A |
 |
Abaliget, Hungary [Off] Abaling
- Located in central Baranya County, Pécs
District, in southern Hungary
Is bordered by the villages of Husztót and Kovácsszénája to the north, Orfű to the east, Kővágószőlős and Kővágótöttös to the south, Hetvehely to the west, and Okorvölgy and Szentkatalin to the northwest.
- Abaliget Village Website
For the Lutheran church records, see Csikostöttös, Baranya County for more information.

| Aderjás Hungary
Adorjás Hungary
 | Ág Hungary [Off] Nágyag
[Hun] Nagy Ág
Neuda (Ger)
Neudjak (Ger)
- Baranya County
For the Lutheran church records, see Csikostöttös and Gerényes, Baranya County for more information.
 | Albertfalva (Hungarian) Albertsdorf (German) Grabovac (German) Grabovec, Croatia (Official)
- Baranya County
- Hengl, Ferdinand: Die kirchlichen Seelenlisten aus 1896 der
deutschen katholischen Gemeinden [The
church list of souls from the 1896 German Catholic communities] Albertfalu/Albertsdorf, Kácsfalu/Katschfeld,
Keskend/Keschkend, Laskafalu/Laschkafeld, im Komitat Baranya/Ungarn. (county
Baranya) Quellenpublikation Pécs (Fünfkirchen) 2001
| Almamellék / Almamellek, Hungary
(Official) Homeli (German) Homeling (German) |
| Alsóegerszeg
/ Alsoegerszeg, Hungary (Official) Egerszeg in Proc. Szt.
Lorintsienzi sita |
 | Alsónána /
Alsonana, Hungary (Official) Ratznana Raiznana Naane Noone Nána UnternanauAlsónána, Tolna Co. (Evangelical Lutheran)
1789-1866 Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Moráagy, Tolna Co.
(Reformed) 1783-1886 (Also includes: Alsonána,
Bataápati) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Alsó-Nyék / Also-Nyek Neek Nyek Nék / Nek Alsónyék / Alsonyek
- Tolna County
- SW of Szekszárd
| Apar
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
 | Aranyos Pécsaranyos
/ Pecsaranyos, Hungary
(Official) |
 | Aranyosgadány / Aranyosgadany, Hungary (Official)
/ Gadany |
 | Áta / Ata, Hungary (Official) Atta Attau |
B | |
 | Bár
/ Bar, Hungary (Official) Baár
/ Baar |
 | Babarc, Hungary (Official) Babarcz (German) Bawarz Bawaz (Other)
- Baranya County / District: Mohács / Mohácsi
Articles and
references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
 | Babarcszőlős / Babarcszolos, Hungary (Official) Szőllősbabarcz
/ Szollosbabarcz (Hungarian) Babarcz Szőllős / Szollos
- Baranya County / District: Szentlőrinczi / Szent-Lőrinczi
 | Babartz |
 | Bakocza, Hungary (Official) |
 | Bakonya, Hungary
- Baranya County /
District: Szentlőrinczi / Szent-Lőrinczi
 | Baksa, Hungary
- Baranya County /
District: Szentlőrinczi / Szent-Lőrinczi
 | Banfa / Bánfa, Hungary (Official)
- Baranya County /
District: Szentlőrinczi / Szent-Lőrinczi
 | Bános
/ Banos
- Baranya County /
District: Hegyhát
 | Bán /
Ban (Hungarian) Baán /
Baan Baranyabán /
Baranyaban Popovac, Croatia (Official)
- Baranya/Baranyavár County
 | Baranyaszentgyörgy
/ Baranyaszentgyorgy,
Hungary (Official) St. Georgen (German) St. Jörg
/ St. Jorg Szentgeorgen Szentgyörgy
/ Szentgyorgy (Hungarian) Szent-Gyorgy
- Baranya / Baranyavár County
| Baranyavár (Hungarian) Branjin Vrh, Croatia (Official)
| Barátur / Baratur, Hungary
(Official) Bradern Barat-Ur
| Baratz Szöllös
Baratz-Szollos, Hungary (Official) |
| Barcs, Hungary
(Official) Bartz
| Báta
/ Bata Bade
(German) Bátha / Batha Bátta / Batta
South of Szekszárd
| Bátáapáti
/ Bataapati, Hungary (Official)
Abtsdorf (German) Apaati Apáti / Apati
- Tolna County
- Bataapati in the Tolna by Henry Fischer
- Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer - Bátáapáti, Tolna Co. (Evangelical Lutheran) 1770-1895 (Also includes: Zsibrik)
Church Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Moráagy, Tolna Co.
(Reformed) 1783-1886 (Also includes: Alsonána, Bataápati) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Bátaszék
(Hungarian) Báthaszék
Bathaszek Badeseck Badenseck Baderseck BattenseckSouth
of Szekszárd
Bátaszék in the
Tolna: A History (from
Bátaszék, Heimatbuch der
Grossgemeinde Bátaszék im Komitat
Tolnau (Ungarn)
by Johannes Göbelt, Pécs
and is partially a translation and summary by Henry
Lookups Guide: Henry
Bátaszék, Tolna Co. (Roman Catholic) 1722-1783 (Also includes: Alsonána,
Morágy) Church Record
Bátaszék, Heimatbuch der
Grossgemeinde Bátaszék im Komitat
Tolnau (Ungarn)
by Johannes Göbelt, Pécs (Two
| Batonyterenye
(Hungarian) Szent-Kut, Szentkut
(Hungarian) |
| Battyán
/ Battyan
| Beczefa |
| Bedekér /
Bedeker (Hungarian)
| Belácz
/ Belacz, Hungary (Official) Belác
/ Belac
| Belecska Beletschke (German) Bellitsch Welletschken
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Keszöhidegkút, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1789-1895 (Also includes: Belecska) Church Record
| Bellye, Hungary
| Belvard |
| Belvárdgyula
/ Belvardgyula Belward Belwardjulweih
| Benye Benge Sumarina, Croatia (Official)
| Beremend Behrend Bremen
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Bereny
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szakadát, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1737-1799 (Also includes: Szarázd, Bereny, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Berkesd Berkisch
| Bessencze |
| Bettelmann
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Bezedek Berseneck Beesedek
| Bicsérd Nagybicsérd Kisbicsérd, Hungary
| Bikács / Bikacs,
Hungary (Official)
- Bikács, in Tolna
County: A Short History by Henry Fischer
- Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
- Bikács, Tolna Co. (Evangelical Lutheran) 1661-1867 Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Udvari, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1789-1867 (Also includes: Bikács) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Bikács, Unsere Heimat
1736-1986 by Mathias Schmausser,
1986, Ostelsheim
| Bikal,
Hungary (Official) Wickerl
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer -
Baranya Co. (Roman Catholic) 1729-1792 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Rackozár, Mekényes, Morágy, Tófü) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
Baranya Co. (Evangelical Lutheran) 1661-1867 Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
| Birián
/ Birian Birnbaum Birján / Birjan, Hungary (Official)
| Bisching Bisse,
Hungary (Official)
| Bisztircze
(Hungarian) Bistricze Bisztrecze (Hungarian) Kisbeszterce, Hungary (Official) |
| Boda,
Hungary (Official) |
| Bodolya
(Hegyentuli járás) (Hungarian) Nagybodolya (Hungarian) Potle Podolje, Croatia (Official) |
| Bodony Siklósbodony
/ Siklosbodony, Hungary (Official)
| Bogád /
Bogad, Hungary (Official)
| Bogádmindszent
/ Bogadmindszent, Hungary (Official)
| Bogdása
/ Bogdasa, Hungary (Official)
| Bölcske /
Bolcske, Hungary (Official)
| Boldogasszonyfa
| Bolmány /
| Bóly
/ Boly (Hungarian) Bool Deutschbol
(German) Németbóly
/ Nemetboly (Hungarian)
| Bonnya Bonna Bonnau
Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
Bonnya, Somogy Co. (Evangelical Lutheran) 1893-1941
Church Record Transcriptions.
Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
Bonnya, Somogy Co. (Reformed) 1900-1941 Church
Record Transcriptions.
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Törrökkopany,
Somogy Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1738-1778 (Also includes: Döröschke,
Karád, Bonnya) Church
Record Transcriptions
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the village
of Bonnya.
Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and Fehercsard (Somogy County) Vital Records 1787 to 1895, birth, marriage and death, names, dates
and locations as transcribed from the original - Mrs.
Waldraut Schlegel.
Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya
and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel.
| Bonyhád
/ Bonyhad Bonnhard
Tolna County
Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
- Bonyhád, Tolna
Co (Roman Catholic) 1729-1816
(Also includes: Cikó,
Majos, Tabod, Morágy, Hidas,
Izmény, Bataápati)
Church Record Transcriptions.
Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
- Bonyhád, Tolna
Co. (Evangelical Lutheran) 1816-1867 (Also includes:
Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
Bonyhád: A Market Town in Tolna - by Henry Fischer. The
early history of the community
it also identifies some of the
original settlers and their
places of origin. Several
sources were used for research,
including the church records.
Gaube Und Kirche in Der Schwabischen
Turkei Des 18. Jahrhunderts: Aufzeichnungen Von Michael Winkler in Den
Pfarrchroniken Von Szakadat, Bonyhad Und Godre (German) by Michael Winkler,
Franz Galambos, 368 pages, Publisher R. Trofenik 1987. ISBN: 3878281757
(Faith and church in the Swabian Turkey 18th Century: Recordings of Michael
Winkler in the Church Chronicles of Szakadat, Bonyhad and Godre)
| Bonyhádvarasd
/ Bonyhadvarasd (Hungarian) Warasch
(German) Warersdorf
(German) Varasd
- Tolna County
- Heimatbuch von
Bonyhádvarasd/Warasch by
Andreas M. Patton, 1995 Budapest.
- Werden und Vergehen eines
deutschen Dorfes in der Schwäbischen Türkei by Andreas M.
und Jakob Putschli. , 1996. 314 pages, illustrations.
Publisher: Peter Woltz, Riedweg 3, 98081 Ulm, Tel. (07 31) 38 30 33.
ISBN 963-04-6598-1 (Pp.)
| Borjád / Borjad
| Borjád
/ Borjad Borggard Burjad Burjaad
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szárszentlörinc, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1725-1895 (Also includes: Kisszekély, Nemédi, Borjad, Udz) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Börzseny / Borzseny Bersing
| Bosta
| Bószénfa
/ Boszenfa Bósing
/ Bosing |
| Boszok |
| Botyka Paloataotyka,
Hungary (Official) |
| Branau
- Baranya
- Branau/Baranya,
Unvergessene Heimat by Mathias Volk, 1985, Karlsruhe.
| Branjina
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene
Heimat Branau.
| Budafa Pecsbudafa, Hungary (Official) |
| Büdösfa
/ Budosfa Rózsafa, Hungary (Official) |
| Bükkösd
/ Bukkosd Wickisch
- Baranya County
- Bükkösd - Wickisch Familienbuch 1740-1895
| Büssü
/ Bussu, Hungary (Official)
- Somogy County
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Büssü.
| Buzsák
/ Buzsak, Hungary (Official)
C | |
 | Cikó
/ Ciko
(Hungarian) Zicko Zickau
- Tolna County
- Cikó, Ein Heimatbuch über die Ortsgeschichte unsere Dorfes in Ungarn,
by Andreas Reder published in 1991
in Pecs.
| Csákány
| Csarnóta
/ Csarnota
(Hungarian) |
| Csaszta
(Hungarian) |
| Csebény
/ Csebeny (Hungarian) Tschebing Tschewing |
| Csehi
(Hungarian) |
| Csepely
(Hungarian) |
| Cserdi
| Cserkút
/ Cserkut
| Csibrák / Csibrak
(Hungarian) Tschiwrak Schiebrack |
| Tiedisch
(German) Csikos Tottos Csikóstöttös
/ Csikostottos, Hungary (Official)
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
- Lookups Guide: Henry Fischer
Csikóstöttös, Baranya Co (Evangelical
Lutheran) 1795-1895 (Also includes: Gerenyes, Kapposzekscsö) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Csinderi-Bogad
(Hungarian) |
| Csököly
/ Csokoly
(Hungarian) Tscheckl
| Csokonyavisonta,
Hungary (Official) note: Csokonya, today Erdocsokonya, Hungary; also in
Somogy County.
- Somogy County
- North of Barcs
| Csonka Mindszent
(Hungarian) |
| Csuza
(Hungarian) |
| Csurgo
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Czun
(Hungarian) |
D | |
| Dalmand
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
 | Dályok / Dalyok (Hungarian) Dalok
/ Dubosevica, Croatia (Official)
- Baranya/Mohács
- NW of Batina
- 3.1km to Udvar
 | Dárázs / Darasz (Hungarian) Darasch (German) Draz, Croatia (Official)
- Village and municipality in
Osijek-Baranja county, Croatia.
- Situated between border with Hungary
in the north, border with Serbia in the east,
municipality of Kneževi Vinogradi in the south, and
municipality of Popovac in the south-west.
