Eve Brown

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



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Lifestyles in Pictures

Sewing Class in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Sewing Class in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Music School Band in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Music School Band in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Gym Class in Syrmia
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

School Children in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Harmonica School
at Christmas in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Children drinking soda in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Slouther in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Card Playing in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Leisure time in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Soccer Team in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Wine Making in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Sled ride in India
Contributed by Hans Kopp, Oct 2007

Agriculture in Surtschin from the book “Surtschin” Ortsbiografie der deutschen Minderheit eines Dorfes in Syrmien By: Michael Schmidt, 1980; translated by Roy Engel, contributed by Eve Brown.

Beschka Vineyards
In Beschka, the wine cultivation was very important. Friedrich Scherer (vgl. Reg. No. 1630) reported that after the grapevines were destroyed in 1890 by the grapevine louse, the farmers, on the advise of Rev. Gretzmacher, took the wild American grapevines (Manticula and Portalis) and grafted them onto the noble European grapevines. These grapevine stocks proved themselves to be resistant to the grapevine louse and the wine cultivation blossomed in Beschka again. According to papers by Peter Ewinger (vgl. Reg. No. 458) about 13,000 hectoliters of wine was produced which according to today’s standards is worth about 2.6 million Deutsch Marks.  Besides that about 1000 hectoliters of Treberschnaps (schnaps made from the skins of grapes) could be distilled annually. [© From the book "History of the Village God Bless Our Home," Beschka Homeland Book by Peter Lang.  Translated by Brad Schwebler]

Obedska bara (Obedska pond or Obedska bog) is a large swamp-forest area and natural reserve stretching along the Sava River in Southern Syrmia (Serbia), some 40 km west of Belgrade. The richest & best preserved wildlife habitats in the Pannonian plain

Poetry by Andreas Thuro, Sr. (Syrmia) 

Research & Reference . . .

Jahrmein Fallen World War I Heroes 1914-1918

The Disappearance of Yugoslav Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche)

Austria-Hungary Research

People-German Community - Danube Swabia Homeland Association in Croatia
Ribarska 1, P.O. Box 110
HR 31000 Osijek
Tel./fax 00385 - 31 - 213610
Chairman: Nikola Mak /

The AVNOJ-Regulations and the Genocide of the Germans in Yugoslavia between 1944-1948. About 30,000 people belonged to the Deutsch-Untersteirer (in the Banat, in the Batschka & in Syrmia more than 7000 civilians had been murdered: 

Introduction to the Armed Formations of the German National Group (Volksgruppe) in the Independent State of Croatia (Einsatzstaffel der Deutsche Mannschaft (ES d. DM)) by H.L. deZeng IV


Part-time civilian local defense units, initially called Ortsschutz and then from 1943 Deutsche Heimatwacht (German Home Guard), were established in many of the individual Volksdeutsch communities in Slavonia and Syrmia as the danger of partisan attack intensified from the end of 1941. Rather than being considered formal units, these local defense formations were designated by the name of their town or village.


The German ethnic group in Croatia and Bosnia had a 1941 population of 150,000 to 200,000, depending on the source consulted. The first steps to establish armed formations within the group were taken on 21 June 1941 with the creation of the Deutsche Mannschaft (DM) from qualified men between 18 and 45 years of age, as a para-military party organization set up for self-defense purposes and somewhat similar to the Allgemeine-SS in Germany.

Genforum link to Croatia board - Croatia Genealogy board

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History . . .

Prehistory of the Region Syrmien / Syrmia (Srem) By Peter Lang From the book "History of the Village God Bless Our Home," Beschka Homeland Book. Translated by Brad Schwebler

The Swabians in Syrmia & Slavonia -Excerpts the book: "Die Deutshen in Syrmien, Slavonien, Kroatien und Bosnien" by Dr. Valentin Oberkersch, translated by Henry A Fischer and submitted by Joseph Esterreicher.

