Nick Tullius   Jody McKim Pharr

Home of the Danube Swabian for over 200 years.



 Banat Book List
Compiled & Published at 03 Oct 2007 by Jody McKim Pharr
















Author: Herta Müller

Roman, München : Hanser, 2009
ISBN: 3446233911
EAN: 9783446233911



Banat-Topola’s Schwaben 1791-1945

Author: Jacob Steigerwald
See: Reviews


Banater Bilder

by Konschitzky, Walter
Reportagen und Berichte aus dem Dorfleben / Reports on Village Life

Pg Headings by Jody McKim
5 Vorbenerkung
9 Auf Der Heide
26 In Der Hecke
43 Ein Stuck Heimat Bewahrt
53 Ein Tag Fur Stefan Jager
71 Zwischen Ankunft und Abfahrt
85 Lebeb Mit Dem Fluss
105 Im Geburtsort Muller-Guttenbrunns
119 Gemeinsame Wege
129 Endstation Liebing
149 Wo Fisch Und Reis Zu Hause Sind
163 Tiroler Im Banat
171 Am Steierbach, Im Steirawald
193 Die Deutschböhem Im Bergland
210 Das Dorf In Der Stadt
223 Mut Nach Hundert Jahren
240 Photos by the author
Pg Heading - translations by Diana Lambing
5 Introduction
9 On the heath
26 In the hedgerow
43 A piece of Heimat preserved (recollections)
53 A day for Stefan Jäger
71 Between arrival and departure
85 Life with the river (if it's Leben, & not Lebeb)
105 In Muller-Guttenbrunn's birthplace
119 Mutual ways
129 Terminus - Liebing
149 Where fish & rice are at home ('Reis' = rice?)
163 Tirol people in the Banat
171 At Steierbach, in Steira forest
193 German Bohemians in the mountain region
210 The village in the town
223 Courage after a hundred years
240 Photos by the author



Banater in Südostrumänien 1951-1956. Sterbefälle im Baragan

Author: Uwe Detemple

1951 decreed the Romanian Interior Ministry to relocate "dangerous elements" of a 25 km wide zone along the border with Yugoslavia. 12,791 families with 40,320 persons were deported to the Baragan level in southeastern Romania. After the abolition of forced stay 1955/56, many families returned to their villages in the border region. In Baragan remained not only their homes and fields, but also their deaths. The comprehensive documentation of all 1000 deaths of Banatern from 121 villages of Banat.

Paperback: 92 pages; Publisher: Books on Demand; 1 edition (May 2, 2012); Language: German; ISBN-10: 3,848,208,431 / ISBN-13: 978-3848208432

To order, send email to Uwe Detemple at
The cost is 12 € plus shipping costs to the US of 5.00 €. Uwe accepts payment via PayPal. If you wish to order and pay by PayPal, also include 1 € to cover the PayPal transaction fee.

Book preview at the German web site:

Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben announcement (in German):




Banater Kalender (yearly publications)

The Banater Kalender books contains hundreds fact filled pages, covering everything from poems to history and high-quality photos, on heavy, glossy paper. It is a real high-quality piece of Banat history, than can be enjoyed  even without reading the German text. Language: German. The books contains hundreds fact filled pages, covering everything from poems to history. Nice quality and wonderful photos.

It can be ordered from:

Banat Verlag
Aneta Konschitzky
Zugspitzstraße 64
85435 Erding

or by e-mail to

*include the address to which the book should be shipped.


Barfüßiger Februar (Prose)

Author: Herta Müller

Rotbuch-Verl., Berlin 1987
ISBN: 3-88022-719-5 /
ISBN-10:3-434-54540-9 / EAN:9783434545408
2007 / Seiten:168


Barefoot in the Rubble

Author: Elizabeth B. Walter

Ethnic Cleansing Post WWII. A Story of Courage.  The author's remembrances during life in her home village of Karlsdorf and later Rudolfsgnad, her family's life under the Partisans, and later trying to rebuild their lives in a bombed out Germany.


