Stefan Brendli, Recording.
Hugo Moser, The Swabian Trek to Sathmar
Carl Muller, Contribution of the German
settlement to the Economic History of
Sathmar. 1932
Stefan Schmied, Heimatbuch der Sathmarer
Schwaben 1952
Stefan Schmied, The Sathmar Swabians, 1962
Stefan Vonhaz, A szatmarmegyei nemet
telepites. 1931 (German Settlement in
Komitat Sathmar)
Originally Published by Jody McKim Pharr at the 29 Sep 2006]
[Published by Sarah Coraggio
at the DVHH on 2 October 2018]
13 Oct 2018 |
Keeping the Danube
Swabian legacy alive!