The Hungarian Boy's Band Will Devote Itself to National Music
Aug 01, 1898 Kansas City Star, Kansas City Missouri, 1898 Aug 01
Transcribed & Published at 29 May 2020 by Jody McKim
Pharr The Hungarian band opened the third week of its engagement at Fairmount park yesterday and in spite of the threatening weather the attendance was good. The evening concert was given in the theater, which was filled to its capacity. The little
Magyars were at their best and gave two splendid concerts. To-night is popular and patriotic night at Fairmount and the music is all calculated to please the popular tastes.
Kapellmeister Schilzonyi of the Hungarian boys' band
has a number of popular war encores for to-night, including ''Marching Through Georgia," which will be played in addition to the regular numbers on the programme.
To-night's programme:
"The Kansas City Star March" ... Liberati
Grand American Fantasie ......... Fischer
Song, "Say Au Revoir" ............. Kennedy
11 year old knabe, Peter Schwartz
Robin Hood (Selection) ........... DeKoven
Evening Pastime ....................... Schmdt
Stars and Stripes Forever ........ Sousa |