Banater Bilder

by Konschitzky, Walter
Reportagen und Berichte aus dem Dorfleben / Reports on Village Life

Pg Headings by Jody McKim
5 Vorbenerkung
9 Auf Der Heide
26 In Der Hecke
43 Ein Stuck Heimat Bewahrt
53 Ein Tag Fur Stefan Jager
71 Zwischen Ankunft und Abfahrt
85 Lebeb Mit Dem Fluss
105 Im Geburtsort Muller-Guttenbrunns
119 Gemeinsame Wege
129 Endstation Liebing
149 Wo Fisch Und Reis Zu Hause Sind
163 Tiroler Im Banat
171 Am Steierbach, Im Steirawald
193 Die Deutschböhem Im Bergland
210 Das Dorf In Der Stadt
223 Mut Nach Hundert Jahren
240 Photos by the author
Pg Heading - translations by Diana Lambing
5 Introduction
9 On the heath
26 In the hedgerow
43 A piece of Heimat preserved (recollections)
53 A day for Stefan Jäger
71 Between arrival and departure
85 Life with the river (if it's Leben, & not Lebeb)
105 In Muller-Guttenbrunn's birthplace
119 Mutual ways
129 Terminus - Liebing
149 Where fish & rice are at home ('Reis' = rice?)
163 Tirol people in the Banat
171 At Steierbach, in Steira forest
193 German Bohemians in the mountain region
210 The village in the town
223 Courage after a hundred years
240 Photos by the author


Casualty of War
A Childhood Remembered

Author: By Luisa Lang Owen
Foreword by Charles M. Barber

Danube Swabians were the targets of random revenge and ethnic cleansing.

Luisa Lang Owen talks about her memoir, Casualty of War: A Childhood Remembered, published by Texas A. and M. University Press. She was interviewed by Mr. Owen about her experiences as described in her book, including her travel to the United States. At the end of World War II, Yugoslavia expelled ethnic Germans, who had lived in the Danube Valley for more than three hundred years.


Publisher Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2003; Pages 299, Edition 1st. ISBN 1585442127 / ISBN-13 9781585442126 

LUISA LANG OWEN, born in Yugoslavia before the war, came to America in 1951. A practicing artist who lives in Yellow Springs, Ohio, she is a professor emerita of art education at Wright State University.



Das Banat

Author: Dr. Vladmr Margan



Der fremde Blick oder Das Leben ist ein Furz in der Laterne

Author: Herta Müller

Göttingen : Wallstein-Verlag, 1999
Wallstein-Verlag, Göttingen 2002
ISBN: 3-89244-359-9


Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jäger

Author: Herta Müller

Roman. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1992
ISBN 10: 3596181623 / ISBN 13: 9783596181629
Untertitel: Roman
Serie: Fischer Taschenbücher
Erscheinungsjahr: 2009 / Erschienen bei: Frankfurt Fischer (tb.)
Einband: Kartoniert/Broschiert
Zusatz: 2009. 288 S. 19 cm
Seitenzahl: 288 / Gewicht: 214 / Language:


Der Große Schwabenzug

Author: Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn

Sechstes bis Adptes Taufend??? Verlag (publisher) L. Staackmann , Leipzig  1914

Der König verneigt sich und tötet

Author: Herta Müller

Hanser, München 2003
ISBN: 3-446-20353-2
/ ISBN 10: 3596175348 / ISBN 13: 9783596175345
Serie: Fischer Taschenbücher Bd.17534
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008 / Erschienen bei: Frankfurt Fischer (tb.)
Einband: Kartoniert/Broschiert
Zusatz: 2008. 203 S. 19 cm / Seitenzahl: 203 / Gewicht: 160


Der Mensch ist ein großer Fasan auf der Welt

Author: Herta Müller

Roman. Berlin: Rotbuch-Verlag, 1986; Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1995
ISBN: 3-499-13385-7


Der Teufel Sitzt Im Spiegel: Wie Wahrnehmung Sich Erfindet

Author: Herta Müller

Berlin: Rotbuch-Verlag, 1991 Binding: Paperback
ISBN 10: 3880227675 / ISBN 13: 9783880227675


