Did you know.....

"the most beautiful monument stands in LENAUHEIM" - "there is a tug-of-war for the best poet between LENAUHEIM and GUTTENBRUNN" - "the most elegant town hall is in LENAUHEIM" and "LENAUHEIM  has the Banat's calmest Swabians."

Quotes taken from 'Our Danube Swabian Banat Villages Have Their Own Character' - "Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender" of 1924 By Prof. Nischbach

Lenauheim Literature

Last of the German Village of Lenauheim by Anton Zollner (in German)
- looking for a volunteer to translate this properly.

The Deportation to the Baragan – 50 years on, translated from the Lenauheimer Heimatblatt 2001 by Diana Lambing.

Lenauheim Banater Schowe website www.lenauheim.ro

Romanian site: www.lenauheim.dnttm.ro

Actor, Luciano Saber was born in Lenauheim


We hope to provide all known information and resources regarding Lenauheim. 

Perhaps you.......

  • have knowledge about Lenauheim,

  • can volunteer to do lookups from Lenauheim Clan or Family books,

  • have photos to add to this site,

  • would like to submit new links regarding Lenauheim,

  • want your information to be added to a Family Registry page,

  • would like to volunteer to assist with the contents of this site.

Learn about the Donauschwaben culture at dvhh.org


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