DS Wappen 

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 300 years.





We Remember The Victims Of War

107 single and married men were called into the armed services from 1914-1918, in order to fulfill their duties as citizens. The Swabian settlements suffered 22 dead and 13 wounded. The lucky men who returned home erected a remembrance cross in thanksgiving on Borhider Way. Because of the three international agreements - Feb. 1, 1942; June 1, 1943; and April 14, 1944 - through which the Hungarian government agreed to draft ethnic Germans into the German armed forces for the German Reich, 107 Scheindorfer men performed their military service in German units. The number of Swabians, who as members of the German armed forces lost their lives or are still missing today, is 33.

The heavy induction of ethnic Germans into the Hungarian armed services had the effect that from Scheindorf, 25 men were sent into action as Honved soldiers. From their group also, the community mourned five deaths.

In January, 1945, in the German settlements, able-bodied men between 17 and 45 years old and women between 18 and 30 years old were sent to the Soviet Union for forced labor. From Scheindorf, 6 persons were taken away; one woman died of the stress.

Killed in Action in World War I

Michael Tepfenhardt Johann Koch
Johann Prommer Johann Majer
Stefan Majer Johann Holzli
Johann Holzli Stefan Leili
Michael Babotschi Andreas Holzli
Stefan Koch Michael Manz
Johann Merk Wendelin Schimpf
Stefan Weiss Josef Tepfenhardt
Andreas Sieber Martin Holzli
Adam Babotschi Josef Manz
Johann Babotchi Josef Gottlieb

Killed in Action and Missing in World War II

Michael Tepfenhardt Jakob Gieger
Johann Sieber Michael Erli
Sebastian Sieber Michael Tepfenhardt
Johann Merk Michael Manz
Michael Merk Adam Manz
Johann Erli Josef Dizig
Stefan Moor Franz Moor
Felix Tepfenhardt Stefan Schimpf
Josef Burghoffer Josef Schimpf
Stefan Tepfenhardt Andreas Manz
Andreas Schimpf Johann Brendli
Stefan Kreiter Martin Tepfenhardt
Stefan Einholz Wendelin Gieger
Florian Gieger Martin Leili
Johann Gieger Michael Leili
Adalbert Leili Michael Holzli
Andreas Sieber Martin Schimpf
Kaspar Holzli Anton Geng
Jakob Pfefferkorn Adalbert Mack
Maria Koch

[Credits, Originally Published by Jody McKim Pharr at the DVHH.org 29 Sep 2006]


[Published by Sarah Coraggio at the DVHH on 2 October 2018]

 Last Updated: 13 Oct 2018


Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!


Sathmar Index Link

      & Web Editor
Sarah Coraggio


1.   Introduction
2.   The Swabian Trek to Sathmar
3.   Ancestors of the Settlers
4.   Swabians in Scheindorf
5.   Revolt of the Settlers
6.   Economic Development
7.   Tradesmen and Craftsmen
8.   Looking for Work
9.   Disasters
10. The Political Community
11. Church Life
12. Pastor Johann Ettinger
13. School and Teachers
14. Life and Death
15. Self-sacrifice & Sense of Community
16. Evacuation of the Swabians
17. Scattered throughout the World
18. We Remember the Victims of War
19. The Romanian Fellow Townsmen
20. Jewish Families in Scheindorf
21. Gypsies in Scheindorf (Addendum)
22. Scheindorfer Kiarbe
23. Scheindorfer St. Anne Hymn
24. Customs and Traditions
25. Reference (Bibliography)

Jody McKim Pharr

Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!

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Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands,
a Nonprofit Corporation


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