Der Wächter nimmt seinen Kamm : vom Weggehen und Ausscheren

Author: Herta Müller

Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1993

Die Banater Schwaben

Author: Anton Valentin

kurzgefasste Geschichte einer südostdeutschen Volksgruppe ; mit einem volkskundlichen Anhang, München 1959. 118 pages. Publication of the Culture des Kulturreferates der Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben.
A condensed history of a southeast German group of peoples; with a volkskundlichen appendix Valentin, Anton Munich 1959. 118 S. Veröffentlichung/Publication of the Kulturreferates of the homeland association of the Banater Swabia; Arbeitsh.
Die Banater Schwaben 1966 Geschichte Banat Auswanderung

Author: Nikolaus Engelmann

Auf Vorposten des Abendlandes, Pannonia-Verlag Freilassing; 1966, 120 Seiten, Großformat: 28 x 20 cm. Aus dem Inhalt: Geschichte der Banater Schwaben in Wort und Bild.  Publisher: Pannonia Freilassing-Verlag; 1966, 120 pages, large format: 28 x 20 cm. From the contents: history of the Banat Swabia in word and image.

Die blassen Herren mit den Mokkatassen

Author: Herta Müller

Hanser, München 2005
ISBN: 3-446-20677-9


Die Landwirtschaftliches Leistungen der Banater Schwaben

in Rumänien 1919-1944

(E: The agricultural achievements of the Banater Swabian in Rumania 1919-1944)

Author: Josef Komanschek, 1961, Government Agriculture Advice


Die Donau Schwaben

Author: Ingomar Senz

Book (Illustrated), 240 pages, Publisher Langen Müller, München, 1994. ISBN: 3784425224

Die Donauschwaben



Die Glocken der Heimat

Author: Adam Müller Guttenbrunn

Verlag (publisher) L Staackmann Leipzig 1911


Die Nacht ist aus Tinte gemacht

Authors: Böhm, Thomas, Herta Müller, Sander, Klaus

2 Audio-CDs
ISBN-10: 3932513886
ISBN-13: 9783932513886


Die Nicht Sterben Wollten

Author: Anton Scherer

Donauschwaben Literatur von Lenau bis zur Gegenwart Ein Buch vom Leben der Deutschen und ihrer Nachbarn in Südosteuropa. 1959, Pannonia-Verlag Freilassing (publisher). A book about the life of the Germans and their neighbors in south-eastern Europe.)

Donauschwabische Geschichte

Authors: Ingomar Senz, Rudolf Fath, Friedrich Fathas

Language: German, Publication Date: 1997. ISBN: 3800413477

Donauschwäbische Lebensformen an der Mittleren Donau

Author: Hans Gehl

Marburg, Elwert Verlag 2003 ISBN 3-7708-1228-X; 2003 - 330 pages, 19 Abb., 7 maps.

Donauschwäbisches Ortsnamenbuch für die ehemals und teilweise noch deutsch besiedelten Orte in Ungarn, Jugoslawien (ohne Slowenien) sowie West-Rumänien (Banat und Sathmar).

Authors: Isabella Regenyi and Anton Scherer

Title Translation: Danube-Swabian Place Name Book for those formerly and partly still German places in Hungary, Yugoslavia (without Slovenia) and West Romania (Banat and Sathmar).  Language: German.  Publication Date: 1980.  188 S.+12 Karten. (15:21) Kstf. = SchrR zur donauschwäbischen Herkunftsforschung Euro 22,00

Drückender Tango

Author: Herta Müller

Erzählungen. – Bukarest: Kriterion-Verlag, 1984;
Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1996
ISBN: 3-499-22080-6



Es War Einmal - The Yesteryears of the Danube Swabians

Author: Sister Mary Agnes Theiszmann Pitzer

A historical novel, in English. 269 pp. including 24 black/white photos by renowned Danube Swabian painter Stefan Jäger. I-SBN 0-9699880-0-1 National Library.  © Heimat Publishers, contact Frank Schmidt - note: as of 3/16/06 Frank has six copies of this book left and could likely get some more from Sister Mary Agnes.

