Nick Tullius   Alex Leeb
Jody McKim Pharr

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Banat Biographies
Banat Biographies Index Est. 13 Feb 2010 at by Jody McKim Pharr.

Banat Journalist, Press & Literature Historian

Born 05 Jul 1935 Freidorf/Temeswar.  (Pseudonym: ‘m Berwanger sei Niklos, Sepp Zornich, Willi Frombach, Nicolae Bergovan), lives in Temeswar. Journalist, diploma in German language & literature, lyric poet, writer in dialect, historian of press and literature, member of the Writers’ Association of the RSS and of the International Lenau Society (Vienna), first prize for lyric poetry at the country-wide festival “Cântarea Romaniei” 1977 and 1979; Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn Honorary Ring in gold 1977.1

Member of the literary circle Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn of the Writers’ Association of Temeswar. 

Below image: 12 Jun 1982 Temeswarer Press Club, Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn. Pictured above, left to right: Horst Samson, Eduard Schneider, Helmuth Frauendorfer, Anghel Dumbraveanu, Franz Liebhard, Nikolaus Berwanger, Bettina Gros, William Totok and Richard Wagner.

12 Jun 1982 Temeswarer Press Club, Adam-Müller Guttenbrunn. Pictured above, left to right: Horst Samson, Eduard Schneider, Helmuth Frauendorfer, Anghel Dumbraveanu, Franz Liebhard, Nikolaus Berwanger, Bettina Gros, William Totok and Richard Wagner.

Author of:

Schwowisches [Swabian Tales], satiric prose in dialect, 19711

Schreiwes [Scribbles], satiric prose in dialect, 19741

ich häng mei gsicht net an de nagel [i’m not hanging my face on a nail], poems in dialect,19761

Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn, illustrated monograph, 19761

Singur cu mine [alone with myself], poems in Romanian translation, 19781

Din patru inimi [from four hearts], poems in Romanian translation, 19781

44 Buwestickle  vum Lekwarseppi un vum Eisnpeppi [44 boys’ pranks from Lekwarseppi and from Eisnpeppi], book for youth, 19791

Spätes bekentniss [late confession], lyric texts, 19791 ; 72 S. (10:19) Pp.- — *1935 in Freidorf/Banat3

Ein Schriftstellerleben [Life of a writer], anniversary edition about Franz Liebhard, 19791

Franz Liebhard. Ein Schriftstellerleben. Illustrierter Jubiläumsband. Timisoara: 1979. 228 S. mit Abb. etc. (16:16) Kart. — * 1899 in Temesvar.3

Co-author of:

Schwowisches Volksbuch [Swabian People’s Book], prose and plays in dialect, 19701

Pipatsch-Buch [Poppies-Book], prose in dialect, 19721

Schwowische Owed [Swabian Evening], prose in dialect, 19731

Zwei Jahrzehnte im Rampenlicht [Two decades in the footlights], 19741

Brücke über die Zeit [Bridge across time], reports, 19741

Der Sonne nach [After the sun], travel reports, 19731

Die Zeit in der Zeitung [The time in the newspaper], 19781

Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn: Micul Svab [The little Swabian], preface, 19781


1Banater deutsche Autoren der Gegenwart 1980 von Edward Schneider, NBZ –Volkskalender 1980 Banat-German Authors of the Present - A bio-bibliographic list by Eduard Schneider.  Bio information translated by Nick Tullius; contributed and published by Jody McKim 10 Nov 2009.

2Deutsche Literatur im Banat (1840-1939) der Beitrag der Kulturzeitschriften zum banatschwäbischen Geistesleben. Author: Engel, Walter. Publisher: Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg, 1982. ISBN-10: 387276280X / ISBN-13: 978-3872762801 [Published by Jody McKim, 10 Nov 2009]

3Antiquariat Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Einhorn

Published by Jody McKim Pharr, 10 Nov 2009.


Last Updated: 21 May 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
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