The Central New Jersey Home News, Brunswick, NJ Court Order
In Chancery of New Jersey.
To Antonia Schilzonyi and Nicholas (or Niklas) Schilzonyi, her husband:
By virtue Chancery of New Jersey day of the day hereof, in a cause where in Max Swiller and Abraham Swiller are complainants, and you are defendants, you are required to
appear and plead, demur or answer to the complainants' bill on or before the twenty-first day of November, A. D. nineteen hundred and eight, or the said bill will be taken as confessed against you. The said bill is filed to settle or quiet the title of Max Swiller and Abraham Swiller in and to the following described lands and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of East Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, and bounded and described as follows, namely:
The First Tract - Beginning at a black oak tree, corner of land formerly belonging to James Johnson and running thence west twenty-four chains to a stake; thence south
forty-two degrees west nineteen chains and fifty links to Ireland Brook; thence up said brook to the old dam; thence south half a chain along the dam; thence north twenty-four degrees east twenty-three chains and fifty links to land formerly of said Johnson, and thence along the same north twenty-four degrees west twenty-one chains to the place of beginning. Containing eighty-one acres.
The Second Lot- Beginning at a white oak tree a corner of land formerly of James Perrine; thence south thirty-seven degrees and forty-eight minutes east fifty-rive links; thence south thirty-two degrees and twenty minutes west two chains and sixty links; thence south one degree east eleven chains and
ten links along the road to the Pater's line; thence north eighty-seven degrees and thirty minutes east thirty-one chains to the road; thence north thirteen degrees and fifty minutes east four chains; thence north, seventy-five degrees west thirty-two chains and thirty links to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-seven and three-quarter acres.
The Third Lot - Beginning at a black oak called Sutton's corner: thence in a course south by east to Ireland Brook: thence along the same to a bridge in the road; thence along the road to the southeast corner of lands late of James Perrine; thence in a westerly course to the place of beginning.
Containing four acres.
Excepting from the whole about seven acres heretofore conveyed by Peter Perrine to Ruliff Van Arsdale which is separated from the same by said road.
Being the same premises which were conveyed to Max Swiller and Abraham Swiller by Charles Schriefer and wife and Henry W. Faby and wife by deed dated 1 October 1907, and
recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Middlesex County in Book 405 of Deeds for said county on page 468.
And you are made defendants thereto and if you claim any title to, interest in or encumbrance on said lands you are required to answer said bill, but not otherwise.
Dated 20 October, 1908.
WARREN R. SCHENCK, Solicitor for Complainants. No. 43 Paterson street. New Brunswick. New Jersey, U. S. A.
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[Published at 29 May 2020 by Jody McKim Pharr]
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