DS Wappen 

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 300 years.





Scattered Throughout The World

Outside of the 130 men who were serving in the army, all the Scheindorf families were in Austria and Thuringen before the end of the war. When the war ended, those who were brought to Thuringen were required to go back home by the Soviet occupational force. Some families in Austria, after overcoming numerous difficulties, succeeded to reach Scheindorf again. The majority of the families moved to Germany in the summer of 1946 (Mary and John Weiss and their family moved to Petersthal, Allgau, Germany in August, 1946). Since the state of the economy after 1948 in Germany and Austria left a lot to be desired, there was a wave of emigration to North America (In 1950, Mary and John Weiss and their family moved to New York City). So the events of the war and after the war destroyed the former community of the town, and the German inhabitants in their search for a place to live were scattered throughout the world. Today they live for the most part in Romania (R), West Germany (B), in the United States (V), in Austria (Ö), and smaller groups in Canada (K), in East Germany (D), and in Great Britain (E).

The following families (with dependents in parentheses) are recorded as having their home in Scheindorf in 1944. The letters after the name of the head of the household indicates the country where the family members live today or where they died:

(Note from webmaster Pharr: look at "Familiennamen")

[Credits, Originally Published by Jody McKim Pharr at the DVHH.org 29 Sep 2006]


[Published by Sarah Coraggio at the DVHH on 2 October 2018]

 Last Updated: 13 Oct 2018


Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!


Sathmar Index Link

      & Web Editor
Sarah Coraggio

1.   Introduction
2.   The Swabian Trek to Sathmar
3.   Ancestors of the Settlers
4.   Swabians in Scheindorf
5.   Revolt of the Settlers
6.   Economic Development
7.   Tradesmen and Craftsmen
8.   Looking for Work
9.   Disasters
10. The Political Community
11. Church Life
12. Pastor Johann Ettinger
13. School and Teachers
14. Life and Death
15. Self-sacrifice & Sense of Community
16. Evacuation of the Swabians
17. Scattered throughout the World
18. We Remember the Victims of War
19. The Romanian Fellow Townsmen
20. Jewish Families in Scheindorf
21. Gypsies in Scheindorf (Addendum)
22. Scheindorfer Kiarbe
23. Scheindorfer St. Anne Hymn
24. Customs and Traditions
25. Reference (Bibliography)

Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr

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