Exploring French, German & Spanish

Author: Jacob Steigerwald



Finding Vital 1796-1945 Data Regarding German and Hungarian Ancestors of Banat(ska) Topola and Novo Selo, Plus an Exposé About the Local 1945-1946 Internment Camp for Germans of Yugoslavia

Author: Jacob Steigerwald

The publication should also be of particular interest to descendants of Danube Swabians who have been wondering about actual procedures that Tito’s partisans employed in wiping out the ethnic group. In a variety of ways, my account also has relevance regarding criminal actions against indigenous Germans elsewhere in the country, from 1944 until 1948. [16 Nov 2009]
~ Banat Topola Village information



Photo taken at the
2011 Mansfield Treffen (Jody McKim Pharr)

From Franzfeld to Mansfield
A Journey Through Tito’s Death Camps

Author: Edna Schuster Becker

Publisher: Outskirts Press (June 16, 2010); Language: English; Paperback: 200 pages; ISBN-10: 1432749129 / ISBN-13: 978-1432749125

This memoir conveys the journey of ethnic Germans living in an area that had changed to a non-German nationality after WWI in southeastern Europe. The towns existed because during the Austria-Hungary reign, people were asked to resettle there from northern areas of that empire. The author tells the story of her life that began in a town called Franzfeld, not too far from Belgrade. The town now is called Kacareva.

During and after WWII, the village was occupied by the German Army, then the Russian Army and ended up under Tito's regime. The men were away in the war. This town, along with other German towns, was drastically changed after the Russians came through in 1944. The Russians took men and unmarried women with them to rebuild their war-torn country. These workers lived in camps with little food and had to perform hard labor.

When Tito came to power, the Germans were stripped of all their rights. In 1945 all Germans were forced into concentration camps, many of them known as death camps.

The author and most of her family survived, and because of her mother's courage, escaped to Austria in 1947. After re-uniting with her father, it took the family five more years to find a permanent home in America.

Franzfeld Village Information



Geschichte der deutsch-böhmischen Ansiedlungen im Banat

Author: Graßl, Peter

[E: History of the German-Bohemian settlements in the Banat]. 1904, Prague, publisher unknown. 128 Pages. (Beiträge zur deutsch-böhmischen Volkskunde V/2)

Gesichte des Banates

Author: Franz Wettel, Temesvar

in Altertum U. Mittelalter (in Ancient Times)
Verlag der Deutsch - Banater Volksbucher


German-Hungarian Relations & and The Swabian Problem, From Karolyi to Gombos, 1919-1936

Author: Thomas Spira

© 1977 [East European monographs] ISBN: 0914710184
Der große Schwabenzug 1927

Author: Adam Müller Guttenbrunn

Published by L. Staackmann, 1913
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized Jul 10, 2007
377 pages
Roman - achtundzwanzigstes bis dreißigstes Tausend; Leipzig Verlag L.Staackmann 1927, 374 Seiten; Inhaltsverzeichnis: Die Botschaft des Konstablers; Die Brautwerber; In der Wiener Hofkanzlei; Das Brautschiff; Mereys Heimkehr; Der Audienztag des Gouverneurs; Bei den Kuruzzen; Die Völkerwanderung hebt an; Die Schwaben in Wien; Fronleichnam in Alt-Wien; Zwei besondere Fälle; Der Gast Aus dem Banat; Die Baronin Helene; In den Auen des Mohatsch; Neue Heimat; Bei den sieben Kurfürsten; Vater und Sohn an der Arbeit; Die Rundreise; Ein seltsames Hochtzeitsmahl; Bei den Verschollenen; Delibab; Allerlei Kämpfe; Ernster Ausklang.


Heute wär ich mir lieber nicht begegnet

Author: Herta Müller

1997 Publisher: Rohwolt, ISBN 3 498 043897


Irene's Song

Author: Astrid Julian

Charleville, St Hubert, and Soltur, the three sister villages making up Banatsko Veliko Selo.

Still, it frightened Nanji to think that of all the people in the surrounding villages, only Danitza had the courage to come and visit. She watched Danitza walk down the tree-lined street. The leaves of the young trees had been trimmed into small round balls. As a child Nanji liked to imagine giant poodles living under the village streets. When fall winds blew through Charlevil, St Hubert, and Soltur, the three sister-villages making up Banatsko Veliko Selo, it looked like the poodles were wagging their tails in anticipation of the good food the harvest would bring.

