Hyde and Behman's Theatre
The Standard Union, Brooklyn, New York. November 25, 1899
Transcribed &
Published at DVHH.org 29 May 2020 by Jody McKim
Pharr The bill at Hyde and Behman's Theatre for next week includes one number that Is indeed a novelty. This is the Knaebn Kapelle, which, when rendered into plain English, means nothing more nor less than Boys' Band. Not that boy's
bands are a novelty, but this one is, for the little fellows come all the way from Billed, Hungary, where they are wards of the Austrian Government in the
military school there. The band is under the personal direction of Niklas Schilzonyi, who is their instructor as well as the
bandmaster. The lads have been touring the country, playing In all the principal cities, and wherever they have appeared they have created quite a furor. The boys there - are about fifty - play like veterans, each lad being capable of rendering solos on his instrument. They change their programme at every performance, and their repertoire of music includes over 600 pieces. |