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Vital Records

Genealogical Records:

Available at FHL - Film numbers:

  • Village name in FHL records: Lenauheim, Csátád
  • Church records available at FHL: Christenings 1767-1835, Marriages 1767-1835, 1853, 1865, Deaths 1767-1841, 1856, 1861, 1879
  • FHL Microfilm Nr. 0858383, 0858384
  • Church records available at IfA, Stuttgart: Christenings 1767-1835, Marriages 1767-1835, Deaths 1767-1849; Marriages of military personnel 1833-1835; Deaths of military personnel 1830, 1836, 1841, 1856,1861, 1879

Literature About Lenauheim
  New Lenauheim Family Book - a huge work of two thick volumes!  The books are much more comprehensive - they go up to the year 2005, whereas the CD only has data up to 1835, or 1849 in some cases. Also, there are cross references to other villages, and other such details.  The person to contact for the Lenauheim FB is Werner Griebel (e-mail ), his address is: Herrn Werner Griebel, Lemaitrestr. 82, D-68309 Mannheim, Germany.
Purchase Price: 75 Euros = $96.00 (rates as of June 6, 2006)
  Gemeinde Cetad (Csatád, Lenauheim) im Banat 1415-1925.
Milleker, F. , Gesch. - Wrschatz, Kirchner, 15 S. (Gemeinde: Municipality)
Deportation to the Baragan - Baragan-Steppe Map, Under the Baragan-Steppe Sky Photos, The New Villages of the Baragan-Steppe, New Villages on a Map & District Statistics of the Old Villages of the deportation into the Baragan-Steppe (places to areas, districts & counties), Affected Villages & No. of Germans Deported & No. of Deaths (Baragan-Steppe 1951-1956). ISBN 3-00-002932-X with copyright by 1998 Eigenverlag Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben; A documentation from Wilhelm Weber
Short Monographie of Lenauheim - by Prof. Constantin Pascau, 2005 ISBN 973-7830-22-9 Editura Tipo Radical, Drobeta-Turnu Severin
Lenauheim (Tschatad) ein Heimatbuch / Bräuner, Hans. - Tschatad: Heimatortsgemeinschaft, 1982  (ein Heimatbuch: a book of local history and geography ; Heimatortsgemeinschaft: Place of residence community)
Heimatblatt Lenauheim 2. Published 2001, Redaktion: Jürgen und Werner Gabriel.  Hrsg. von der HOG Lenauheim 2001.  Contact: HOG Lenauheim: Werner Griebel Industriestr. 39, 68169 Mannheim
"Children of Lenauheim-village" is a short program-description of the party arranged in 2006 by Lenauheim-village administration together with H.O.G. Lenauheim, Germany. (without special registrations)

Lenauheim Lookups

Jody McKim: Lenauheim/Tschatad Heimatbuch by Bräuner, Hans 1982
642 households, 1944/45 list; 1951 Deportees to Baragan Steppe list.

Jody McKim: The Lenauheim Family book on CD by Stefan Stader & Peter Tarnai/Taugner consist of about 500 pp and cover the time period 1767-1835/1835/1849; 1767 Town Map & Settlers List [self lookup].

John Busch: Familienbuch of the parish of Lenauheim.  C-D 2nd is a work by Gerhardt Hochstrasser (original settlers) Pub. 2004
    1767 Map/Settlers

Place of residence card index Lenauheim

Local heritage book Lenauheim
List of individuals

Village Books



Lenauheim Emigration 467 Extractions from Banat in the National Archives Ship Records by David Dreyer - of San Mateo, Ca.

Special Literature contributions by:

Diana Lambing
Jody McKim
Karl Klein


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