Snippet from:

More about Banatsko Veliko Selo (Charleville, Sankt Hubert and Soltur):

SEE: Banatsko Veliko Selo




Janitscharen? Die Kindertragödie im Banat

Author: Karl Springenschmid
Published by Schutzverein Österr. Landsmannschaft (Wien), 1978

Our Lost Children: Janissaries?
Translated (additional notes) by John Adam Kohler and Eve Eckert Koehler

Mass kidnapping by Communists of 20,000 children of ethnic Germans from Banat.  Published by Eckartschriften, Vienna, Austria, was translated from German by John Adam Koehler and Eve Eckert Koehler under the title 'Our Lost Children: Janissaries?' (87 p.). The English edition was published in 1980 by the Danube Swabian Association of the U.S.A., Inc.  Copies may be available from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (where Ms. Koehler worked), through antiquarian sources, or via Inter Library Loan.



Kochbuch der Donauschwaben

Author: Magda Waigand

Cookbook of the Danube Swabians Self-published, 1970


Landsmannschaft der Donauschwaben in Oberösterreich


Landsmannschaft der Donauschwaben in Oberösterreich (Hrsg.). 60 Jahre Donauschwaben in Oberösterreich 1944-2004. Erstellt von Oskar Feldtänzer und Georg Wildmann. 110 S.  Flucht , Ankunft, Seßhaftmachung und Integration der Donauschwaben in Oberösterreich.

Le Banat

Author: Gregoire Yakchitch

Publisher: La Revue Hebromadaire 1915





Miss Bukarest

Author: Richard Wagner

Aufbau - Verlag 2001  ISBN 3-351-02926-8



My journey from the Banat to Canada

Author: Nick Tullius

Publisher: AuthorHouse (August 18, 2011); Language: English; ISBN-10: 1463418353; ISBN-13: 978-1463418359; Hardcover: 204 pages; available in paperback and kindle.

Ordering information: Available at; Barnes & Noble (just by entering Nick Tullius or the title of the book).





Author: Herta Müller

Translated & afterword by Sieglinde Lug.
Language: English
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1999. Translation of Niederungen



Author: Alfred-Maurice de Zayas

The expulsion of the Germans from the East following World War II,  3rd Edition.


Author: Herta Müller

Bukarest: Kriterion-Verlag, 1982
Berlin: Rotbuch-Verlag, 1984



Osterreich und die Banater Schwaben

Author: Hans Dama (editor)

"Austria and the Banat Swabians" Verlag Pollischanski, Wien 2005


Pass-Protokolle des Deutsch-Banatischen Grenzregiments 1796-1806

Author: Josef Frank

Materials for the settlement of the southwest Banats.  Passport minutes of the German Deutsch-Banati border regiment.  The price plus postage by ship is $30.00 or $39.00 if you want the book by airmail. Sample of what one finds in the book.


Profile of an Americanized Danube Swabian Ethnically Cleansed under Tito

Author: Jacob Steigerwald

See: Reviews



  Seven Susannah's, daughters of the Danube

Author: Eve Eckert Koehler

Published: 1976 by Danube Swabian Societies of the United States and Canada, Unknown Binding, 86 pgs


Städte und Dörfer (Towns and Villages)

Editor: Elke Hoffmann, Peter-Dietmar Leber and Walter Wolf

Contributions to the settlement history of the Germans in the Banat. Series: The Banat and the Banat Swabians, Volume 5, published by the Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben, Munich 2011, ISBN 3-9229979-63-7, large format, 670 pages + 1 map, price € 45 - plus shipping costs.


Stefan Heinz-Kehrert

Author: Stefan Heinz-Kehrer

born 28 Feb 1913 in Kleinsanktpeter, Banat IM ZANGENGRIFF DER ZEITEN - Ein langes Leben-in kurzen Geschichten "A long life in short stories"


The Banat Germans

Author: Nikolaus Engelmann (Translated from German by John Michels)

Banat Danube Swabians customs and history. 136 pages.  Heimat Publishers, contact Frank Schmidt


  The Danube Germans

Author: Eve Koehler



The Danube Swabians: A People with Portable Roots

Author: Katherine Stenger-Frey 

A history of the origins of the Danube Swabians and their immigration to Canada.
172 pages / soft cover (out of print)
ISBN: 0919303617 / 0-919303-61-7
ISBN: 9780919303614
Publisher: Mika Publishing Company,
Belleville Ontario, 1982
Publication Date: 1982


