Nick Tullius   Jody McKim Pharr

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Banat Biographies
Banat Biographies Index Est. 13 Feb 2010 at by Jody McKim Pharr.

Nicholas Schilzonyi Genealogical Dig 2005-2020 | Newspaper Stacks


Kansas City, MO, 17 Jul 1897
Published at 28 May 2020 by Jody McKim Pharr

Seven Words Are Required to Express it in the Hungarian Language.

     "Kaiser Franz Josef's Magyar Husaren Knaben-Kapelle" is the imposing title of the celebrated Hungarian Boys' band from Budapest, which will open a week's engagement at Fairmount park this afternoon. Translated Into English, the title means the Hungarian Hussar Boys' Military band.

     The youngsters are in attendance at the State military school, Budapest, known as Kaiser Franz Josef's, and are being prepared to act as musicians, although their education in mathematics and the classics and sciences is not neglected.

     It cost $8,500 to secure the Hungarian Boys' band for a two years' tour of the United States, this sum being paid into the Hungarian treasury. The boys were then placed under the legal guardianship of Niklas Schilzonyi, who is instructor as well as director of the boys. His responsibilities are shared by Herr A. Neusbaum, a German, to whom are confided the classical and scientific studies.

     The band is well known in Kansas City, having played at the Orpheum last winter, making the biggest hit of the season at that theater. The boys play marvelously, with fine technique and expression, and with lots of enthusiasm. In the minds of many persons the band plays better than Sousa's. It is certainly as popular.

     The afternoon concert to-day will be at 3:30 o'clock and the evening concert at 8:15 o'clock. Concerts will be given every afternoon and evening this week.

This afternoon's programme follows:
"Stars and Stripes Forever" (Sousa).
Overture, "Prince Methusalem" (Strauss).
Wilacher Postillion (Koschet).
Pilgrim Chorus, "Tannhauser" (Wagner).
Robln Hood Selection (DeKoven).
Song, "Abschied Vom Diern'l" (Ziehrer).
Hungarian Potpourri (Dubocz).


Last Updated: 22 Nov 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
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