The Later Migration to the Syrmien village India During the Years 1836 to 1855 By Dr. Wendelin Müller

The So-called Settlement Patent (Ref. Eimann, page 48) by Peter Lang Translation by Brad Schwebler "was essential for the development of the parent community" It reads word for word:  We the people of Josef the Second, chosen Roman Emperor  by his gracious God, through all times in the majority of the Empire, king of Hungary, Bohemia, Galicia, and Lodomeria, do (thun) herewith (Jedermänniglich kund) that we in our kingdom of Hungary, Galicia, and Lodomeria possessed many unoccupied, empty, and desolate lands which we thought to settle with German members of the Empire, especially from the upper Rhine region.  In the end we promise, by our drilled-in imperial royal slogan to all of our migrating families of the Empire, which we are in need of many thousand of farm families and professionals:  [Read more]

The Treaty of Trianon of 1920 whereby Hungary lost one-third of its territory and population to Romania, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia

Lutheranism & the Danube Swabians By Henry Fisher

Concise accounts of war crimes during and after World War II

Völkermord der Tito-Partisanen" 1944-1948" Chapter 1 "Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans" by Österreichische Historiker-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Kärnten und Steiermark (Austrian Historian Working Group for Carinthia and Styria)

Atrocities . . . "Genocide Carried out by the Tito Partisans" (Austrian Historian Working Group for Kärnten and Steiermark)
Chapter Four: Syrem, Slavonia, Baranya: The Cauldron - Translated by Henry Fischer
Srem: When the Beasts Ruled - “Whoever cannot work will not be allowed to live”:
Semlin | Ruma | Mitrowitz | Vukovar

The Flame Devours Us - From the Diary of Pastor Matthias Rometsch - Chronik Neu-Pasua 1790-1945. Contributed by Gerhard Banzhaf, translated by Henry Fischer and edited by Rose Vetter

A Journey to Freedom 1850-1954 By Eve Sklena Brown, 2007
Journey to Freedom 1944-1954 Part 2: Obresch to Camp Haid to America

The Danube River Was Our Salvation - A cartographic reflection of the flight in October 1944 by Gerhard Banzhaf

Minorities: Dresden VDA forum over the Germans in Romania and Yugoslavia:  In Tito Yugoslavia the Germans were not recognized as national minority. Most of them moved between 1955 and 1979 into the Federal Republic. In Croatia there were still 3,000 Germans, which lived particularly in the area Esseg in the year 2001. Already in the Croatian condition of 1991 the German and Austrian minority was recognized. Today there are five German combinations in Croatia. The most important is the VDG (people-German community - homeland association that Danube swabia). Their newspaper is called "Deutsches Wort" "German word."  Their most important tasks see the Germans in Croatia setting up Gedenktafeln in Croatian and German language in places, in which once Germans lived, the documentation of the sakralen inheritance that Danube Swabia and the creation of memorial places for the Danube-Swabian camp victims.  [ - NLG]

Memoirs . . .

Part 1: A Journey to Freedom 1850-1954 By Eve Sklena Brown, 2007
Dautermann's of Obresch & Sklena's of Bohemia & Schwarzwald, Germany, Apfeldorf & Kupinovo
Part 2: Obresch to Camp Haid to America 1944-1954 The Family of Johann Sklena & Eva Dautermann

Easter in Yugoslavia in the Danube-Swabian Region by Ruth Elizabeth Melcher

“Two Donauschwaben Sisters” or “How we understand each other” by Dragan Gegenbauer

Easter in Yugoslavia in the Danube-Swabian Region by Ruth Elizabeth Melcher  

The Town Crier by Ruth Elizabeth Melcher

Federmann • Dautermann • Sklena

Submit your story to the Syrmia Coordinator.

Maps . . .

Syrmia & Slavonia Map

Reproduced with the permission of the author from the book "Donauschwäbische Lebensformen an der Mittleren Donau" by Hans Gehl, Marburg 2003. © Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Tübingen 1996 © N.G. Elwert Verlag Marburg


Syrmia & Slavonia Village Map 1930-1944
Historic Settlement Map of the Danube Swabian by Hans Sonnleitner & Magdalena Kopp-Krumes; Copyrighted Danube-Swabian Culture Foundation (Brochure - April 2004, out of print) - Contributed by Hans Kopp, with permission of by Ernst Jaeger.




Austria-Hungary Maps



External Links:

1910 map of Syrmien / Szerem

1910 Hungarian County Maps, of Croatia

Austria Hungary Monarchy & provinces in relationship to modern Croatia


[Published at by Jody McKim Pharr] ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Non-profit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!
Last Updated: 23 Sep 2019