- SW of Batina
| Dárda
(Hungarian) Darda, Croatia (Official)
Village and municipality just north
of Osijek, Croatia, across the Drava river in Baranja.
and references on this village found in Unvergessene
Heimat Branau.
| Darócz
/ Darocz (Hungarian) Vardarac, Croatia (Official)
| Deetsch
(German) Dech Dets Decs, Hungary (Official) |
| Dentshaza Dancsháza / Dancshaza Dencsháza / Dencshaza Denecsháza / Denecshaza, Hungary (Official)
| Devecser, Hungary
(Official) |
| Dinye-Berki Dinnyeberki, Hungary (Official)
| Diosberény
/ Diosbereny Bering Beringen
| Dopka Dobka
(Other) Datk Dopich Dopca, Hungary (Official)
- Nagy-Küküllö (Nagy-Kukullo) / Köhalom
(Kohalom) - a historic administrative
county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary.
| Döbrököz / Dobrokoz
NW of Dómbovár
| Dordisza
(Hungarian) |
| Döröcske
/ Dorocske
- Somogy County
- Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and
Fehercsard (Somogy County) Vital Records 1787 to 1895, birth, marriage and death, names,
dates and locations as transcribed from the original -
Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
- Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya
and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
| Döröshcke / Doroshcke Döröschke / Doroschke Somogydöröcske
/ Somogydorocske
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Döröshcke, Somogy Co (Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Bonnya,
Gadács, Somogyszil) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Törrökkopany,
Somogy Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1738-1778 (Also includes: Döröschke,
Karád, Bonnya) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse, Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Somogydöröcske (Döröschke)
| Drava Palkonya Drápalkonya
/ Drapalkonya,
Hungary (Official)
| Drava Szaboles, Dravászabolcs
/ Dravszabolcs, Hungary (Official)
| Drávaszentes
/ Dravaszentes
| Drava Szent-Martony Drávaszentmárton
/ Dravaszentmarton Alsószentmárton / Alsoszentmarton, Hungary
(Official) |
| Drava Szent-Martony Drávaszentmárton
/ Dravaszentmarton Felsöszentmárton / Felsoszentmarton, Hungary (Official)
| Dumbawa Dómbovár / Dombovar, Hungary (Official)
| Kimling on the Danube Dunakömlod
/ Dunakomlod, Hungary (Official)
| Dunaszekcsö
/ Dunaszekcso Seetsche Seetschke Retschingen Szekcso Legionum, Lugionum, Villa Macedoniorum
| Düzs
/ Duzs Duschau
E | |
 | Ecsény
/ Ecseny, Hungary (Official) Etsching (German)
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Ecsény
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1784-1895 (Also includes: Felsö
Mocsolád, Somodor, Vamos, Palony, Raksi, Toponar) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Ecsény.
| Egerszeg in Proc. Szt.
Transmontano sita |
| Egerág / Egerag,
Hungary (Official) Egrad Egeragh
| Egyházkozár
/ Egyhazkozar,
Hungary (Official) Egyházaskozár
/ Egyhazaskozar (Koosar) Ratzkosar Raizkosar Ráckozár / Rackozar
- Baranya County, a
small village close to the Mecsek Mountains in southern Hungary; 2 miles
from Bikal
- Originally a German village
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
- Egyhazaskozar (Rackozar) in the Baranya by Henry Fischer
| Egyhazber, Hungary
(Official) Egyházasbér / Egyhazasber (Hungarian) |
| Egyházharaszti
/ Egyhazharaszti Harsting |
| Ellend, Hungary
(Official) Elend
| Endrőc / Endroc,
Hungary (Official) Endritz
(German) |
| Erdősmárok / Erdosmarok, Hungary
(Official) Bischofsmarok (German) Bischofsmark (German) |
| Erdősmecske
/ Erdosmecske, Hungary (Official) Waldorf (German) Ratzmetschke Raizmetschge
Taken/contributed by Josef Dara, 09
house was my mother's uncle's home which I stayed in several
times in the 70's. |
Erdősmecske Taken/contributed by Josef Dara, 09
2008 My
mother was born in 1924, in this
house. After the families
expulsion in 1945 it was taken over
by Szekerly Hungarians for free. At
some stage it was taken over by my
mother's cousin, now deceased. It is
a little derelict but I hope to make
an effort to purchase this property.
Full circle so to speak. |
Erdősmecske Taken/contributed by Josef Dara, 09
2008 Peppers hang to dry . . . paprika!
Erdősmecske Taken/contributed by Josef Dara, 09
2008 This
woman informed me that her husband
and my father were both enlisted
into the Wehrmacht and posted to
Riga in Estonia during WW2. I didn't
know that, seeing as my father was
from Nagyganisza and I wasn't even
aware that he had even been to
Erdosmecske at any time in his life.
It seems that my fathers family
undertook forcibly or otherwise the
'Magyarisation' program. |
| Erszébet / Erszebet,
Hungary (Official) Bischof-Sankt-Elisabeth (German) Elisabeth (German)
Note: an Erszébet is also reported in Somogy/Nagy-Atad,
| Értény
/ Erteny, Hungary (Official)
| Eugenius-falva
/ Eugeniusfalva (Hungarian) Eugenfalu (Hungarian) Jenöfalva (Hungarian) Podravlje, Croatia (Official) |
F | |
| Fáczánkert / Faczankert, Hungary (Official) Fácánkert / Facankert |
| Fadd, Hungary (Official) Faad
/ Fog / Fok / Foud Jog / Jwok
| Fazekasboda, Hungary (Official) Fazekas-Boda Boden (German)
| Fehercsard
- Somogy County
- Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and
Fehercsard (Somogy County) Vital Records 1787 to 1895, birth, marriage and death, names,
dates and locations as transcribed from the original -
Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
- Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya
and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
| Feked,
Hungary (Official)
| Felsömindszent / Felsomindszent,
Hungary (Official) Ober-Allerheiligen |
| Felsómoscolád / Felsomoscolád Motsolad
- Somogy County
- Heimatbuch der Nordschomodei:
Provides information on the villages of Felsómoscolád
| Falschnanna / Falschnane Obernannau Obernane Nána /
Nana Felsőnána (Hungarian) Felsö Nána / Felso Nana Felsönána / Felsonana, Hungary (Official)
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Felsö Nána, Tolna Co (Evangelical Lutheran) 1733-1895 Church Record
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Zomba, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1746-1800 (Also includes: Kéty, Murga, Felsö Nána) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kistormás, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1724-1895 (Also includes: Felsö
Nána, Kolesd) Church
Record Transcriptions
- The First Settlers in Felsonana
| Felsö Mocsolád / Felso Mocsolad
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- (Reformed)
1785-1864 (Also includes: Ecsény, Bonnya)
Church Record Transcriptions
| Felsönyék
/ Felsonyek, Hungary (Official) |
| Fiád
/ Fiad, Hungary (Official) |
| Fonyód
/ Fonyod, Hungary (Official)
- Somogy County
- Town & holiday resort on the south shore
of Lake Balaton, in NW Somogy, western Hungary.
- Fonyód
web site:
G | |
| Gadács / Gadacs,
Hungary (Official) Gadatsch (German) Gaditsch (German)
- Somogy County
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Gadács.
