Herr Schilzonyi's clever little artists acquitted themselves nicely.
The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 06, 1898
Published at DVHH.org 29 May 2020 by Jody McKim
All of the free institutions played to crowded houses during the afternoon and evening. In the Park Opera House, the two concerts given by the Hungarian Boys' Military Band were enjoyed by only fair sized audiences.
Herr Schilzonyi's clever little artists acquitted themselves nicely.
The programme for the week is faulty in that there is an apparent sameness to the selections and the little players are not afforded any opportunities to demonstrate their versatility. They did not give the Fantasie, as advertised. In which each player was to disappear one by one leaving at the finale only the miniature drummer of the band. Much disappointment was expressed over this omission. |