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Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Banat Biographies
Banat Biographies Index Est. 13 Feb 2010 at by Jody McKim Pharr.

STEIGERWALD, Jacob *Banat Topola
Banat Post WWII Survivor, Teacher Ph.D., Author, Historian, Translator & Interpreter

From an Unwanted Group in Yugoslavia to a Professorship in America

As a member of Yugoslavia's disenfranchised German minority, Jacob Steigerwald had not even finished grade school when he immigrated to America at age 20. Along with other group members, he was confined to forced labor camps in April 1945, as the process of ethnic cleansing was underway, involving executions, starvation, and other methods of genocide.

Jacob survived by fleeing to Romania at age 14, where he worked for a farmer while keeping a low profile to avoid apprehension and deportation.

Without prospects for a future under Communism, Jacob trekked to Austria in 1947 and worked there as a refugee until he emigrated to Chicago.

In the land of opportunity, Jacob eventually became an educator and a family man, thanks to staunch support from his wife Marie.

In the monograph on his birthplace Banat Topola and in his memoir 'Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito,' Jacob provides ample insights toward a better understanding of his widely scattered ethnic group.


03 Feb 1975
Winona Daily News
"Jacob Steigerwald earns doctorate"
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Must Read Book!

Must Read Book!


Winona State College Instructor earns doctorate in German
Feb 03, 1975

JACOB STEIGERWALD, assistant professor of foreign languages at Winona State College, has completed requirements for the doctor of philosophy degree in German languages and literature at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, and will be awarded the degree at the June commencement.

An ethnic German born in Yugoslavia, Dr. Steigerwald emigrated to the United States in 1951 and became a naturalized citizen after joining the U.S. Army in 1953.

After extensive studies both in the United States and in Europe, he earned a bachelor of arts degree from Columbia College, Chicago, and bachelor and master of arts degrees from Columbia College, Chicago, and a bachelor and master of arts degree from the University of Illinois, Urbana.

His dissertation, "The Bremer Beitrager: Their relationship with Gottsched and Their Position in the History of German Literature," is concerned with the contribution of this group of eighteenth century poets toward promoting the use of standard German.

Dr. Steigerwald, his wife and three children live at 355 W. 4th St.


PUBLICATIONS by Jacob Steigerwald, Ph.D. – Chronological Listing

Finding Vital 1796-1945 Data Regarding German and Hungarian Ancestors of Banat(ska) Topola and Novo Selo, Plus an Exposé About the Local 1945-1946 Internment Camp for Germans of Yugoslavia; By Jacob Steigerwald - The publication should also be of particular interest to descendants of Danube Swabians who have been wondering about actual procedures that Tito’s partisans employed in wiping out the ethnic group. In a variety of ways, my account also has relevance regarding criminal actions against indigenous Germans elsewhere in the country, from 1944 until 1948. [16 Nov 2009] ISBN 0-9615505-5-4.