- Gadács and Szil: The Two
Sisters - The history of two of the Danube Swabian
villages in Somogy County leading up to the expulsion in
1948 that attempts to provide the historical context and
consequences of the Potsdam Declaration as it applied to
the Danube Swabians of Hungary after the Second World
War and the expulsion of their populations as an example
of what happened all over Hungary at that time. - Henry
Fischer, 14 Jun 2008
Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and
Fehercsard (Somogy County) Vital Records 1787 to 1895, birth, marriage and death, names,
dates and locations as transcribed from the original -
Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya
and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
| Gadány
/ Gadany,
Hungary (Official) |
| Gálosfa / Galosfa,
Hungary (Official) Gallusdorf (German) |
| Gamás / Gamas, Hungary
(Official) |
| Garé / Gare, Hungary (Official) |
| Gerde, Hungary
| Gerényes
/ Gerenyes, Hungary (Official) Gerienisch (German) Gerimisch (German)
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Gerenyes, Baranya Co
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1815-1895 Church
Record Transcriptions
Gerényes in Baranya County -
By Anonymous, presented by Henry Fischer - Experiences of
a teen age girl from the village of Gerenyes in Baranya County in Swabian
Turkey, who desires to remain anonymous. Her story is very much like
those from the Batshcka and the Banat but with a different twist because it
occurred in Hungary.
| Geresd, Hungary
(Official) Gerisch (German) Gersten (German)
| Geresdlak, Hungary
(Official) Geresd und Puspoklak
(Hungarian) Gerisch
(German) Gersten (German) Gereschlack
(German) Bischofshelm (German)
| Gerjen, Hungary
(Official) Garena |
| Gilvánfa
/ Gilvanfa, Hungary (Official)
| Godisa,
Hungary (Official) Godischau Gudischar
| Gödre
/ Godre, Hungary (Official) Gedri (German) Gödring / Godring
- Baranya County
- Glaube Und Kirche in Der
Schwabischen Turkei Des 18.
Jahrhunderts: Aufzeichnungen
Von Michael Winkler in Den
Pfarrchroniken Von Szakadat,
Bonyhad Und Godre (German) by
Michael Winkler, Franz Galambos,
368 pages, Publisher R. Trofenik
1987. ISBN: 3878281757 (Faith
and church in the Swabian Turkey
18th Century: Recordings of
Michael Winkler in the Church
Chronicles of Szakadat, Bonyhad
and Godre).
| Görbö
/ Gorbo (Hungarian) |
| Görcsöny
/ Gorcsony, Hungary (Official) Curhon Gerchin Gherchin Guechen Gurchen Gurchun
| Görcsönydoboka
/ Gorcsonydoboka, Hungary (Official) Getschingen (German)
| Gorica, Hungary
(Official) Kismegyefa Gorizau
| Gordisa, Hungary
 | Goritza
(Hungarian) |
| Grábóc
/ Graboc, Hungary (Official) Grawitz (German) Grábócz / Grabocz Grábovac / Grabovac |
| Gyirgye
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann)Church
Record Transcriptions
 |
Györ / Gyor Hungary
Raab (German)
Jura, Đura, Vjura (Croatian)
- Royal Free city court
Györ s the most
important city of northwest Hungary, the capital of
Győr-Moson-Sopron county and lies on one of the
important roads of Central Europe, halfway between
Budapest and Vienna. The city is the sixth largest in
Hungary and one of the five main regional centers of the
- Official Hungarian
www.gyor.hu/index.php?hlid=86&nyid=2 (English)
Gyor City Hall Contributed by Henry Fischer, 1 Sep
2008 (click image to enlarge) Medieval walls in Gyor Contributed by Henry Fischer, 1 Sep
2008 (click image to enlargge)
 | Gyönk
/ Gyonk, Hungary (Official) Jing, Jink (German)
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Gyönk (Evangelical Lutheran) 1731-1895 (Also includes: Keszöhidegkút, Szarázd, Udvári, Belecska)
Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Gyönk (Reformed) 1739-1867
Church Record Transcriptions
The Inhabitants of Gyönk Settle in
Mekenyes 1735 by Henry Fischer
The Settlement of Gyönk
After the Turkish Occupation by Henry Fischer
The Town Crier by Ruth Elizabeth Melcher (Gyönk)
| Györ / Gyor Hungary
(Official) Raab (German) Jura, Đura, Vjura (Croatian)
- Royal Free city court
- Györ s the most
important city of northwest Hungary, the capital of
Győr-Moson-Sopron county and lies on one of the
important roads of Central Europe, halfway between
Budapest and Vienna. The city is the sixth largest in
Hungary and one of the five main regional centers of the
- Official Hungarian
Site: http://hellogyor.hu/en/ (English)
| Györköny
/ Gyorkony, Hungary (Official) Jerking / Yerking (German) Jörking / Jorking Jörging / Jorging Jürging / Jurging
Györköny: A Short History by
Henry Fischer
Conflict in Györköny by Henry
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Györköny
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1720-1801) (Also includes: Paks,
Bikács) Church Record
The villagers from Gyorkony have an annual
picnic in Akron every year. They called their village Yerking which is
a corruption of the Hungarian name. [HF]
I'm the Mayor in Györköny. I was very
happy, when I read information on DVHH about Györköny. We have website: www.gyorkony.hu. You can read this
website in Hungarian, we try German and English too. We make the English
version soon. Yours sincerely, Zoltán Braun
| Gyüd / Gyud, Hungary (Official) Mariagyüd
/ Mariagyud Maria-Judt Marjud
| Gyula
(Hungarian) |
| Gyulaj, Hungary
(Official) Gyulajováncza /
NW Dombovár
| Gyumoltseny (Hungarian) Gyumolcsnny
| Gyürüfü
/ Gyurufu, Hungary (Official) Jirifield
H | |
 | Hács
/ Hacs
- Somogy County
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Hács.