  The Danube Swabians: Biography of a People from Inception to Dispersal

Author: Michael Bresser



  The Danube-Swabians in the Pannonian Basin, A new German Ethnic Group

Author: Anton Tafferner, Josef Schmidt, and Josef Volkmar Senz

Unknown Binding: 24 pages; Publisher: Danube Swabian Association (1982); Language: English; ASIN: B0006EQXLU




The Innocent Must Pay, Memoirs of a Danube German Girl in a Yugoslavian Death Camp 1944 - 1948

Author:  Maria Horwath Tenz

The memoirs of a teenage girl caught up in the cruelty and barbarism which raged throughout Europe during and after World War II and her experience in the Rudolfsgnad prison camp in Yugoslavia, 179 pgs.  Mrs. Tenz passed away February, 2007. 

It was originally published in 1987 under the title, VIER JAHRE MEINES LEBENS, ALS MÄDCHEN IM HUNGERLAGER RUDOLSFGNAD, Lizenzausgabe mit Genehmigung des Eugen-Verlas, München/Bayern.  In 1988-89 this book was revised and translated with the assistance of her son, Mr. Helmut Tenz, and the Danube Swabian Association, USA. The English version was published in 1991. [Recommended by Nancy Fredenberg]

  The Great Swabian Trek (1913)

Author: Adam Müller-Guttenbrunn



The Land of Green Plums

Author: Herta Müller

Translated by the poet Michael Hoffman

Herta Muller's first work to be translated into English, THE LAND OF GREEN PLUMS tells the story of a young woman and her friends in Ceausescu's Rumania, who travel from the provinces in search of better prospects in the city. But things are no better there. The narrator watches while totalitarianism infiltrates the lives of her friends, and her own life, causing suicide, betrayal, and corruption in rulers and citizenry alike. (Translated from her book: Herztier)

Publisher: NY Metropolitan Books / Henry Holt & Co
Publication Date:
English / Format: Hardcover
ISBN-10: 0805042954 / ISBN-13: 9780805042955



  The Pied Poets Contemporary verse of the Transylvanian and Danube Germans of Romania

Author: Robert Elsie




Author: Filip, Wilma

(E: Tears instead of bread, 1944-1948)

1944 - 1948 im serbischen Banat 235 S. m. v. Abbildungen, Paperback ISBN: 3 - 87336 - 164 - 7


Valley of the Shadow: After the Turmoil, My Heart Cries No More

Author: Erich Anton Helfert and Donald S. Ellis

Ethnic Cleansing Post WWII - A Story of Courage, centers on the Sudetenland, where the native German-speaking population.


Vom Banat Nach Kanada

Author: Nikolaus Tullius

In the first part of this volume, the author describes life in a Banat-Swabian village during and after the Second World War.  The second part of the book deals with the migration of the author to join his father in Canada, and his integration into the new environment.

Publisher: Monsenstein und Vannerdat (April 2011)
212 Pages  / Language: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3869912642  /  ISBN-13: 978-3869912646

Ordering information:

  1. Click on
  2. On the top line, where it says “Title, Author, ISBN” enter “Tullius”
  3. Click “Search”;
  4. Click on the desired book: Softcover ($9.80) or Hardcover (14.80);
  5. On new page, click on ADD TO CART
  6. On new page, click on Checkout
  7. Proceed to payment by credit card (via secure connection) 

The book can also be ordered from from sources such as and or through any bookstore or library.

  Von Der Abschiedsgasse Bis Zum "Zwolfhaus"

Author: Anton Peter Petri

Die Gassennamen in Den Ehemaligen Deutschen Siedlungen Der Batschka, Bosniens, der Jugoslawischen Baranya, Kroatiens, Slawoniens Und Syrmiens. Versuch Einer Sammlung Und Sichtung. München 1980, 168 pages.  Publisher: Verlag des Südostdeutschen Kulturwerks. 
9783883560069, ISBN: 3883560065


The War of Our Childhood: Memories of World War II

Author: Wolfgang W. E. Samuel




Last Updated: 22 Nov 2020 ©2003 Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands, a Nonprofit Corporation.
Webmaster: Jody McKim Pharr
Keeping the Danube Swabian legacy alive!