Nick Tullius   Jody McKim Pharr

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



Donauschwäbischer Kalenders

German-Hungarian Family Calendar

Published at 30 June 2008 by Jody McKim Pharr

This Kalender was compiled and published in Germany by all the Donauschwaben who were living there in 1979. Anyone could enter text (stories from back home, or experiences they encountered) also photos.

This calendar covers all the provinces that are represented in the Donauschwaben Wappen. The stories and photos are from the late 1920's, 1930's, 1940 and early 1950's.

The DVHH poppy logo was inspired by all the poppies grown in the old homelands.  The poppy in our logo is from the 1980 NZV-Volkskalender.  The artist was Franz Bittenbinder.

1924 Donauschwäbischer Volkskalender [Banat Villages Characteristics]

1968 Donau-Schwaben Kalender Cover Contributed by Nancy Wyman, Table of Contents Contributed by Gabi Bugaisky, Published at by Jody McKim Jan 2007]

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Market Place of Gross-Kikinda in Yugoslavia Banat

Blaskapelle Nikolaus Augustine of Batsch-Sentivan in the USA

Kochbuch der Donauschwaben

1979 Donau-Schwaben Kalender, Almanac & explanations of the charts. Contributed by Cornelia Kassem, Translated by Rosina Schmidt, Edited by Alex Leeb & Diana Lambing. Published by Jody McKim Pharr


Month of April

The picture on the cover has great meaning behind it, for the Donauschwaben.

This Kalender was compiled and published in Germany by all the Donauschwaben who were living there in 1979. Anyone could enter text (stories from back home, or experiences they encountered) also photos. It covers all the provinces that are represented in the Donauschwaben Wappen. The stories and photos are from the late 1920's, 1930's, 1940 and early 1950's.

I am fortunate to possess such a Kalender, my parents went to Germany in 1980 on their holiday and they bought the Kalender. After both my parents passed away, I made sure that I was the first person to put hands on the Kalender.




(kalender-1979-almanac) has the chronological symbols,-according to the Gregorian Calendar. The meaning of symbols in the Kalender. On the bottom of the page, it gives information about the church Holy Day of Obligations, from the year 1980-1984.

The week started on a Monday (from left to right) the date,-day- Catholic calendar- Protestant calendar. Under the Kalender name, the church holidays and also Feast Days of the Saints. To the right are the zodiac-symbols, (horoscope), ie.: example April 4, Wednesday - Maurus, Gundula (names day) - for the Protestant church it is "Ambrosius von Mailand 397 (year) then on that day is "quarter moon" and then it tells you, that Maurus and Ambrosius fall under "cancer" according to the zodiac sign.

1989 Donau-Schwaben Kalender Cover Contributed by Nancy Fredenberg


To contribute Kalender images or information contact us.



Last Updated: 22 Nov 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!