 | Hant,
Hungary (Official) Aparhant, Aparhant, Aprehant (German) Aprauhann Hanth, Hung
| Haraszti,
Hungary (Official)
| Harkány
/ Harkany,
Hungary (Official)
| Hasságy
/ Hassagy
(Hungarian) Hasságh Hásságy Harschad, Haschad
| Hegyhátmarác
/ Hegyhatmarac,
Hungary (Official) Hegyhátmaróc / Hegyhatmaroc (Hungarian) Allerheiligen (Hungarian) Tótfalu (Hungarian)
| Hegyszentmárton
/ Hegyszentmarton,
Hungary (Official) Szentmártonhegy
/ Szentmartonhegy (Hungarian) Márokszentmárton Bailand / Marokszentmarton Bailand
| Helesfa,
Hungary (Official)
| Herczeg-Szőllős / Herczeg-Szollos
/ Herczegszollos (Hungarian) Knezevi Vinogradi,
Croatia (Official)
| Hernádfa
/ Hernadfa,
Hungary (Official) Gyöngyfa
| Hetvehely,
Hungary (Official) Hetfehell Heppenfeld (German)
| Hidar
(Hungarian) |
| Hidas,
Hungary (Official) Hidasch
(Hungarian) Hidos Magyarhidas Raczhidas Némethidas
Nemethidas (Hungarian) Brückenau (German)
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Hidas
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1867 Church Record Transcriptions
| Hidor,
Hungary (Official) Neudorf (German) Heidersdorf (German)
| Hidvég
| Hielveg
(Hungarian) |
| Himesháza
/ Himeshaza,
Hungary (Official) Nimmerschhausen / Nimmershausen
NW Mohács/Mohacs
| Hird,
Hungary (Official) Hirtendorf (German)
| Hirits
(Hungarian) |
| Högyész
/ Hogyesz,
Hungary (Official) Hidjess / Hidjess MercystettenThe
"castle" of Count von Mercy in Högyész Contributed by Henry Fischer, 10 Sep
| Homokszentgyörgy / Homokszentgyorgy,
Hungary (Official)
| Hörnyék
/ Hornyek,
Hungary (Official)
| Horváthertelend
/ Horvathertelend,
Hungary (Official) Horvath Hertelend
(Hungarian) Horvát-Hertelend Hertelend Kroatisch-Hertlend Kroatisch-Hertlsdorf
| Hosszühetény
/ Hosszuheteny,
Hungary (Official) Hosszu Heteny (Hungarian) Langhetting (German) Hoszúhetány
/ Hoszuhetany (Hungarian) |
| Husztót
/ Husztot,
Hungary (Official) |
I | |
 | Ibafa,
(Official) Ibau Ebendorf
| Igal,
| Illocska Hungary (Official) Illocsac Illutsch, Ilutsch
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Ipacsfa
| Iszep
(Hungarian) |
| Iván Battyán / Ivan
Battyan, Hungary (Official) Bodenbach (German) Ivánbattyán / Ivanbattyan
(Hungarian) Battyán Iván / Battyan Ivan Iwan
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Ivándárda
/ Ivandarda (Hungarian) Ivany Darda (Hungarian) Dárda / Darda, Hungary (Official) Darendorf (German) Darden Darda, Croatia (Official)
A village and municipality just north of Osijek, Croatia,
across the Drava river in Baranja
 | Izmény / Izmeny,
(Official) Ismin,
(German) Ismy
- Tolna County
- Lookups
Guide: Rose Mary
by Georg
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Izmény
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1773-1895 (Also includes: Maza,
Györe) Church Record
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
Tolna, "Izmény,
Gemeinde in
der Tolnau"
by Georg
Gemeinde in
der Tolnau
Order: gmuller@staticad.hu
- Book One of
"A Former
Community in
the Tolna:
to Its
by Georg
Müller of
Pécs, 2002;
by Henry
Fischer: www.swabiantrek.com/?page_id=24
- Izmény
| Izmeny (Part
| Izmeny (Part
| Izmeny (Part
| Izmeny (Part
J | |
 | Jágonok / Jagonok,
Hungary (Official) Jágornok
(Hungarian) Jágónak
(Hungarian) Jagenak Jagernach (German)
| Jakaabfalu
(Hungarian) |
| Jánosi
/ Janosi (Hungarian) Mecsekjánosi
/ Mecsekjanosi, Hungary
| Jenö
/ Jeno
(Hungarian) Baranyajenö / Baranyajeno, Hungary (Official) Jening (German) |
| Jenöfalva
/ Jenofalva (Hungarian) Podravlje, Hungary (Official) Eugenfalu (Hungarian) Eugeneniusfalu
(Hungarian) Eugendorf (German)
| Jováncsa
K | |
 | Kreuzdorf (German) Almáskeresztúr / Almaskeresztur, Hungary (Official) |
 | Kácsfalu
/ Kacsfalu (Hungarian) Jagodnjak, Croatia
(Official) Katschfeld (German)village and a municipality in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia.
NW of Darda
Hengl, Ferdinand: Die kirchlichen Seelenlisten aus 1896 der deutschen katholischen Gemeinden [The
church list of souls from the 1896 German Catholic communities]
Albertfalu/Albertsdorf, Kácsfalu/Katschfeld,
Keskend/Keschkend, Laskafalu/Laschkafeld, im Komitat Baranya/Ungarn. (county
Baranya) Quellenpublikation Pécs (Fünfkirchen) 2001
Hackstock from Kacsfalu http://home.earthlink.net/~rortenburger/ [Rick Ortenburger]
| Kacsóta
/ Kacsota, Hungary (Official)
| Kajdacs, Hungary
| Kakasd,
Hungary (Official) Kockers Kokosch
| Kakits (Hungarian) |
| Kalaznó
/ Kalazno
(Hungarian) Gallaß / Gallass (German) Kalas
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kalaznó
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1724-1867 Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Varsád, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1722-1895 (Also includes: Kalaznó, Keszöhidegkút, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kán
/ Kan
(Hungarian) Kann Gang
| Kantsuk
(Hungarian) |
| Kapoly
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay) Church
Record Transcriptions
Ruppertsburg [Ger]

Croatian: Kapošvar
Kaposvár [Hun], Kopisch [Ger], Kapošvar [Serb,
Croa], Kapoşvar [Turk],
Rupertgrad [Slovene], Ruppertsburg [Ger], Ruppertsberg.
Kaposvár [Hun], Kopisch [Ger], Kapošvar [Serb, Croa], Kapoşvar [Turk], Rupertgrad [Slovene], Ruppertsburg [Ger], Ruppertsberg
The region of Swabian Turkey between Lake Balaton, Drau/Drava and Danube with the city of Fünfkirchen/Pécs (Branau/Baranya), Kaposvár/Ruppertsburg (Schomodei/Somogy), Bonyhád (Tolnau/Tolna);
| Kapos Szektso
(Hungarian) Kaposszekcso
(Hungarian) |
| Kaposhomok
| Kaposszekcsö
Kaposszekcso (Hungarian) Sektschi (German)
- Baranya County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kapposzekcsö
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1796-1895 (Also includes: Bikal,
deaths 1827-1834)
Church Record Transcriptions
| Kára
/ Kara
- Somogy County
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Kára.
| Karád / Karad
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Törrökkopany,
Somogy Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1738-1778 (Also includes: Döröschke, Karád, Bonnya) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Karád
(Roman Catholic) 1741-1786 (Also includes: Kötcse)
Church Record Transcriptions
| Karacsad-fa
(Hungarian) |
| Karantsch (German) Karancs
(Hungarian) Karanac, Croatia (Official)
North of Darda
Karanac is a settlement in
the region of Baranja, Croatia. Administratively, it is located in the
Kneževi Vinogradi municipality within the Osijek-Baranja County.
HOG (Heimatortsgemeinschaft) Karantsch www.hog-Karantsch.de Arpad Molnar Their goal is to keep in touch with the villagers scattered around the world. Update: www.adriaforum.com/kroatien/threads/hog-karantsch.71190/
Facebook Baranjski spomenak
Heimatstube Karantsch (Karanac/Baranja/Kroatien) on Youtube
| Kárász
/ Karasz
- Baranya County
- NW of Komló
| Kassa |
| Kassad
(Hungarian) Kasad |
| Katadfa
(Hungarian) |
| Kátoly
| Katschfeld (German) Jagodnjak
(Hungarian) |
| Katsota
(Hungarian) |
| Kékesd
| Keleviz
| Kemend |
| Kemes |
| Kemse |
| Keo |
| Kerseliget
| Keskend Kozarac |
| Keszöhidegkút /
Keszohidegkut (Hungarian) Hidegkút / Hidegkut (German)
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Varsád, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1722-1895 (Also includes: Kalaznó, Keszöhidegkút, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Keszöhidegkút (Evangelical Lutheran) 1789-1895 (Also includes: Belecska) Church Record
| Keszu
(Hungarian) |
| Kéty
/ Kety (Hungarian)
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kéty
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Tabod,
Murga) Church Record
| Királyegyháza
| Kis Budmer
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene
Heimat Branau.