"Die Ausgewanderten" Donauschwäbische Lehrerblätter 24,1 (1968) 3-10  
"Das Wunder, oder der wackelnde Kirchturm" Der Donauschwabe (August 4, 1968) 5 and 8  
"Zur heutigen Lage der Donauschwaben" Donauschwäbische Lehrerblätter 15,2 (1969) 4-5  
"Die Bremer Beiträger: Ihr Verhältnis zu Gottsched und ihre Stellung in der Geschichte der deutschen Literatur" (Doctoral Dissertation - University of Cincinnati, 1975)  
"Bestandsaufnahme: Eine Generation nach Flucht und Vertreibung" Der Donauschwabe (February 9, 1975), 3  
"Krise im Fremdsprachenunterricht in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika" Donauschwäbische Lehrerblätter 21,2 (1975) 16-19 and in: Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (March 1975) 8 and (April 1975), 5-6  
"Unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten der Ausbildung als Schlüssel zur Welt" Burgenländische Gemeinschaft 5 (1975) 4-5  
"Bildung – ein lebenslänglicher Vorgang" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (May 1975) 6-7 and in: Der Donauschwabe (September 7, 1975) 9  
"Soll unsere Jugend studieren?" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (November 1975) 1 and in: Der Donauschwabe (Januar 4, 1976) 3  
"Deutscher Sprachgebrauch in Westdeutschland und in den USA. Krise oder Erneuerung?" Südostdeutsche Vierteljahresblätter 24,4 (1975) 249-252  
"Auswanderung – gestern und heute" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (January 1976) 10-11  
"Rückblick ins Mutterland" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (January 1976) 11 and in: Der Donauschwabe (February 22, 1976) 4  
"Ethnische Minderheiten als stabilisierende Faktoren der amerikanischen Gesellschaft" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (March 1976) 1 and in: Der Donauschwabe 21. March 1976) 2  
"Zur Anpassung der Donauschwaben in ihrer neuen Umgebung" Der Donauschwabe (May 2, 1976) 6 and in: Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (May 1976) 1  
"Anregung zur Schaffung eines weltweiten Wegweisers zu donauschwäbischen Vereinen und Institutionen" Der  Donauschwabe (April 24, 1977) 5  
"Zum 25-jährigen Bestehen der Vereinigung der Donauschwaben in Chicago" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (August 1978) 1-2  
"Bestände von Werken Adam Müller-Guttenbrunns (1852-1923)  an amerikanischen und kanadischen Bibliotheken, die bis 1956 erschienen sind" Donauschwäbische Forschungs- und Lehrerblätter 25,3 (1979) 71-76  
"Zur Herkunft der Donauschwaben" Nachrichten der Donauschwaben in Chicago (February 1981) 5-7  
"Das Problem der Erhaltung der Muttersprache in den USA" Entwicklung und Erbe des donauschwäbischen Volksstammes. Festschrift für Josef Volkmar Senz zum 70. Geburtstag. Editor: Georg Wildmann. Munich: Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung, 1982. 297-305  
Donauschwäbische Gedankenskizzen aus USA – Reflections of Danube Swabians in America, Aufsätze – Articles, 1968-1982. Anthology (with addenda in English and German). Winona, Minnesota: Translation & Interpretation Service, 1983. ISBN 0-9615505-0-3  
"In der Geburtsstunde des Donauschwabentums: Erste deutsche Gruppenauswanderung nach Amerika" Donauschwäbische Forschungs- und Lehrerblätter 29,2 (1983) 49-55  
"High Technology and Translation" Business Brevities, Winona State University, Department of Business Administration and Economics (Spring 1983) 16-17  
"Danube Swabians" Society of German-American Studies Newsletter 6,2 (1985) 12-13  
"Entre Rios ist eine Reise wert!" Der Donauschwabe 35,13 (March 31, 1985) 6  
Tracing Romania’s Heterogeneous German Minority from Its Origins to the Diaspora. Winona, Minnesota: Translation & Interpretation Service, 1985. ISBN 0-9615505-1-1  
"Foreign Language Instruction at Winona State University. An Overview: 1932-1985" Unpublished Manuscript, January 1986 (11 typewritten pages)  
"The Languages of Luxembourg" Winona Shopper and Post 15,20 (May 14, 1986) 10-11  
"Ein Beispiel Elsass-Lothringischen Kulturerbes in Banat Topola" Das Donautal-Magazin 10,29 (June 15, 1986) 23  
"Die Deutschamerikaner" Festbuch zur 30. Jahresfeier des Verbandes der Donauschwaben in den USA, e. V., 1957-1987. Edited by Michael Bresser and Franz Awender. Cleveland, Ohio: Danube Swabian Association of the USA, 1987, 55-56  
Exploring French, German, and Spanish. Winona, Minnesota: Translation & Interpretation Service, 1987. ISBN 0-9615505-2-X

(German & English in one combined volume) Practical primers to help beginning learners determine for which of these languages their particular aptitude might be preeminent.  There is potency in one's underlying aptitudes! [Reviews]

Paperback 27.5 X 21 cm, 163 pages.  $11.95, ISBN 0-9615505-2-X, includes illustrations and bibliographic references. 
(Winona, MN 1987).

