the Quarters:


Temeschburg Fabrikstadt Elisabetstadt Josefstadt Mehala Fratelia Freidorf


Timisoara's VII quarter

German: Freidorf Freydorff

Official: Freidorf (Timisoara, Romania)

Hungarian: Szabadfalu

4 km SW of Temeschburg


We made a visit to the Freidorf Church and met the current Priest since 1989, Johann 'Hans' Dirschl, who was willing to assist us in anyway.  We inquired about familes and he readily pulled out the church registry.  He showed us around the church and allowed us to take photos.  To the right you will see the cover of a book Priest Dirschl wrote himself.  Below are a few photos I took of the church and around the street.

Village name in FHL records:
Freidorf, Szabadfalu
Church records available at FHL: Christenings 1723-1823, Marriages 1730-1823, Deaths 1728-1730, 1736-1823 FHL Microfilm Nr. 0858370

Heimatortsgemeinschaft (H.O.G.) Freidorf:
Norbert Unterreiner, Manzostr. 74, 80997 München

Books about Friedorf:

  • Familienbuch der katholischen Pfarrgemeinde Freidorf/Banat und ihrer Filialen 1723-1823 by Krämer, Anton. [E: Family book of the Catholic parish of Freidorf/Banat and its filials 1723-1823]. 1991, Sindelfingen. AKdFf , DM 18, 167 pgs. Band 28.
  • Heimatbuch der deutschen Gemeinde Freidorf im Banat 1723-1973 by Wilhelm, Karoline Lotte, 1985, city unknown, 379 pgs.
    Most of the information in the book was provided by Lotte Wilhelm, Mathias Schreiner, Jakob Vorberger and Helene Marschang.
  • Tri-lingual booklet dedicated to Freidorf [Freidorf, by Johann DIRSCHHL (church priest) & BOÉR Jenö, Timişoara, ed. Solness, 2003, 93 pgs, ISBN 973-8472-77-6

Research & Records:

VII Freidorf Home
The Hungarian Property Tax 1828 Land Census Germans - No. 42 - Freydorf from book #5, Temes - LDS film no: 0623128-0623137 Extractions - by Mrs. Martha Remer Connor
151 Passenger Records at Ellis Island
Photos - 2005
Johnny Weissmüller "Tarzan" Article from the  1983 Volkskalender Neue Banater Zeitung by Ludwig Klein - now translated.


Freidorf, by Johann Dirschl, 2003. 
A tri-lingual booklet about Freidorf, Timisoara
93 pages. ISBN 973-8472-77-6 


Temeschburg / Temeswar Coordinator: Jody McKim Pharr, GA, USA

© 2003-2012 Jody McKim Pharr, unless otherwise noted.  
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Last Updated: February 29, 2012