Schilling, Meissner & Dohr

Families of Frank Dohr

     My grandmother, MAGDALENA SCHILLING, was born in Lenauheim, Hungary on October 24, 1893.  Her parents were ANTON SCHILLING and MARGARETTA MEISSNER.   

    MAGDALENA SCHILLING emigrated to the U.S., arriving in Ellis Island, N.Y. on August 17, 1909.  She then settled in St. Louis, Missouri, joining her sister, KATHERINE (SCHILLING) KAUTZ, who was born in Lenauheim in about 1883 and who had emigrated previously to St. Louis in 1904. 

    When in St. Louis, MAGDALENA SCHILLING met my grandfather, Frank Dohr (formerly "Thor"), who was born in Gross Jetscha, Hungary, and they were married on May 16, 1914, at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in St. Louis. 

    Both the SCHILLING and MEISSNER families were original settlers in Lenauheim in 1767, and I have considerable early information on the families. My immediate goal is to determine the names of the parents of both ANTON SCHILLING and MARGARETTA MEISSNER.


MEISNER Data from the Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Lenauheim (= Csatád) in Banat 1767-1835/1835/1849 by Stefan Stader and Peter Tarnai/Taugner

SCHERTZINGER Data from the Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Lenauheim (= Csatád) in Banat 1767-1835/1835/1849 by Stefan Stader and Peter Tarnai/Taugner

To exchange information please contact Frank Dohr. 


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