Availability status:
In stock
Order through bookstores or by mail from: T & I Svc,
5960 S. Estes St., Littleton, CO 80123

Banat Topolas Schwaben: 1791-1945. Winona, Minnesota: Translation & Interpretation Service, 1992. ISBN 0-9615505-3-8

Descendants of expelled and widely scattered former inhabitants of this village in the Vojvodina are now also living in some English-speaking countries.  The listing of former local residents (p.48-51) should prove useful in genealogical research, along with the village history that is provided, from it's founding to the expulsion of its German-speaking native population in 1945. - How this German-Hungarian Catholic settlement with the successive names of Torontáltopolya, Töröktopolya, and Banatska Topola became a place of religious veneration is also covered in this combined German and English volume.  [Reviews]

Bilingual paperback (Ger. & Engl.) 27.5 X 21 cm, 154 pages, $19.95, ISBN 0-9615505-3-9 Illus., with intermittent biographic content and a bibliography. (Winona, MN 1992).

Availability status:
T & I Svc,
5960 S. Estes St., Littleton, CO 80123

Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito. Littleton, Colorado: Translation & Interpretation Service, Littleton, CO, 2001. ISBN 0-9615505-4-6

Story of a Danube Swabian immigrant to Chicago and his quest for self-improvement upon having been denied educational and vocational opportunities as a member of Yugoslavia's disenfranchised German minority and as a refugee in Romania, Hungary and Austria, form 1944 until he came to America in 1951.  His advancement to a career as a university professor in the Midwest contrasts sharply with former exposure as a teenager to Nazi and Communist thinking.  Proverbial tenets regarding traditional perceptions in his native environment are fittingly reexamined.  By means of a historic group overview, the book contributes toward filling a gap in pertinent English coverage. [Reviews]

Paperback 12.5 X 21.2 cm, 283 pages. $29.95, ISBN 0-9615505-4-6, includes map drawing, 3 Appendices, and an annotated bibliography.
(Littleton, CO 2001).

Availability status:
In stock
Order through bookstores or by mail from: T & I Svc,
5960 S. Estes St., Littleton, CO 80123

"Gegenwart und Zukunft einer Volksgruppe. Überlegungen zum donauschwäbischen Dasein" Donauschwaben-Zeitung 2,4 (April 2004) 7: 2,5 (May 2004) 7: 2,6 (June 2004) 7   
"Gelebte Volksfrömmigkeit. Betrachtungen zum Wallfahrtsort Banat Topola" Donauschwaben Heimatkalender 2005. Waiblingen: gsg medien, 2004. 51-54  
"Danube Swabian Easter Customs" (16 Mar 05)  


Publications in which Reviews of the book
Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito
appeared, include:

(in chronological order):

1) Der Donauschwabe. Bundesorgan der Heimatvertriebenen aus Jugoslawien, Rumänien und Ungarn, vol. 51, No. 15 (July 29, 2001), p.11 [pre-publication abstract].

2) “Bücher-Ecke,” Gerhardsbote. Mitteilungsblatt des St. Gerhards-Werkes e. V. und des Südostdeutschen Priesterwerkes, Stuttgart, Germany, vol.47, No. 5 (May 2002), p. 38.

3) Amerika Woche/Washington Journal, vol. 143, No. 27/28 (July 8/15, 2002), p. 17.

4) Der Donauschwabe. Bundesorgan der Heimatvertriebenen aus Jugoslawien, Rumänien und Ungarn, vol. 52, No. 19 (September 22, 2002), p. 7.  

5) “Biography Shelf,” Midwest Book Review. Internet Bookwatch (October 2002).

6) “Buchbesprechung,“ Eintracht. Wochenzeitung der Deutschsprachigen, Jahrgang 81-vol. 14 (December 7, 2002), p. 3.

Publications in which Reviews of the book
Banat-Topola’s Schwaben: 1791-1945 appeared, include:

(in chronological order):

1) Reference & Research Books, vol. 8
(March 1993), p. 6.

2) AFRA – Family Records, TODAY, vol. 16, No. 1 (January 1995), p. 34.

3) The German Quarterly, vol. 68, No. 1 (Winter 1995), p. 80-81, by Don Heinrich Tolzmann.

4) Donauschwäbische Forschungs- und Lehrerblätter, vol. 41, No. 4, Sequel 164 (Munich 1995), p. 86-87, by Anton Tafferner.

5) German Genealogical Digest, vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 2002), p. 29-30, by Gay P. Kowallis.

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Translation & Interpretation Service
5960 S. Estes Street
Littleton, CO  80123-8605

© 2004 Jacob Steigerwald

Published at by Jody McKim Pharr


Last Updated: 21 May 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
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