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Banat Biographies
Banat Biographies Index Est. 13 Feb 2010 at by Jody McKim Pharr.

Bleyer, Jakob
Literary Scholar, Full Professor at the University of Transylvania in Cluj, Banat, Peoples Spokesperson & Hungarian Minister for National Minorities 1919-20.

Bleyer, Jakob; Germanist, Volkstumspolitiker; born 25 Jan 1874, Tscheb in the Batschka; and died 1933, 05.12. Budapest.

Jakob Bleyer was born into a wealthy Donauschwaben farming family. After attending the Hungarian high schools in Novi Sad and Koldcha he studied German and Hungarian philology at the University of Budapest, where Gustav Heinrich (1845-1922) and Gideon Petz (1863-1943) were his main teachers. He graduated in 1897 with a doctorate and a check for the higher teaching. After that he taught in Budapest and Sopron.  

There he married Wihelmine Holzinger. He intended to pursue the career of a university lecturer, so he took leave for a year to Germany in Munich and Leipzig to continue his studies. After his return he was an habilitated (unpaid) professor, but he continued as a teacher.

In 1908 he was appointed full professor at the University of Transylvania in Cluj. From 1911 until his death he taught at the Budapest University. Here he founded together with G. Petz the Germanistische Seminar.  BLEYER turned his scientific work to a considerable extent to the study of German-Hungarian literary relations. He questioned the importance of the imperial city of Vienna, published as a hub and facilitator Western cultural influence in Southeast Europe and inspired many of settlement and cultural history, literary history and folklore in any work in the series "Német philológi ai dolgozatok“ (works of German philology) and from 1929 headed by Bleyer the journal "Deutsch-ungarische Heimatblätter" appeared.

His political career began in 1917 with the release of political culture of the papers Magyarisierungsbestrebungen, the Hungarian authorities towards the Germans. In other German-Hungarian personalities, he participated in the battles against the Communist government of Bela Kuns. After the collapse of the Soviet Republic, he was in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Stefan Friedrich the Nationality Department, from which he resigned after hostilities in December 1920. Then he resumed his teaching at the university again. With all his strength he pushed for the cultural and political strengthening of the German population of Hungary, after the Treaty of Trianon and the consequent surrender of territory was still about 500,000 people. For this purpose in 1921 was one of the founding of the "Sonntagsblattes für das deutsche Volk in Ungarn" and the "Ungarländischen Deutschen Volksbildungsvereins", [E:"Sunday chart for the German people in Hungary" and the "National Education Association Ungarländischen Germans"] which spread rapidly across the country. After seven years he had about 27,500 members and 180 local groups. He organized general education lectures in German, built libraries and led by musical events and costume parties.

Since 1926, Bleyer was a member of the German constituency Villány member of the Hungarian Parliament since 1901 and thus the first member of Deutschungarn. In his parliamentary speeches, he pointed to the anti-minority education policy and the Magyansierungstendenzen the Hungarian state. Through all these activities Bleyer has been the undisputed leader of the Germans in Hungary, and advocate for equal rights in the Hungarian State, and its citizens were loyal.

Harro Kieser / - Ref: Pukánszky, Bela by: Jacob BLEYER. In: Encyclopaedia of the border and Auslanddeutschtums. Bd first Breslau, 1933, pp. 479-480; South German home pages. 3 (1954), Episode 1/2 (contains numerous articles, the life and work of J. Bleyer concern); Weidlein, Johann Jakob Bleyer (l 874-1933). In: Alemannisches yearbook. 1954, pp. 405-420; NDB 2; Moser, Hugo Jakob Bleyer as a scientist. In: South-East German archives. 2 (1959), pp. 171-185; Schwind, Hedwig Jakob Bleyer. A pioneer and awakener of ungarländischen Germanness. Munich 1960, Schwob, Anton Jakob Bleyer. In: Biographical dictionary of the history of Southeast Europe. Bd first Munich 1974, pp. 214-215.

Bleyer, Jacob, spokesman for the Germans in Hungary, Germanist (literary historian) *Tscheb / Backa 25th Jan. 1874 -? Bp 05th December 1933, studied as a collegiate Eötvös bps, 1897 promotion, then Bp and high school teachers in Sopron, 1903-1904 Fellow in Munich and Leipzig, after returning high school teacher in bps, in 1905 while a lecturer at the University, 1905 BPER to 1909 Secretary of the teachers' association, in 1908 professor at the University of Cluj, 1911 to 1919 and from 1921 bps, 1911 correspondence Protective. Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, since 1917 participation in political life as a champion of minority rights of the Germans in Hungary, 1919-1920 Minister of National Minorities, 1923 Chairman of the non-state-approved National Education Association Ungarnländischen Germans (UDV), 1924 2nd Chairman of the newly established and nationally recognized Ungarnländischen German Adult Education Association, with 50% of board members (including the Vorstizender Dr. Gustav Gratz) were determined by the State, in 1921 the founder and editor of the Sunday Journal, which in 1924 officially became the mouthpiece of the UDV, but still remained independent, from 1920 Member of the National Assembly, in 1926 the Hungarian Parliament, co-editor of Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny (Philological universal indicator), 1926 Honorary Senator and doctor of the University of Tubingen, 1929-1933 editor of the German-Hungarian home pages. In his numerous publications, he was anxious to prove that Germany's influence in the Hungarian literature.

In addition to his extensive scientific work in which he brought about an intensification of Germanic research, he devoted all his energies to the achievement of minority protection of the Germans in Hungary and was therefore - vigorously opposed by nationalist circles - despite its balanced position.
: Who's who? Hungary's first German lexicon biography of Anton Treszl.

Published at by Jody McKim Pharr


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