social
association until 1877, then it operated until 1897 as
Association of the Business Enterprises. At the time
Jakob Schiff
was elected to the boards of directors, who purchased 4
state lots now and then for the association, so the
association also bore the name “Losgruppengesellschaft”
and remained so until 1914. From 1914 to 1919 there was
no association activity. Then it existed recently under
the name Trade and Commerce Association which from 1924
to the end of 1929 was overheard to be the Iron Ring
Trade Association until finally on the 15th
of January, 1930 it became connected as the local group
of the German-Swabian Trade and Commerce Association.
[Published at by Jody McKim Pharr]