| Kis Csany
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Darda
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Der
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Falud
(Hungarian) Kisfalud
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Hajmas
(Hungarian) Kishajmas |
| Kis Harsany
(Hungarian) |
| Kisherend,
Hungary (Official) Herend
| Kis Hertelend
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Nyarad
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Peterd
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Szent Marton
(Hungarian) Kisszentmarton
(Hungarian) |
| Kis Telek
(Hungarian) Kistelek |
| Kis Toth-Falu
(Hungarian) Kistotfalu
(Hungarian) |
| Kisasszonyfa
(Hungarian) Kisasszonyfa |
| Kisbárapáti / Kisbarapati
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kisbarápati
(Roman Catholic) 1741-1798 (Also includes: Bonnya)Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kisbattyán
/ Kisbattyan (Hungarian)
| Kisbudmér
/ Kisbudmer (Hungarian) Kleinbudmer (German)
| Kischfalud Branjina |
| Kisdárda / Kisdarga
| Kisdorog
| Kisherend
| Kisjakabfalva Jakfal (German)
| Kiskassa
| Kisköszeg / Kiskoszeg
| Kiskozár
| Kislippó
| Kislippó Lipewar (German)
| Kismányok / Kismanyok
- Tolna County
Kismáyok (Kismanyok)
Heimatbuch und Ortschronik Unser
kleines Dorf in der Tolnau
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kisnyárád
| Kisszékely / Kisszekely
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szárszentlörinc, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1725-1895 (Also includes: Kisszekély, Nemédi, Borjad, Udz) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kistapolca
| Kistormás / Kistormas
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kistormás, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1724-1895 (Also includes: Felsö
Nána, Kolesd) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kisvaszar
| Kisvejke Kis Vejke
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Köblény / Kobleny, Hungary (Official) Kewling Köbling(en) / Kobling(en)
- South of Mágocs
- Baranya County
| Kokeny |
| Kolesd
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kistormás, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1724-1895 (Also includes: Felsö
Nána, Kolesd) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Kolked |
| Komló / Komlo
| Kopats |
| Koppányszantö / Koppanyszanto
| Koros
| Korpad |
| Kos Kozar |
| Koszeg Kiskoszeg Batina Battina |
| Kötcse / Kotcse
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Karád (Roman Catholic) 1741-1786 (Also includes: Kötcse)
Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kötcse, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1895
Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay) Church
Record Transcriptions
in Somogy County (The
following information is taken from an article published
by Johann Müller of Bissingen-an-der-Enz and formerly of
Bonnya, Somogy County, Hungary.)
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Kötcse.
and its vineyards in the rolling
hills of Somogy County
Contributed by Henry Fischer, 1 Sep
| Kovacshida |
| Kovácsi
| Kovacs-Szena Kovacsszenaja |
| Kovácsszénája
| Ko-Vago-Szollos |
| Kovesd |
| Kozármisleny
| Kremling Keer Nemetker |
| Kurd
L | |
 | Lad
| Ladomány
| Lak
| Lánycsók / Lanycsok Lantschuk (German)
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Lapáncsa / Lapancsa Lapantsch (German)
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Laschkafeld Laskafalu Ceminac
- Baranya County
- Hengl, Ferdinand: Die kirchlichen Seelenlisten aus 1896 der
deutschen katholischen Gemeinden [The
church list of souls from the 1896 German Catholic
Kácsfalu/Katschfeld, Keskend/Keschkend, Laskafalu/Laschkafeld,
im Komitat Baranya/Ungarn. (county Baranya)
Quellenpublikation Pécs (Fünfkirchen) 2001
- Laschkafeld 1720-1045 Deutsches
Dorf in der Schwäbischen Türkei
| Lasko |
| Lengyél / Lengyel
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Lengyél, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1768-1783 (Includes only Lutherans
living in Mekényes)
Church Record Transcriptions
| Ligeth |
| Lipova |
| Lipovicza |
| Lippó
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Liptód
| Liszok |
| Löcs
| Lothárd
| Lots |
| Lovasz Heteny Lovaszheteny |
| Lovászhetény
| Luč / Luc
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene
Heimat Branau.
| Lulla Puszta
M | |
 | Mágocs Magotsch
(German) |
| Magots |
| Magyar Egregy Magyaregregy |
| Magyar Hertelend Magyarhertelend |
| Magyar Peterd |
| Magyar Soros |
| Magyar Szek Magyarszek |
| Magyar Urogh |
| Magyarbóly
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Magyar-Boly Magyarboly |
| Magyarkeszi
| Majos Majesch
The Settlement of the Village of Majos by
Heinrich Marz (from
his book Heimatbuch und Ortschronik von Majos/Majesch,
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok (Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes:
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
Heimatbuch und Ortschronik von Majos
by Heinrich März, 1997, Olching.
key keeper Contributed by Henry Fischer, 1 Sep
| Majs Majsch (German)
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Malom |
| Mánfa
| Maráza
| Marfa |
| Máriakéménd
| Máriakémend Keemend (German)
| Máriayüd
| Marocsa |
| Marocz |
| Márok
| Martonfa
| Matty |
| Maus |
| Mázszászvár
| Mecseknádasd Naadasch (German)
| Mecsekpölöske
| Mecsekszakál
| Medina
| Megyefa
| Mekényes / Mekenyes
Mekenyes in the Baranya by Henry Fischer
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü, Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Lengyél, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1768-1783 (Includes only Lutherans
living in Mekényes)
Church Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann)Church
Record Transcriptions
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Mesztegnyö
| Metske |
| Mezöd / Mezod
| Miklósi / Miklosi
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Miklósi.
| Mindszent |
| Misleny
| Miszla
| Möcsény / Mocseny
| Mohács / Mohacs
| Mohats |
| Monos-Okor |
| Monostor |
| Morágy / Moragy Moráagy / Moraagy
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Moráagy, Tolna Co.
(Reformed) 1783-1886 (Also includes: Alsonána,
Bataápati) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Transcriptions of the church records for marriages in
Moragy in Tolna County-
Wally Schlegel
| Monyoród / Monyorod Morgenrod
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Mözs
| Mucsfa
Mucsfa in the Tolna
Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mucsfa, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1742-1895 (Also includes: Mekényes, Izmény, Kis Vejke, Apar, Dalmand) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Murga
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Zomba, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1746-1800 (Also includes: Kéty, Murga,
Felsö Nána) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Murga, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1778-1895 (Baptisms only) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kéty
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Tabod, Murga) Church Record
| Mutsching
(German) Mucsi (Hungarian) |
 | Mutschlak (German) Metschelad (German) Alsómocsolád / Alsomocsolad, Hungary (0fficial) |
N | |
 | Nadasd |
| Nágocs / Nagocs
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Nágócs.
