Nick Tullius   Jody McKim Pharr

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Banat Files

Published at by Jody McKim Pharr
For Specific Village Information (See: Villages)

  Last Updated: 30 Nov 2020

Banater Kalender 2020

Banat Maps


Banat Village Videos

Banat Reference Books (Published resources relating to Villages & Family Research)

Banat Villages with German Inhabitants

Serbian Banat Villages with German Inhabitants

Postcards from Banat

The End of the German Banat Villages - The Anton Bedoe Zollner Series

Genealogical Digs: discovering our ancestral roots!

Romania Banat (Banater Associations & Local Archives)

Media & Newspaper Sources (Publications, video)

Neue Banater Bücherei by Anton-Peter Petri, 1982-1992
(New Banat Library Series Index)

Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender (kalenders explained)

The first volume of Charles Amann's work "L'émigration des lorrains vers le Banat et la Batschka au 18ème siècle"

Banat Book List

Dennis J. Bauer's Personal Genealogical Banat Book Collection

Banat Slide Show, submitted by Nick Tullius, 2014-Mar-16

Das Banat im Jahre 1971 (Driving Video - A journey through the Banat with the Bavarian Radio. A very nice contribution is to remember but also suitable for getting to know the Banat.)

Sackelhauser Musikanten: Banater Ländler (Banat musicians)

Heimattag 2012 - National Show date - Baden-Wuerttemberg - 27th May 2012 - SWR television - Heimattag 2012 - Country team in the Banat Swabians eV under the motto "Banat Swabians - Future with Tradition"



Stories & Articles

1924 Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender 'Our Danube Swabian Banat Villages Have Their Own Character'
by Prof. Nischbach

1950, Remember Where You Came From
by Alex Leeb

Journey Into The Unknown "1983"
by Anton Bedoe Zollner

1971, Journey from Alexanderhausen to Ottawa 'Sketch of a memoir'
by Nick Tullius

1904 - Excerpts from a Banaters life & village as a child & young women
by Laurie Ackermann Boyett

How that hat got on top of the church
by Nick Tullius

Danube Swabian Easter Customs
by Jacob Steigerwald

Threshing machines, steam engines and tractors

by Nick Tullius

Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito
by Jacob

Life of a Schwob "A farmer's daily life in the village"
by Alex Leeb

“Ratschen” Holy Week in Banat (My Personal Recollection)
by Nick Tullius

Rosemary in the Life of the Danube Swabians
Hans Gehl

100th Year Banater Swabian in Austria 1907-2007
by Hans Dama

Banat Swabians, Danube Swabians & Their Future
by Hans Dama & Hans Gehl

The Danube Swabians seen in Claudio Magris’ Book “Danube”  Reviewed by Nick Tullius

An Englishman Travels the Banat (mid-1800s)
by John Paget

On the Trails of Our Ancestors
by Anton Zollner

1912 - Destitute to America - Experiences
by Kurt Aram

1934, Emigrating to America
by Magdalena Jorch Dian

Fare Dodger
by Hans Dama

My Escape From Romania
by Herwig Stefan

Life in our new Heimat
by Helene Schuch

Memories of Our Resettlement
by Helene Schuch

My journey from the Banat to Canada
by Nick Tullius
Review by Hans Gehl | Review by Jody McKim Pharr

Villages Lorrains En Roumanie by André Rosambert - L'Illustration (French Magazine), Part 1: 01 Apr 1933

Villages Lorrains En Roumanie by André Rosambert - L'Illustration (French Magazine), Part 2: 24 Nov 1934

The Shadow of Herta Müller at the Nitzkydorf Cemetery
by Viorel Ilişoi
, (From the day they announced on television that the German writer Herta Müller received the Nobel Prize for Literature and it was recalled that she was born and raised in Romania, many people in her native village are asking themselves what is the Nobel Prize and who is this Herta Müller? And if she is a villager of theirs and won one million Euros, what is in it for them? Herta Müller is an unknown in Nitzkydorf, the village she put on the worldwide map in a single day.)



Last Updated: 22 Nov 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!