Hungarian Band Concert
1899 Jul 02, Norfolk Landmark, Virginia
Published at 29 May 2020 by Jody McKim
Pharr The Norfolk and Ocean View Railroad Company is certainly trying to please the patrons of their resort Ocean View, when they go to the expense of engaging the latest European musical novelty the famous
Schilzonyi's Hungarian Boys Military Band of forty youthful musical prodigies, ranging in age from six to sixteen years. The midgets for they are veritable midgets of
the Hungarian Boys' Military Band arrived at that place yesterday morning under the charge of Mr. Bray their manager; Mrs. Bray, Mr. Schilzonyi their bandmaster, and Mrs. Schilzonyi
and created an immediate sensation. They will rest until afternoon, when they play for the first time at a Sunday matinee to be given at 3:30 o'clock. |