| Nagy Ag Nagyág / Nagyag
- Baranya County
- Nagy Ag means Big
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes, Nagyág) Church Record
 | Nagyárpád
/ Nagyarpád / Nagyarpad, Hungary (Official) Großarbeid
/ Grossarbeid (German) Großasbersdorf / Gross Asbersdorf Árpád /
Arpad |
| Nagy Budmer, Nagybudmer |
| Nagy Csany |
| Nagy Falu |
| Nagy Hajmas Nagyhajmas
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Mekényes, Baranya
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Nagy Hajmas, Csurgo, Dalmand, Gyirgye, Bettelmann)Church
Record Transcriptions
| Nagy Harsany Nagyharsany |
| Nagy Kozar Nagykozar |
| Nagy Marok |
| Nagy Nemet-Boly |
| Nagy Nyarad Nagynyarad |
| Nagy Palkonya |
| Nagy Pall Nagypall |
| Nagy Petered Nagypeterd |
| Nagy Szek |
| Nagy Toth-Falu Nagytotfalu |
| Nagy Urogh |
| Nagy Vary |
| Nagyatáad
| Nagybajom
| Nagybudmér
| Nagydorog
| Nagyhajmás Hajmasch
| Nagykönyi
| Nagykozár
| Nagymányok
| Nagypall
| Nagyszékely / Nagyszekely Gross Säckel
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Nagyszekély, Tolna Co.
(Reformed) 1722-1895 (Also includes: Kisszekély, Udvári)
Church Record Transcriptions
| Nagyvejke
| Nagyyárad Grossnaarad
| Nak
| Nemédi / Nemedi
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szárszentlörinc,
Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1725-1895 (Also includes: Kisszekély, Nemédi, Borjad, Udz) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Németboly / Nemetboly Német-Boly / Nemet-Boly Deustschbohl (German)
- Baranya County
- Geschichte der
Grossgemeinde Német-Bóly
by Bela von Németh, 1900, Pécs
| Németegres
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Németegres.
| Németi / Nemeti Nemethi
| Németmárok / Nemetmarok Maarok (German)
| Németpalkonya / Nemetpalkonya Palkan (German)
| Nikla
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Nikla.
| Nordschomodei |
| Nyomja
O | |
 | Ó-Banya
/ O-Banya Óbánya
/ Obanya, Hungary (Official) Altglashütte / Altglashutte (German) Alte Glashütte / Alte Glashutte (German) |
| Ocsárd
| O-Falu Ofalu |
| Okor-volgy Okorvolgy |
| Olasz
| Olasz Olasz |
| Old |
| Orfü
| Oroszló
| Oszro |
| Ozd, Ozd |
| Ozora
P | |
 | Paks (Paks an die Donau)
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Paks, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1721-1797 (Also includes: Bikács)Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Paks, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1786-1819 Church
Record Transcriptions
| Palatinca
| Pale |
| Pálfa
| Palkonya
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Palotabozsok
| Paprad |
Pári/ Pari (Hungarian)
Pári /
Paár /
Pari /
*Pari between 1984 and 2006 was part of Tamasi
Sub region
Tamásitól 6 km south of the Koppány Valley.
Surnames recorded in Pari, and how many listings [Source: Radix.com]
Pári, Pari, Pári : Barabás (1),
Bauer (1),
Békési (1),
(1), Busz
(1), Ekkert
(1), Fáth
(1), Fóti
(1), Frank
(1), Geiger
(1), Gombos
(1), Grabner
(1), Groisz
(1), Grósz
(1), Grosz
(2), Günther
(1), Gutheil
(1), Halmi
(1), Hemerle
(1), Hemerli
(1), Hóhner
(1), Hohner
(1), Hradek
(1), Igert
(2), Jakab
(1), Krumpek
(2), Kurz
(1), Kutasi
(1), Lehr
(1), Maráth
(2), Marath
(1), Maurer
(3), Mauzer
(3), Metz
(1), Müller
(5), Nieder
(2), Oszbach
(1), Pálfy
(1), Pelcz
(5), Pele
(2), Probszt
Rauh (8),
Reiner (1),
Ritter (2),
Roth (1),
(1), Schäfer
(3), Schrech
(1), Schrekk
(2), Sonntag
Steiner (6),
Szilli (2),
(1), Szontag
(1), Thék
(1), Ulreich
(1), Vein
(1), Weber
(2), Weisz
(3), Weldi
| Patacs
| Pax an der Donau Paks |
| Pazdan |
| Pécs
| Pécsbagota /
Pecsbagota, Hungary (Official) Bagota
- Baranya County / District: Szentlőrinczi /
| Pécsdevecser
| Pécsudvard
| Pécsvárad
| Pellérd / Pellerd |
| Pélmonostor
| Pereked
| Petárda
| Peterd
| Petlovac
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Petrovszky-Ivany |
| Petsvard |
| Piski |
| Pisko |
 | Pócsa Pootsch
| Pogány
| Polány
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Polány in Somogy County.
| Poloske |
| Popovac
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Pusok-Marok |
| Pusztafalu |
R | |
| Ráckozár / Rackozar Egyházkozár
/ Egyhazkozar,
Hungary (Official) Egyházaskozár
/ Egyhazaskozar (Koosar) Ratzkosar Raizkosar |
 | Rád / Rad, Hungary
(Official) Raád / Raad |
 | Ráksi / Raksi
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Ráksi in Somogy County.
 | Ratz-Gorcson |
 | Ratz-Kozar |
| Ratz-Metske |
| Ratz-Petre |
| Ratz-Tottos |
| Regenye |
| Regöly / Regoly
| Romonya
| Ronadfa |
| Rugasd |
S | |
 | Sachsenburg (German) Szaszvar |
| Samod |
| Sárok / Sarok Scharok
| Sásd / Sasd
| Sasswar Sachsenburg Szaszvar Szaszvar |
| Sazboles |
| Sepse |
| Séresekszöllös / Seresekszollos
| Siklosi, Hungary
(Official) Schiklosch
(German) Sieglos Siklós / Siklos |
| Siklósnagyfalu / Siklosnagyfalu
| Simontornya Fortiana Simonsthrum
| Somberék / Somberek Schomberg
| Somodor
| Somogy
| Somogydöröcske / Somogydorocske Döröshcke / Doroshcke Döröschke / Doroschke
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
Döröshcke, Somogy County
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Bonnya,
Gadács, Somogyszil) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages
of Somogydöröcske (Döröschke)
| Somogyhárságy
| Somogyszil Szil (German)
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Somogyszil (Szil) in Somogy County.
Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel
| Somogyvár / Somogyvar
| Sos-Vertike Sosvertike |
| Sumony
| Szabadszenkirály / Szabadszenkiraly
| Szabar |
| Szabas |
| Szabolcs
| Szagy |
| Szajk
| Szakadát / Szakadat
- Tolna County
- Glaube Und Kirche in Der
Schwabischen Turkei Des 18.
Jahrhunderts: Aufzeichnungen
Von Michael Winkler in Den Pfarrchroniken Von Szakadat,
Bonyhad Und Godre (German) by
Michael Winkler, Franz Galambos,
368 pages, Publisher R. Trofenik
1987. ISBN: 3878281757 (Faith and church
in the Swabian Turkey 18th
Century: Recordings of Michael
Winkler in the Church Chronicles
of Szakadat, Bonyhad and Godre)
| Szakal |
| Szakcs
| Szalantha Szalanta |
| Szalatnak
| Szaporcza |
 | Szarasz |
 | Szárazd / Szarazd
- Tolna County
- Chronik der ev. Luth. Gemeinde Szárazd
im Komitat Tolna Ungarn, by Johann Wolf 1993, Rockenhausen.
- Szárazd, Orssippenbuch der Evang.-Luth. Gemeinde im Komitat Tolna/Ungarn
by Johann Wolf, 1994, Rockenhausen. A study of the families living in
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szakadát, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1737-1799 (Also includes: Szarázd,
Bereny, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Szasz |
| Szárszentlörinc / Szarszentlorinc
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szárszentlörinc,
Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1725-1895 (Also includes: Kisszekély, Nemédi, Borjad, Udz) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Szászvár / Szaszvar
| Szatina |
| Szava |
| Szebeny
| Szederkény / Szaszvar
| Székelyszabar / Szekelyszabar
| Szektso |
| Szellö / Szello
| Szemely
| Szemes
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Szemes in Somogy County.
| Szentdénes / Szentdenes
| Szent-Dienes Szentdenes |
| Szent-Erszebeth Pecsvaradi |
| Szent-Erszebeth Siklosi jarus |
| Szent-Gal Szentgal |
| Szent-Istvan Szentistvan |
| Szent-Ivan |
| Szent-Katalin Szentkatalin |
| Szent-Kiraly Szentkiraly |
| Szentlászló / Szentlaszlo Szent-Laszlo
| Szentlörinc / Szentlorinc
| Szent-Lorintz Szentlorinc |
| Szerdahely |
| Szill
- Somogy County
- Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and Fehercsard (Somogy County) Vital Records 1787 to 1895
, birth, marriage and death, names,
dates and locations as transcribed from the original
- Mrs. Waldraut Schlegel.
- Surname List for Döröcske, Gadacs, Szill, Bonnya and Fehercsard (Somogy County) - Mrs. Waldraut
| Szillágy / Szillagy |
| Szilvás / Szilvas
| Szoke |
| Szoked |
| Szopok
| Szorosad
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Szorosad in Somogy County.
| Szulok
| Szúr / Szur
T | |
| Tab
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay) Church
Record Transcriptions
 | Tabod
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kéty
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1787-1895 (Also includes: Tabod,
Murga) Church Record
| Tapolcza, Tapolca |
| Tarcsapuszta
| Tarros
| Tekeres |
| Tekés / Tekes
- Baranya County
- Tekes Familienbuch (Family Book) by George Mueller
- Tékes eine
deutsch-ungarische Gemeinde in der Branau
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Rackozár, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1783-1867 (Also includes: Tofu, Bikal, Kapposszekcsö, Csikotöttös, Gerenyes, Tékes,
Nagyág) Church Record
| Tengelic
| Tengerin |
| Terehegy |
| Téseny
| Tessenfa Tesenfa |
| Tevel
Tevel in the Tolna by Henry Fischer
Tevel, Zweieinhalb Jahrhunderte schwäbische Ortsgeschitchte in Ungarn
1701-1948 by Johann Eppel, 1988,
| Tiszalak |
| Tofü
| Tolnanémedi
| Toponar
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay)Church
Record Transcriptions
| Torjánc
| Torjancz |
| Tormas |
| Törrökkopany / Torrokkopany
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Törrökkopany,
Somogy Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1738-1778 (Also includes: Döröschke,
Karád, Bonnya) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Totker
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay)Church
Record Transcriptions
| Töttös / Tottos
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Turony
| Torvay
- Somogy County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Tab, Somogy Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1775-1895 (Also includes: Kötcse,
Döröschke, Kapoly, Totker, Toponar, Torvay)Church
Record Transcriptions
U | |
 | Udvar
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Udvard |
| Udvári / Udvari
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Varsád, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1722-1895 (Also includes: Kalaznó, Keszöhidegkút, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Szakadát, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1737-1799 (Also includes: Szarázd,
Bereny, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Udvari, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1789-1867
(Also includes: Bikács) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Uj-Banya |
| Ujireg
| Uj-Mindszent |
| Újpetre / Ujpetre Raazpetr
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Ürög
V | |
 | Vajszló / Vajszlo
| Vámos / Vamos
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Vámos in Somogy County.
| Varálja / Varalja
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Kismányok
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1728-1895 (Also includes: Majos,
Hidas, Izmény, Mucsfa, Bataápati, Bonyhád, Tófü,
Mekényes, Morágy, Varálja) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Varasd |
| Varga |
| Varjas |
| Varkony |
| Varsád / Varsad Warschad
- Tolna County
- Varsád, Ein Dorf Eine Heimat Unsere Heimat im Komitat Tolnau, by
Heinrich Weissenberger, 1995,
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Varsád, Tolna Co.(Evangelical Lutheran) 1722-1895 (Also includes: Kalaznó, Keszöhidegkút, Udvári) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Vásárosdombó / Vasarosdombo
| Vasaros-Dombo Vasarosdombo |
| Vasas
| Vaszar |
| Vasznak |
| Vejti, Vejti |
| Vékény / Vekeny
| Vémend / Vemend Weemend
- Baranya County
- Die Geschichte
von Véménd by Johann Petri, 1986, Ettlingen.
| Veres-Marth |
| Versend
| Villány / Villany Wieland
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Villánykövesd
| Virágos / Viragos Wiraagisch
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Viszlo |
| Vokány / Vokany
- Baranya County
- Articles
and references on this village found in Unvergessene Heimat Branau.
| Vörösmart |
W | |
 | Warasch (German) Warersdorf (German) Apátvarasd / Apátvarasd
 | Wickisch (German) Wikisch (German) Bukosd (Hungarian)
Bükkösd / Bukkosd, Hungary (Official)
- Baranya County
- Village with 1,384 inhabitants 25 km west
of Pécs. The Petrovszky mansion built in the style of Louis XVI (1786) is
now an educational establishment. Roman Catholic church with a painting by
Mihály Zichy.
 | Wikatsch (German) Wiekatsch (German)
Bikács / Bikacs, Hungary (Official)
Z | |
 | Zalata |
| Závod
Závod in the Tolna - A
summary and partial translation of sections of the Heimatbuch: Závod in der Tolna by Anton
Mayer.; translated by Henry Fischer.
Local history and Geography of Závod in Tolna
Závod in der Tolnau, Heimatbujch zur Geschichte des
Dorfes Závod und dessen Bewohnern, by Anton Mayer,
1990 Ettlingen.
| Zengövárkony / Zengovarkony
| Zics
Heimatbuch der
Provides information on the villages of Zics in Somogy County.
| Zomba
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Zomba, Tolna Co.
(Roman Catholic) 1746-1800 (Also includes: Kéty, Murga,
Felsö Nána) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Zook Zok |
| Szarazd |
| Zsibrik
- Tolna County
- Lookups Guide: Henry
- Zsibrik, Tolna Co.
(Evangelical Lutheran) 1793-1867 (Marriages only) Church
Record Transcriptions
| Zsibrik